Hi, when creating the EventPress child theme, the front page sections (slider, organizer, countdown) are missing. What needs to be done to fix that?
When saving the date & time of the countdown timer the time that has been defined will be always replaced by another time.
It set’s the time always 7-8mins after the time I’ve set. I am not able to use the countdown correctly.
Any known issues with that?
I have a heavily customized theme wordpress/buddypress that eventpress was working beautifully. I upgraded either buddypress or wordpress and suddenly my front (static) page is the event page.
Resetting the static page, resetting the permalinks has no effect.
I’m convinced this is MY coding error in the theme but would appreciate any insight anyone has in where to start tracking this down.
/wp-admin/edit.php is also hijacked to the events page.
when I deactivate eventpress, everything goes back to normal.
Anyone have a clue about how I should start tracking down my bug?
very nice plugin I like it
but there are some problem
can help ?
Is there anyway to allow users to create an event without going into the dashboard?
when I created the event I found this error ” Page not found “
thank you
]]>I installed eventpress and buddypress custom posts, the thing is that I cannot create an event front end, is this plugin still on development?
]]>Is there anyway to allow users to create an event without going into the dashboard?
]]>SLUGS doesn’t work in french
]]>Hello, this plugin is great for me, I’m a installation with WP amd Buddypress, the forums and the groups are disable.
How can i put any comment with the event? And how can i show the list and avatars of the people that assist an event??
]]>When you download the file or if you look on trac you are only on version 1.2.7 so wordpress will constantly show the plugin as not up to date. Please fix.
I noticed this problem since the last update. Before, when user click into “register” it send to approve or approve automatically. Now, when user click, he redirect to the “[event-url]/register/”, where ask the user an email for sign up.
How I deactivate this and/or how I customize to display at least an message in my language or something like that.
Thanks ??
I’m getting some problem with the forum tab in events, they post but doesn’t show the “directory” of posts, it’s only possible to see and respond in activity page.
I using eventpress and realized that eventpress close the registration before the time, something like 3-4 hours… is this an problem with the clock? ??
]]>Hello again ??
Since the last update some new cool things show up. Now the user have to put an email address to confirm the registration, right? 2 Things I want to know there. Can I deactivate this need? And how can I customize the page? I miss something explaining the user what he need to do.
I’m using EventPress with BuddyPress but still got some problem with translate. Already posted here similar thing, but I upgraded the plugins and saw it’s working better in this way.
The .mo is all translated, but in the site isn’t everything translated.
I really do not understand why some parts are translated and others no.
]]>WP with Buddypress latest versions.
Assigning role “event-creator” makes it so users cannot author regular blogs.
Assigning role “Author” makes it so users cannot access Event creation menu on dashboard.
Thus the plugin is unusable in buddypress.
REQUEST – Tell me where you check user status and I’ll add “or author status) when displaying plugin on user’s dashboard.
I’am trying to translate the EventPress plugin, but it didn’t working right. I already tried to put the .po and .mo files in /lang/ and in the /trunk/lang/.
The file is named right, “eventpress-pt_BR.po / eventpress-pt_BR.mo”.
Anyone know how I can make it work?
]]>bp Version 1.2.8
I have successfully created an event. Then it takes me to the next step (settings). If I scroll down the the point where i’m supposed to select a group i see this message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_get_group_id()
Please help
Although it seems I can create an event from the backend of Eventpress, it does not create an event from the front end.
It used to show up in the profile section.
Now it doesn’t.
I early had a problem where the links were there but were redirecting elsewhere, but I deactivated and reactivated and now they are just not there.
Now all I see is ‘My Events’ and ‘ Invites’.
Is it intended for users invited to an event to be automatically added to and approved?
Also is there a way a person can unregister from and event?
Thanks for a great plugin.
]]>I have setup and event and it updates the activity when someone registers or there’s an edit, but when I add a comment it doesn’t show on the event page it shows on my profile and in the activity stream. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Sorry if I am bugging you too much, but there is one other question I have. For any given event, the user has the ability to send invitations out for the event. Currently, all of the members in the directory appear on the ‘Send Invites’ section. I saw that you are using the get_inviteable_ids() function to put this query together.
What would be the easiest way for me to limit a user’s ability to send invites to just that user’s friends? We prefer that users can’t invite all the users on the site, as this list is going to be quite large.
On a single event page, there are some links that allow users to manage that event: ‘Home’, ‘Activity’, ‘Edit’, ‘Forum’, ‘Who is Attending’ and ‘Send Invites’.
I have BuddyPress and EventPress installed, and when I go to a user’s profile and click on the ‘Events’ tab, the links shown on the single event page appear. These links don’t make sense here because no individual event is selected. In addition, the URL is pulling the latest blog post for some reason. Not only do these links appear here, but when on someone’s event section of the profile page (and only on these pages), the links in the admin bar change to match those of the single event page. Normally, the admin bar shows ‘My Events’ and ‘Invites’, which is correct.
I corrected the links on the events tab for the user profiles by coding the correct links into the type.php file that I copied into my theme. The admin bar options are still incorrect. I noticed that the $bp global variable contained the menu arrays, but wasn’t sure where or how to to best alter this. It seems to me that you rewrote the event section of the bp_nav_options array to work for the single events pages, and those changes are being improperly carried out on the user profile events pages.
Another issue, the list of events on the events tab for any given user profile was only showing the static front page as an ‘event’. I checked the query variables and the query was just requesting the id of this page.
I fixed this issue by running query_posts() in the type-loop.php file (that I copied to my theme) to fetch the published events for the displayed user.
I wanted to be sure and bring these things to your attention since these seemed to be some rather obvious bugs.
It appears that I may have encountered a limitation to the EventPress (and/or) BuddyPress Custom Posts plugin(s).
I have implemented a CSV upload for EventPress on the site I have been working on. We uploaded just over 2,000 events. These events begin as ‘pending’ until an admin changes the status to ‘publish’. Once I publish 630 events, the events directory crashes and I get Google Chrome’s “Oops! This link appears to be broken!” message. I un-publish 10 events (reverting back to 620 published events, still all 2,000 events are in the database) and the page works just fine.
I understand that the default directory does not have paging, which I figured was the issue. So I adapted the custom directory page I created to display only 20 at a time and made sure I wasn’t returning more than 20 results from my MySQL query. Still, I can publish or un-publish those 10 events (going between 620 and 630 events) and toggle the crashing of the events directory.
I have checked my error logs and found nothing. I have optimized and repaired the database with no result. We have well over 630 posts for a couple of other custom post types (not created using BuddyPress Custom Posts) that we have uploaded via CSV the same way and have not had any issues with those directory pages.
Any ideas as to what might be going on?
We seem to be having an issue with the Google Maps API in EventPress. It was working great and I am not sure if it quit working when we upgraded EventPress or what. I disabled all the plugins just to see (except buddypress, buddypress custom posts and eventpress) and still have the same issue.
Here is a page where it is not working:
If you run the firebug console, you will notice that the google maps api request returns 404 due to a bad request. Any ideas what needs to happen / where to look to fix this?
]]>In combination with your dev plugin with API missing plugin is useless.
]]>Is it possible to insert a next month button in the event calendar view ? And how ?
Can you help me ?
I have a few quick questions about how to customize my install of EventPress…
If I want to have subscribers be able to create events, but don’t want them to go public until an admin approves them, is there a hook in your plugin that will allow me to have all new events have a ‘pending’ status?
I am currently using Justin Tadlock’s Members plugin to grant subscribers the ‘publish_event’ capability. Is there a more elegant way of doing this with your plugin?
Also, I would like to have users be able to select from the categories created by an admin when creating an event. Is there a hook for adding elements to create.php or do I need to create an alternate copy in my theme? If I add an element to the form, what is the best way to be sure it is passed to wp_insert_post properly?
Also, as a side note, I have created an AJAX calendar widget for EventPress. Would you be interested in checking it out for possible inclusion in EventPress, or should I release it as a stand-alone plugin?
]]>filling out a new event is hard to do because the form elements don’t have a black line around them. it’s hard to see what you are supposed to fill in. Standard buddypress has these lines. Good plugin otherwise!
]]>I am getting this error immediately after I check the box of an invitee and click invite
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/content/93/6684393/html/groupevent/wp-content/plugins/eventpress/controllers/bp.php on line 434
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/93/6684393/html/groupevent/wp-content/plugins/eventpress/controllers/bp.php:434) in /home/content/93/6684393/html/groupevent/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890
Any ideas? I have just a couple of other plugins running, none of which are related to invitations.
On the subject of invites, is it possible to restrict members that are available to be invited by friendship first? It appears that any member of buddypress will show up in EP and can be invited. That will be way too many people to sift through.
Rich used this hack to restrict private messaging to friends only with this function here – https://blog.etiviti.com/2010/03/buddypress-hack-remove-send-private-message-for-non-friends/
One additional note, I know this has been mentioned on another post, but invitation via email or facebook friends would be hugely popular too… not sure if Invite Anyone provides a springboard for this, but it would be great.
Thanks for the help!
]]>This plugin is simply wonderful. It is straightforward and simple to use. It also allow the admin great control on who to give access to create events by assigning certain members as Event Creators. This is a great feature because 90 pc of members will not be using this feature, only key members (unless your site is driven by events created by members, which is highly unlikely).
The workflow and form and event creation is simple to follow and use. It also allow the event creators to export details of registrants to excel sheet, which minimises the backend work. The event creator could also specify whether registrations are automatically approved.
Couple of things that need improvement though:
1) You need to create a separate database for events so that it will not be co-mingled with the other bp activities and it is easier to clean up.
2) It will be great if you create a new tab to administer registrants rather than to place it at the bottom of the “Edit” function. I didn’t see the function and assumed, at first, that it is to be managed in the dashboard backend. Actually it can be managed in the front end too.
3) It will be great if we can change the size of the Google map. Unless I am missing something, there doesn’t seem to be such function and right now, the width too wide and the height is too short, makes it hard to view the map.
4) It will be great if you can integrate paypal into the registration forms so that fees can be collected when members sign up for the event.
5) It will be fantastic if you could integrate with this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/invite-anyone/, so that event creators and members can send invites to non-members of the site. I am not sure if this has been integrated as I have not tested it out yet.
6) Events for group is not a feature that I would use for now but I see that it is important for others. I know this could be pretty tricky.
Overall, great plugin with great potential for further development. It works great now but with the above changes, I am sure this plugin will be amongst one of the most popular plugin.