Can you help me figure out how to change the cost of an event from $0.00 to “complimentary” or some other text?
]]>When editing an event (on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=events), when you use the date picker and select a date, it fails if FORCE_SSL_ADMIN is set. The following error shows in Chrome’s console:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
calendar_form.php:13Uncaught TypeError: Property ‘setValue’ of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function
(anonymous function)calendar_form.php:1
]]>I’m testing this plugin for use with a client and currently the confirmation e-mails are being sent twice both to the client and the event creator.
any ideas?
I need to make use of an South African Payment Gateway, called PayGate. ( )
I have not purchase the pro-version yet as i need to know first if this can be done and how difficult it will be. ( i have quite a bit of WordPress knowledge, but never worked with Payment Gateways, beside PayPal.
The main reason is because I need to use South African Rand ( ZAR ) as a currency.
How can I add Venue to the Event Detail – I would have thought that is an obvious bit of detail, like time and date. ( unless this is included in the Pro-version)
Also, how can i display the category and event description in my main event page, which displays all events.
See link:
]]>With an event that is no cost to the attendee there is still a payment button after registration. Is there a way to avoid having that button on free events?
]]>Also, even if they don’t complete the PayPal payment process, it shows they paid. I’m running WP 3.0.4.
Any way I can resolve this quickly?
]]>I am currently running WordPress 3.0.1 and plugin version 2.1.27 with the plugin in debug mode for testing. Upon the initial activatation, I am prompted with a message stating that 952 characters of unexpect output was generated. After activation, I setup the pages and created a test event. Upon putting my information in and specifying 4 additional attendees, I clicked submit and noticed that my debug output file displayed the following:
Event Name/Cost: TEST Event – $75.00
Attendee Name: Taylor McRae
Email Address: [email protected]
Number of Attendees: 5
paypal_class->dump_fields() Output:
Field Name Value
address1 503 Brentwood Place
amount 15.00
business [email protected]
city Nashville
cmd _xclick
currency_code USD
email [email protected]
first_name Taylor
item_name TEST Event | Reg. ID: 6 | Name: Taylor McRae | Total Registrants: 5
last_name McRae
rm 2
state TN
zip 37211
When I receive my confirmation email, I noticed that the price for my tickets were the correct amount in WordPress and in Paypal.
Am I missing something in the setup of this plugin? Haven’t run into this type of issue before.
Hi there,
I’m using the Diarise theme with the integration for Event Espresso.
It says “registration dynamically created by the Event Espresso plugin.”
At the minute, the booking button is pointing to an event that “doesn’t exist or has expired”.
Is there a setting so that when I create a post it creates an event with the correct event id?
I don’t know if I am missing something here but how do I get the plugin to notify the website owner of a registration? Will this shortscode {EVENTPAYPALTXN} send an email out to the site owner?
So I am clear the person registering for the event gets all of the proper emails. But my client is not being notified that there has been a registration.
I just installed your plugin which I find great !
When I installed, I first had an alert message saying in French there were some strange characters in the php files, and should I meet problems using the plugin I should desinstall it.
I tried to use it anyway. So I went to organization setting page, and on the right side, there is written this :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_item_quantity() in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\advanced-events-registration\event_regis.php on line 719
Well, I created one free event anyway (I don’t need anything else but free events), also adding questions of my own,following the whole procedure, and it works !
The only things troubling me are :
1 – I would feel better if there was no error but I am not a developper and definitly don’t know what to do.
2 – I never received the confirmation e-mail, And I would very much like this feature to work. Maybe this is because of the fatal error ? Or because I used french characters in the message (you know, letters with accents and that kind of things) ?
3 – Since the events published on my website are free, I would like the cost not to appear, as well as the state dropdown list not to appear at all. Is this possible ?
Thanks for your help. It is a great plugin !
If you have a simpler one without money-paying feature, I would love it !
Thanks anyway !
]]>I want to add my reg form on a my Workshops page where my event description is rather than creating a dedicated page for {EVENTREGIS}. When I add {EVENTREGIS} to my Workshops page, the form appears at the top of the page even if I put {EVENTREGIS} at the bottom of all my text. Is there a way for the form to appear at the bottom so it’s not the first thing that appears on the page?