Upon installing the plugin I receieved that error, must download ereg extension. I’ve googled this issue before posting here, I couldn’t find anything relevant. Does anybody know how to fix this I’d REALLY appreciate it A LOT ??
Also open to suggestions, I do have scoop.it on mind….. but prefer not to pay monthly for content curation tool.
]]>I really hope to see the developer come back to support this plugin as it is great.
Does anyone know of a similar tool?
Aside from not supporting certain RSS feeds, I have the following issues as well
Unable to toggle the radio buttons in the admin setup area.
If I curate a post from an article and publish it, it does not seem to be following the category rules..the post is on the website but doesn’t show up under latest feeds, etc…
I’ve tried several rss feeds but expresscurate always reports:
no rss feed found at this url
I have the same feed being recognized by other plugins
any suggestions?
]]>As stated, when I go to my feed list and click on curate, the box goes dark and I get the animated timer and it never stops.
The Chrome plugin hangs when trying to login to my site to curate content. The site url is correct (I included /wp-login.php after it rejected the site url initially), and the username/password are correct.
]]>Hi ??
Love the plugin … but is it possible to turn it off for custom post types?
In testing it out, I am having some conflicts … which would be resolved if I could turn it of for specific custom posts.
Many thanks in advance
]]>I have everythiong setup but no RSS feeds are populating. I have checked and since I turned the plugin on there have been at least 10 new posts on Google Alerts – yet nothing shows up.
I really want this to work.
]]>Hi – I’m having an issue with the ExpressCurate plugin stripping code that I insert inline via the theme page builder. When I deactivate the plugin, the code stays.
It’s also stripping out hashtags when I use the Click to Tweet plugin.
Please advise on a fix for this. I love the plugin and want to continue using it, but it’s causing issues in the functionality of my site. Thanks.
]]>I get a DNS error every time I attempt to access https://www.expresscurate.com. This problem has been going on for two weeks.
]]>is there a way to auto publish all the posts that are received through the rss feeds or do we have to manually publish them every time?
]]>is there a way to curate a photo gallery with the multiple images found in the source link?
]]>Hi Aram
I sure you know this but the expresscurate.com site is inaccessible and has been for quite a while
I was and will be in the future a regular visitor of your site when it is back online.
I use the express curate plugin and think its the best curation tool out there Although right now the RSS feeds stopped working back around Feb 14 when the site became inaccessable.
Also your guide is the best at explaining how curation is done
Hope what ever the problem is you are able to solve it
All the best
Tom Bohan
[email protected]
i get this message showing up on my website:
Undefined index: page in /home/womenmag/public_html/wp-content/plugins/expresscurate/ExpressCurate_Actions.php on line 101
]]>i have submitted a topic a week ago and have not gotten any help so far, so now i have more issues with this plugin…
– how do i make it publish automatically?
– how do i make the plugin only publish articles with featured images?
– each time i disable the blockquote it still shows up when the i curate the articles, how do i keep it disabled?
thanks in advance.
]]>Hi ??
Love the plugin, just testing it out and came across something unusual.
I am using a plugin to add custom CSS and JS
And the Auto-Hashtagging is effecting the entries .. for example
<a class="expresscurate_contentTags" href="https://localhost/Base1/tag/wpadminbar/">#wpadminbar</a> {display: none;}
If I turn off Auto-Hashtagging it strips out the # from the css (so the CSS doesn’t work)
I am guessing the custom CSS and JS plugin is using a custom post type.
Is there a way to select and deselect the pages / post types Express Curate is active on?
For example I also have some listing post types that I don’t need Express Curate active for.
If you have any questions let me know
Many thanks in advance
My credentials don’t work here (although they work fine on my site). Instead, I get the message, “Your login request has failed.”
I do have remote publishing with XML-RPC enabled.
]]>i have installed your plugin and have gotten it to work by populating the feed but i am having a hard time getting the featured image from the curated posts to actually show up as a featured image even after saving it as a draft. and a few other things aren’t taking effect in the settings like saving the posts as a draft or disabling the blockquote (but it still shows). is there a fix for this?
]]>I have adds this feeds in RSS feed of ExpressCurate
But don′t produce any content feed.
I read the https://news.expresscurate.com/faq/how-do-i-get-my-content-feed-filled/ , but it not is workaround.
]]>I installed, activated, then went to try it out. The page just kept loading. I tried going back to my installed plugins page, and that kept loading. Had to go to be account at my host to delete the plugin there, and then things started to load as they should at my site.
I think it’s time for an update.
]]>Hey guys,
If you create a new post where the editor is in text mode, ExpressCurate throws a JS error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘onBeforeSetContent’ of null in Buttons.js line 479.
The problem is that if you create a new post in text mode with ExpressCurate activated, you can’t switch to visual editing unless you deactivate ExpressCurate first.
This wouldn’t be an issue, but if you have to tweak the content a little in text mode and forget to switch back to visual mode before puiblishing, you’re stuck until you deactivate ExpressCurate, save a post in visual mode, then reactivate the plugin.
Here’s a video of the behavior: https://youtu.be/8YGcW8eZpjw
]]>Please see link below:
I disabled your plugin and my visual editor now worked.
]]>Added a test rss feed and now cannot delete it: Clicking the X does nothing.
As an aside, both the test (and another feed) that I entered have generated 0 content, even though the feeds are populated by hundreds of results. Even after using the manual “pull” function, the results are 0.
]]>line 101 on ExpressCurate_Actions.php
if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == "expresscurate_feed_list"){
It’s probably an obvious but I am stuck. Here is what I am hoping to achieve:
Create a google alert and get the matching content to be accessed through ExpressCurate
1) Create a google alert. Done. Selected the delivery by RSS as opposed to email.
2) That’s where I’m stuck…what am I supposed to do next? if I grab the info from the RSS created by google alerts, it complains that there is no formatting (which is due to the fact that the feed info should go into an RSS reader and not a web browser).
I am obviously missing something obvious here…thanks for listening. great plugin btw, very clean UI.
Myself Shiva,
I’m getting the issue about the conflict of yoast plugin and express curate plugin.
I have used the both to bring my site much better.
I like the curate but is it will cause SEO issues ???
Now og property tags are repeated double time.
I need the suggestion from the curate team.
Please tell me how to deal with this message on my site dashboard.
For the plugin to perform properly make sure those settings on your server in the following states.
cUrl extension is enabled
Safe mode is off(only for below php5.4)
“Open_basedir” option is disabled
Otherwise enable “allow_url_fopen” setting
Thank you.
]]>There is a conflict between ExpressCurate and ElegantTheme’s Divi theme. When the plugin is enabled and a page is updated, the background colour of a module within that page is lost.
I have been working the the ElegantThemes support people, and disabling every plugin (I have 3 sites using Divi and ExpressCurate – 1x live, 1x test, and 1x for curating) and the problem happened on all of them). I’ve tested it and found that the problem only happens after a page has been updated.
So the workaround is, if I want to update a page, I have to disable the plugin, update the page, and then re-enable the plugin.
I also tried disabling all the features of ExpressCurate, but it didn’t solve the problem. The only thing I can think of is that it may be parsing the page and stripping out codes that have a # character, thinking they are hashtags – is that possible?
]]>Hello Again,
I posted this problem last week but the thread disappeared:
Whenever I have Express Curate activated, i’m unable to edit my theme (i.e. add media, service boxes, etc). I get a grey semi-transparent layer over my screen.
I’m hosting my site manually via Godaddy. My list of plugins are:
Akismet Version 3.1.3
Contact Form 7 Version 4.3
Contact Form DB Version 2.9.8
CoSchedule Version 2.4.3
Duplicate Post Version 2.6
ExpressCurate Version 2.1.3
Google Analytics by Yoast Version 5.4.6
Image Widget Version 4.1.2
Indeed Social Share & Locker Pro Version 5.2
Limit Login Attempts Version 1.7.1
Newsletter version 3.9.0
Simple Google Map Version 3.0.0
Spokal Inbound Marketing Automation Version 2.1.7
Story Portfolio Items Version 1.0
Story Recent Posts Widget Version 1.0
Tweet This Version 1.5.2
WordPress Importer Version 0.6.1
WP Biographia Version 3.3.2
WP-PageNavi Version 2.88
WP-SpamShield Version
Yoast SEO Version 2.3.5
]]>I have 7 busy website RSS feeds in my settings but only two of them are producing any posts to curate. And even then one of them has only produced one post, while the other has produced 30+. What am I doing wrong?
https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/573746/2114ce7a29e42e2df8469ea42de209e8 for a screenshot of my settings.
I have this google alert (https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/06966338647139014684/12154486086278246537) and it seems that I can add the alert through the ‘add rss’ functionality, but it never populates in my content feed. The feed definitely exists, and has items in it.
I’ve added some cnn feed that I saw in another forum question here, and it works and shows up in my content feed after manually updating content feed…buuut not for the google alert.
Any ideas?