I am trying to contact you with some pre-sales questions but your contact form doesn’t exist (also, several of your links don’t go anywhere). I’ll try here (but you should maybe try to fix your own website)
Does your plugin allow a slider of upcoming events at all or just the calendar itself as well as an individual event?
There is no embedded option for registration to events or anything similar?
I need to be able to have multiple calendars views of the same event. A yearly calendar showing all my events. A yearly calendar showing only events of a certain category(color?). A monthly calendar of the same as the yearly types. A next event calendar showing only the very next event coming up (for my home page).
I don’t want to have to duplicate a single event five times to do this. Events are singular. Calendars should be multiple. I should be able to associate an event with any number of calendars. i.e. a many-to-many relationship is DB speak.
]]>Hello,is it possible event titles to be linked?
Or the whole event to be linked on an event page?
I need your technical help with this problem
The Event Calendars plugin shows me these errors
In debug WordPress:
bare_url in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-content/plugins/event-calendars/index.php on line 35
Notice: Undefined variable: comment_id in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-content/plugins/event-calendars/index.php on line 35
In the Theme Manager panel I present these errors with php code
Date Options> Format https://prnt.sc/qed56p it shows me php code
Date Options> Text Align https://prnt.sc/qed5tk it shows me php code
Following these codes, I attach the php of the errors https://prnt.sc/qed70r
thanks for your help
How can I change the names of the months and days to Spanish.
I read this answer from you to another user a few months ago.
From the admin panel, find the “Settings” field. After that, click on the “General” menu. Find the “Site Language” and there choose the language that you want to see in the calendar. After that click
on the “Save Changes” button.
My administration wordpres panel is in Spanish language, but the calendar does not change
In the plugin I can’t find any place where I can change the language
Any suggestions for you to put in Spanish?
Thank you
Hallo, I use your plugin for Slovak language. And I changed name of days and months to Slovak language in jquery.calendario.js, but it don not show me a diacritics. Where I can change or put it for utf-8 code? Thanks.
]]>hi, the plug-in shows the empty calendar. in the browser console I see this error:
typeError: Modernizr.prefixed is not a function
I have the latest version of wordpress.
]]>It was working for but no longer is! Link to calendar is https://www.shawnesmaneattraction.com/events/
]]>can you tell me this Calendar have Chinese version or not in pro Calendar?
I means if i will buy pro Developer EVENT CALENDAR 2 ,Do you have Chinese .MO and .PO ?
The calendar widget is active. I added an event to the calendar. No text just a box.
I have a multi site set up and Buddypress installed. Everything is up to date and current.
it’s me again..
Previously you emailed me that it is possible that popover comes up when u only hover mouse cursor on the date without clicking. So I’d like to know, how can I get this? On the mobile phone event will appear when you touch the event day, right?
And one more thing –
is it possible to add locker on all Sundays? Like this – https://i.imgur.com/yfI6Dao.png
My site is in three languages – Latvian, English and Russian (3 wordpress sites not multilanguage plugin used). I would like to know, how in each site calendar can use calendar in site language? For example my Russian language wordpress site language in settings is Russian, but calendar still is in English. I checked plugin files and there were many of lang files there. So the question – how to change weekday names and all info to Latvian and Russian in calendar?
I installed your plugin WORDPRESS EVENT CALENDAR TS PLUGIN, but I got some issues. I chose the template for calendar, added two test events with title and description, but the plugin does not show those events on popover. URL: https://alusdarbnica.lv/kalendars/ Here is the screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/dSIizHB.png
How can I solve this?
]]>Hello, I’ve got a problem. When I create another calendars every one displays event from first calendar but not for its own. Every one have unique theme (when its set) but events are displayed only from first one.
Could you help me?
In the Popover I can’t see:
Grid color
Header Options
Month color options
Year color options
Weekday options
Day Options
Today Options
Everything is coming up blank no matter what color I use
In your General Options I have the function to set the width of the Calendar.
Can I increase and decrease the height to my liking?
]]>Can I import the pdf file with my events into your calendar for making events at once?
]]>Hello dear team.
I am using your second calendar plugin too. And I have questions here.
I have putted it in widget and before it I have search field and after it I have other plugin. Can we make some empty places between your plugin and these fields?
Thank You.
]]>How to change Weekday names? I want to write 2 letters for each day because I want to put calendar in widget and calendar will be smaller. Is it possible?
Thank You.
I am trying to make events with images. But in content the image gets margin from bottom. How can we remove that margin?
]]>I am using your plugin and you have beautifull design. I have many events on my calendar, but when I am clicking to see my events, event content will not show. What can I do?
Thank You.