When I use this plugin to export CPTs, I am getting an empty export file.
]]>Once exported can the data then be imported into a WordPress installation? If so, how? – Thanks.
]]>The .xls content of the files is just a plain html table code. And the .xlsx file just can’t be opened.
]]>I would like to export the focus keywords together with the permalink from all of my published pages. Will this plugin help me with what I need? Thanks.
Does your plugin allow me to download an indented list of pages representing the hierarchy? Something like this would be good:
…. Page A top level liz 2014/02/01 Published
…….. Page A.1 anne 2014/03/01 Draft
…….. Page A.2 liz 2014/02/19 Published
…. Page B top level liz 2014/02/06 Published
…….. Page B.1 liz 2014/02/06 Published
So this is the page name, author, date updated, Status. Would be good to add other things such as Category, Tags etc. And showing as an indented list. I want to import to excel with each leve in the hierarchy in column of its own.
Thank you…. liz
]]>I need to create an Excel file of all of the products on our website and the pricing. I downloaded and installed this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/export-2-excel/ but it only gives me the product name, description, URL, Created Date, Author, Categories and Tags. Is there a way to add product pricing to this file?
]]>Does it export post images? I have a custom post type as ‘Product’ and they have a thmmbnail too, which I want to get in excel with the list.
]]>I’m looking for something to export feedback (feedbacks).
Does the plugin currently handle this data type?
If not now, is this a possible enhancement you would consider?
]]>Hello there
Do you know if I’ll have any problems if I install to WordPress 3.5.1?
]]>I installed and activated the plugin but it’s not showing up in Settings.
When I press settings on the plugin page it goes to wp-admin/admin.php?page=export-2-excel and says “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
What’s going wrong?
]]>Is it possible to select a date range for export?
]]>Hi guys,
great plugin. I’m wondering if you could add the functionality to also export custom fields as their own columns. My site has a “place” post type, with custom fields for phone, email, address, etc. I’d like to be able to export a spreadsheet of custom post type that includes columns for each custom field. https://www.westernslopesvt.org/place/valley-stage/
Your plugin is extremely simple to use (with there being absolutely no settings for it at all) which is great, but it exported only the following information: Name, Url, Created on, Author, Categories, Tags, and that’s it.
I tried it on both normal WP posts and custom taxonomy posts. It completely bypasses the most important part of all, the actual post content!
Anyone else experienced this problem with the plugin? Any suggestions as to what’s going wrong?