The changelog has not been updated with the latest version.
]]>Request: Adding an “Alternative Option” for Migration / Clone / Import: Option to include/exclude tables to import.
Reason: I have a database backup file. It contains some tables with very large size (like logs). Restoring the database fails.
Suggestion: I achieved this by modifying it manually: Gist. However, checking while extracting the file speeds it up.
Thanks for this great plugin.
]]>I have not had a successful backup upload to Google Drive in about 2 weeks. I log into my site and see “Backup is being uploaded to cloud,” and it stays stuck on that percentage indefinitely until I abort the backup.
I just purchased the unlimited version of this plugin but restoring from the .ebwp the plugin created isn’t working, it stays stuck at 1% indefinitely. This is a major disappointment and I’m going to have to insist on getting my money back if this can’t be fixed.
]]>I have set Auto Remove to 6 days, but all of my backups remain on my Google Drive until it is full and out of space.
]]>This plugin stopped working after updating to WP 6.4. Now after the update, I am receiving a Backup Failed error. Here are the errors from the log.
“type”:”warning”,”message”:”Undefined property: wpdb::$use_mysqli in /wp-includes\/class-wpdb.php on line 768″
“type”:”error”,”message”:”Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on null in /wp-content\/plugins\/everest-backup\/inc\/classes\/class-database.php:220
I created a backup on Site A then attempted to restore it on Site B and when clicking Visit Dashboard (after completion), I get a white screen with the following error
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/example.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:621) in /home/customer/www/example.com/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1427
We have a member platform and usually they upload images, documents and audio. Is it possible with this plugin that when users upload files they are automatically uploaded to the cloud? Normally they are uploaded to our WordPress database but the upload speed is so slow that it gives errors to the users.
Can Everest Backup speed up the upload for our users as well?
]]>I wrote many emails to you about my 20 websites STILL not working. I have waited for answers for months now? What is happening? I paid for lifetime updates and not you don’t even answer my emails?
]]>I’m starting a backup. If, somehow, there is a network problem, the process is interrupted. Abort button not working. It gets stuck at “Everest Backup’s process is running”. Same problem but I had to open a new topic. I have to manually delete the LOCKFILE
file inside the wp-content/ebwp-backups
Just installed and tried to perform a backup.
It goes in error and (of course) the backup is stuck.
Here is the error:
Note: Copy below error if required
=== Error ===
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<‘, “
<h”… is not valid JSON
=== Error ===
Failed to initiate connection, retry didn’t work. Halting backup…
Waiting for response. Retrying: 3
Any idea?
Best regards,
After starting Backup, the pop-up screen got stuck in the “List media files” stage without any further progress.
Pressing Abort button removed the pop-up screen, but then the sticky notice “Everest Backup’s process is running” appeared in admin pages – it disappeared only after deleting plugins backup folders.
This renders the plugin to be unusable, please advise.
]]>Hi, I am using your plugin to create backups but so far it has been unsuccessful in uploading the backups to Google Drive. I am getting the following Error Report from WordPress:
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 61 of the file /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/everest-backup-google-drive/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Utils::chooseHandler() in /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/everest-backup-google-drive/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php:61
Stack trace:
#0 /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/wilcity-mobile-app/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/HandlerStack.php(42): GuzzleHttp\choose_handler()
#1 /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/wilcity-mobile-app/vendor/kreait/firebase-php/src/Firebase/Factory.php(621): GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create(NULL)
#2 /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/wilcity-mobile-app/vendor/kreait/firebase-php/src/Firebase/Factory.php(467): Kreait\Firebase\Factory->createApiClient()
#3 /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/wilcity-mobile-app/app/Database/FirebaseDB.php(58): Kreait\Firebase\Factory->createDatabase()
#4 /home/bonusser/schoolvisor.org/wp-content/plugins/wilcity-mobile-app/app/Database/FirebaseDB.php(34): WILCITY_APP\Database\FirebaseDB::_connect()
#5 /home/bonusser/sch
Kindly guide how to solve this issue. Thank you!
I can’t find the pCloud option. Where can I find it?
Does it exist?
I could only find the Google Drive option.
Plugin won’t stop processing
Everest Backup’s process is running
“Everest Backup” is performing Schedule Backup since 12:01:52 AM [ Elapsed: 9 hours ]