wrong topic, sorry
I had been checking the logs and i saw that the plugin gives a mistake: “Notice: Undefined property: WP_Locale::$is_rtl in /usr/home/MYWEB.ORG/web/wp-content/plugins/event-geek/core/gg-scripts.php on line 96”
What’s wrong? what should i do?
]]>Hi! The plugin is awesome! I have a little problem: I have WordPress in Spanish but the plugin is still in English. How can I change the language to Spanish? Thanks for the help!
Can event list be setup so it has a link to a single event page.
I just want to show only the title and the date on the listing thumb and full description on the detail page.
]]>I see that this is not the latest version, but I’m getting no option to update Event Geek. Be that as it may, the calendar Month (EG, “June”), as well as the adjacent buttons are floating half off the grey background strip. Also, the Events calendar appearing on its own page is crushed vertically. I’d like to make it square.
Thanks for any help.
]]>Is it possible to have different colours on the calendar widget?
I have tried to made different categories, and set background colours to the different categories, but the colours dont appear in the widget.
In the Options I can set a background colour and that one works. But that will only make same colour for everything…
Example: Birthdays can be Blue and appointments Red
]]>I have loaded the images and css files into cpanel, but I don’t understand where to get the theme url. Can someone please assist?
I have used the jQuery UI theme roller to customize my calendar style – I have downloaded it onto my computer and now I am stuck.
Have no idea where I’m suppose to “upload” or save the files and what the url is that I must enter into the plugin options.
]]>I tried your demos on your demo page.
They don’t work….
Maybe you need to update for 3.9.2?
]]>Want to set an event every Thursday from 0800 – 0900. If I use Start/End dates – it enters EVERY day for the event. If I select Single Day Event – it is JUST for that day.
So how are recurring events handled?
Thanks – Ken
I am trying to style the layout of the calendar. I have a template that supports sidebars in content area. So i created a sidebar that has the events calendar in. I t appears all right but when i change the layout from the options it doesnt change at all. Any tip pls?
I’m displaying the event calendar on a static page, and I’d like the calendar to float left or right, with text beside it. Can this be done, and if so, how please?
]]>On days with multiple events, most events are listed by added event entry order but sometimes the order of the events is screwed up…this occurs both in the calendar popup lists and page/post lists.
I feel the addition of a start time field along with the start date field could alleviate this issue. Also would like to see a re-occurring event feature as mentioned in another post.
Otherwise a nice plugin for my purposes.
]]>I’m using the plugin and all was going well until we added a bunch of Events to the system (28) and then we started getting an “Internal Server Error” message and the WordPress site would not load at all. Deactivating the plugin clears up the problem and the site loads normally (so I know it’s the events plugin causing the problem). Have you seen this before? Is there a work around? Thanks for any help you can lend.
]]>I’m loving your plugin and I’ve been doing some tweaking of it for my client’s needs. I added some custom fields to the Events pages and got those working. I am able to display a list of events on our homepage and it’s formatted so it looks very nice. You can see the list under “Upcoming IPA Events” on this page: Go to page (we’re still in testing and building phase).
With my custom fields I was able to add two fields, one is “display on homepage” and the other is “put on top of the list”. Both or true/false fields and I’m able to capture the fields and use the data. I’ve made some changes to your gg-shortcodes.php code to do what I need to do. BUT here’s my issue, I don’t know how to take an event that I’ve designated to be “top of the list” and actually have it render at the top of the list. Can you point me in the right direction, I’m by no means a PHP expert, I know enough to be dangerous. Basically I need some sort of “if statement” that says:
if($topoflist == 1)
{ move this event to the top of the list }
Any ideas, pointers, code or encouragement would be SO appreciated! I’m pretty happy with 90% of what I’ve done in your PHP code, but this last bit has me stumped.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Here is the code for my gg_shortcodes.php file:
function gg_eventlist_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ){
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'order' => 'ASC',
'limit' => -1,
'category' => 'all',
'all_dates' => false,
'format' => 'content'
// ...etc
), $atts ) );
$return = apply_filters('gg_shortcode_begin', '<div class="event-listing gg_short">');
global $post;
$gg_event_options = get_option( 'gg_event_options');//get event plugin options
$clickedDate = $_GET['date'];
$cat = $_GET['cat'];
$meta_query = array(
'key' => 'gg_event_dates',
'value' => date($gg_event_options['gg_event_date_format'], strtotime($clickedDate)),
'compare' => 'LIKE'
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'gg_events',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => 'gg_event_dates',
'orderby' => $orderby,
'order' => $order,
'meta_query' => $meta_query,
} else {
//set up query to show only events that haven't ended
$metaquery = array(
'key' => 'gg_event_date_end_standard_format',
'value' => date('Y/n/j'),
'compare' => '>=',
'type' => 'date'
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'gg_events',
'orderby' => $orderby,
'meta_key' => 'gg_event_dates',
'order' => $order,
'posts_per_page' => $limit
$args['meta_query'] = $metaquery;
if($cat && $cat != 'all'){
$args['event_category'] = $cat;
$term = get_term_by('slug', $cat, 'event_category');
elseif($category !='all'){
$args['event_category'] = $category;
$term = get_term_by('slug', $category, 'event_category');
if($term->name){$return .= apply_filters('gg_before_event_category_title', '<h3 class="event_category_title">') . apply_filters('gg_event_category_title', $term->name) . apply_filters('gg_after_event_category_title', '</h3>');}
$return .= apply_filters('gg_before_clicked_date', '<h3>') . apply_filters('gg_clicked_date',date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($clickedDate))) . apply_filters('gg_after_clicked_date', '</h3>');
$query = new WP_Query($args);
while ( $query->have_posts() ) { $query->the_post();
$gg_names = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'gg_names', true); //get list of meta names
$meta = gg_get_saved_meta($gg_names,$post->ID);// load meta data
$return .= '<div class="event-listing">';
$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $meta['event_image_id'], 'thumbnail'); // returns an array
$return .= '<img class="event_thumb" src="' . $thumb[0] .'"width=100"' . '" alt="' . get_the_title() . '" />';
}//end if($thumb)
if($format == 'content' || !get_the_content()){
$city_country = get_field('city_country');
$submission_date = get_field('submission_date');
$submission_datePrint = strtotime($submission_date);
$submission_datePrint = date('F j, Y',$submission_datePrint);
$registration_date = get_field('registration_date');
$registration_datePrint = strtotime($registration_date);
$registration_datePrint = date('F j, Y',$registration_datePrint);
$before_title = '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '"><h4>';
$after_title = '</h4><h3>' . $city_country . '</h3>';
} else{
$before_title = '<h4><a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">';
$after_title = '</a></h4>';
$return .= apply_filters('gg_before_event_title', $before_title);
$return .= get_the_title();
$return .= apply_filters('gg_after_event_title', $after_title);
$return .= apply_filters('gg_before_event_dates', '<div class="event_dates">');
$eventStartDate = apply_filters('gg_before_event_start_date' ,'<span class="datestart">') . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'),strtotime($meta['gg_event_date_start_standard_format'])) . apply_filters('gg_after_event_start_date' ,'</span>');
$eventEndDate = apply_filters('gg_before_event_end_date' , '<span class="dateend"> ' . __('to', 'event_geek')) . ' ' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'),strtotime($meta['gg_event_date_end_standard_format'])) . apply_filters('gg_after_event_end_date' ,'</span>');
$return .= apply_filters('gg_event_start_date', $eventStartDate);
$return .= apply_filters('gg_event_end_date', $eventEndDate);
}// end if(!$meta['gg_is_single_day'])
// if there is no Submission Date then do not show the Submission Date text
if($submission_datePrint == "January 1, 1970") {
$return .= apply_filters('gg_after_event_dates', '<br /><p>Registration begins: ' . $registration_datePrint . '</p></div>');
} else {
$return .= apply_filters('gg_after_event_dates', '<br /><p>Submission deadline: ' . $submission_datePrint . '<br />Registration begins: ' . $registration_datePrint . '</p></div>');
// $return .= apply_filters('gg_after_event_dates', '<br /><p>Submission deadline: ' . $submission_datePrint . '<br />Registration begins: ' . $registration_datePrint . '</p></div></a>');
$return .= get_event_geek_info($post->ID);
if($format == 'content'){
$return .= apply_filters('gg_before_event_shortcode_content', '<div class="gg_event_content">', $meta);
// $return .= get_the_content();
$return .= apply_filters('gg_after_event_shortcode_content', '</div>', $meta);
$return .= '</a><div class="clear"></div>';
$return .= '</div>';// .event-listing
} wp_reset_postdata(); //end while
$gg_event_options = get_option( 'gg_event_options');
if($gg_event_options['event_promote'] == "yes"){
$return .= '<p class="event_geek_promo"><a href="https://graphicgeek.net/event-geek" target="_blank">' . __('Powered by', 'event_geek') . ' Event Geek</a></p>';
$return .= apply_filters('gg_shortcode_end', '</div>');
return $return;
add_shortcode( 'event_geek_list', 'gg_eventlist_shortcode' );
I’ve got the calendar in a sidebar of my site. The only issues I’m having is that the buttons to go to the next or previous month have some bugs in them.
In Explorer, they work perfectly
In Firefox, they have a weird jump, but they still work
In Chrome, they have a weird jump and do not work
I would like to request some help in getting this fixed so those buttons work in all browsers that might be used.
]]>Thanks for a wonderful plugin. It’s well written and documented, and makes a great base for customization.
I ran into the following issue, and have a solution that others may find helpful. If an author forgets to either check “single day post” or enter an end date, the end date defaults to the post date, and nothing shows up. Similarly, if the author accidentally posts an end date that’s before the start date, nothing shows up. This can be confusing.
I opened up core\gg-post-type.php, and added the following code beginning at 197 (after the closing brace, of course):
if($events_meta['gg_event_date_end_standard_format']< $events_meta['gg_event_date_start_standard_format']){
$events_meta['gg_event_date_end_standard_format'] = $events_meta['gg_event_date_start_standard_format'];
All this does is to set the date_end field to the date_start field if the end date is blank or before the beginning – thus defaulting to a single date event.
So far it seems to be a worthwhile hack, but let me know if you can see any problems with it.
I need to somehow change the style of the date. If I change the code in the core it works, but I don’t want to have to change the code with every update. I have tried adding a filter in my functions.php file, but either I’m missing something or its not possible, I’m not sure which. This is the closest I’ve gotten so far but the date that it’s giving me is today’s date and not the date of the event. What its supposed to look like is a box with a background with the date on top, month in the middle and year on the bottom. Is there any other way to achieve this? Thanks in advance!
function changeStartDate($eventStartDate){
$eventStartDate=apply_filters(‘gg_before_event_start_date’ ,'<div class=”fancy_date”><p class=”fancyday”>’) . date_i18n((‘d’),strtotime($meta[‘gg_event_date_start_standard_format’])).'</p><p class=”fancymonth”>’ . date_i18n((‘M’),strtotime($meta[‘gg_event_date_start_standard_format’])).'</p><p class=”fancyyear”>’ . date_i18n((‘Y’),strtotime($meta[‘gg_event_date_start_standard_format’])) . apply_filters(‘gg_after_event_start_date’ ,'</p></div>’);
return $eventStartDate;
There are some strange calendar bugs going on. Nothing is showing up on the 26th of any month. If you want, I can email you a screenshot of the php errors that popped up at the top of my screen.
Thank you!
From the widget, clicking on an event date (28th March) I get the following error at the top of the pop-up box.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in path_to_file/plugin.php on line 1375
path_to_file is placeholder for the actual path to that file
]]>Hi everyone!
I just need a simple help: I want that when users click in an event in the calendar, if not logged in, they’re redirected to Homepage. I imagine this isn’t difficult but I’m a newbie…
Thank you!
]]>Here is my site. https://jamesrsmall.com/
I’ve tried changing the style to each of the style options and nothing happens to the calendar. Also, the arrows are invisible. Otherwise a great plugin. Please help!
]]>Hi there.
Thanks for a great events calendar.
I have a bit of a problem with the pop-up that opens from the widget. It works fine in that it pops up with the information about the event but when I try to close it it opens a new tab/window to Twitter. Clicking anywhere in the pop-up, even the ‘x’ to close it opens Twitter for some reason. I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t see any links to Twitter anywhere.
Can you help with this as I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong?
Many thanks for your help.
Is it possible to add filters below the calendar widget on the front-end so the user can filter events based on these, and is there a page that will list all events?
]]>Hi i am having an issue with the calendar widget over extending the sidebar.
Please see image attached.
How do i make the calendar width suit the sidebar?
Is it possible for me to create a list of the next 10 upcoming events? With an output as: “<date> <titel>” and when I click the title that it will open the popup?
Same effect as the calendar, but then in a list instead of calendar.
I can’t figure out how to do that
When the content of the page is short the calendar appears with the correct size. But when the content of the page is large, then the calendar extends.
Does anybody has the same problem?
I’ve installed the widget. My web is multilanguage. When I change the language, the months of the calendar appears in the correct language, but when I click to a day with an event, this event appears only with the default language.
Can anybody tell me what I can do to solve this?
I loaded the event geek plugin and it appeared to be working well.
I found that the info displayed in the pop up always appears in the same language (my wordpress language by default).
I’m using qtranslate, and i insert the text in the two languages, but it only appears in one…
anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance
]]>Hello graphicgeek!
I am using your plugin for the first time and I think it is awesome.
I was wondering if it was possible to call shortcodes from other plugins from within the gg_evnts post type?
My specific example is that I’d like to embed a MapPress map in the post (i.e. [mappress mapid=”1″]) or somehow include that map as part of gg_event_info div.
Please let me know your thoughts on this matter.
Happy New Year!
EDIT: BTW, I’m using WP Network 3.8, event-geek 2.5.2, MapPress Easy Google Maps (free) 2.40.7, sixteen theme.