Wenn ich zum Beispiel WhatsApp den Link ?ndern m?chte, dann speichert er diesen Link nicht.
Wenn ich WhatsApp aus dem Menü entfernen m?chte, speichert er diese ?nderung nicht korrekt.
Getestet mit Chrome und Canary Build.
Vor einigen Wochen konnte ich das Menü bearbeiten und ?nderungen vornehmen. Jetzt ist es bei keinem Feld mehr m?glich.
Vielleicht gibt der Screenshot aus der Console Aufschlu?: https://prnt.sc/s-Moil5Yu3bq
]]>Hello – Love your plugin, however I can’t seem to get it to hide on my iphone in landscape orientation. I already have it hidden for tablets. Can you please send me the media query for this? It overlaps my slideshow. Thanks!
I read in the plugin description that the plugin can be translated with WPML, among others. Unfortunately, I can’t find the menu fields with my content (URLs or also the link label) in the string translation or in Advanced Translator of WPML.
If I simply duplicate the menu from German to English and mark it as a duplicate in WPML, the menu items appear twice – once in the original language and once in the translated language.
How do I translate the menu correctly?
i installed the plugin but i am having real issues gettign the floating icon to show where i want it –
Firstly: on all screens it needs to be on the bottom right and spaced from bottom and right, in the plugin itself there seems to be no options for spacing the icon.
Secondly: i got it looking OK on a desktop but had to start mucking about with CSS to remove the bloack dropshadow and background that was inherent on the links despite having removed all colour settings (i’m using an image as the link), having sorted this and moved to mobile view all i got was a black square at teh bottom of the screen.
If the reviews are real then i must be doing something wrong because they all say it’s super easy to use, but thats not been my experience. any assit you can provide would be great