When the plugin is installed in a website that is https then the iframe src-s that start with https:// don’t load in modern browsers. Please change these to https:// or ://
]]>Hi there,
im trying to use this gallery but i cant find any info on what kind of short i can use. I cant seem to find a propper documentation
i am using facebook album plugin and i like it very much. My question is this: how do i center the albums, i mean: how do i put them in the middle of the page? They now are outlined to the left.
This is the URL: https://www.casettaeugenia.com/fotoalbum/
thank you!
I am trying to figure out how to limit the number of pictures that display and I would like the thumbnails to display as a 2 x 5 grid layout.
]]>GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
]]>Hi there
This plugin was working great for me but I am now getting this error:
OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Tuesday, 26-Jan-16 22:46:37 PST. The current time is Saturday, 13-Feb-16 23:31:08 PST.
Can you help?
I have another plugin that has loaded Facebook SDK. How do I disable the load of facebook SDK at Facebook Album? Thanks.
]]>Investigating an unrelated problem I turned on error reporting and I discovered the following notices in Facebook Album control panel:
Notice: Undefined index: order in /web/htdocs/www.forsailing.it/home/forSailing2-dev1/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/options-facebookalbum.php on line 53
/> Reverse display order.
Note: Facebook does not support a “order” attribute for Graph API calls. This simply reverse the order of the photos received from Facebook.
Notice: Undefined index: title in /web/htdocs/www.forsailing.it/home/forSailing2-dev1/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/options-facebookalbum.php on line 56
/> Display album title.
Notice: Undefined index: photo_title in /web/htdocs/www.forsailing.it/home/forSailing2-dev1/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/options-facebookalbum.php on line 57
/>Display photo description in Lightbox.
I suggest to fix them for cleanliness.
Thank you
]]>I’m crossposting this to Facebook Events Widget and Facebook Album support areas to report an incompatibility issue.
Plugins both work by themselves, but they fail quite brutally when activated together.
-at the bottom of rendered pages I get:
Fatal error: Class ‘Facebook\FacebookSession’ not found in /xxxx/wp-content/plugins/facebook-events-widget/facebook-events-widget.php on line 111
-pictures are renderd by Facebook Album but in js console I get:
Uncaught TypeError: $(…).colorbox is not a function
-the widgets control panel in the admin fails to load any javascript, and therfore can’t drag&drop widgets or open sidebars, and some sidebars are not present
My analisys is quite shallow, but a search for “FacebookSession” through all the php of the site tells me that there are two copies of the facebook sdk v4. Likely they are two diferent and incompatible versions vs they are the same or incompatible but are loaded in a way that prevents the other to function.
I don’t think that it is uncommon to use both plugin at once so I suggest both developers to investigate.
Feel free to ask me for help
Thank you
]]>Hello ,
I can not activate the plugin and I get this error :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.’ in /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/facebook-sdk/base_facebook.php:19 Stack trace: #0 /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/facebook-sdk/facebook.php(18): require_once() #1 /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/fbalbum.php(44): include(‘/home/mhd-01/ww…’) #2 /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-admin/plugins.php(153): include(‘/home/mhd-01/ww…’) #3 /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-admin/plugins.php(155): plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘facebook-albums…’) #4 {main} thrown in /home/mhd-01/www.ivarieta.it/htdocs/sito/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/facebook-sdk/base_facebook.php on line 19
Help me Please.
]]>I’ve created an FB app, and installed Facebook Album, as instructed, but when I try to see the album on my webpage I get the following error: GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
I’m assuming it’s a permissions issue, but with the new FB app developer interface I can’t follow any of the outdated tutorials on the subject. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
]]>Love the plugin. But I cannot seem to get the colorbox to work. Any help? You can see the implementation at https://sonicbloomfestival.com/home-2016/.
Thanks you!
I have install plugin to https://nicetourbali.com/bali-campuhan-ridge-walk-trail-at-ubud/
and it shows error, what might be the issue.
]]>I see pictures 2 or 3 times in one album. Because of this the album doesn’t show all of the pictures. After 100 pictures the album shows this 100 pictures again and again. How can I fix this?
]]>When i put my Facebook album
i have the result….
Album ID was empty
]]>Is it possible to embed and display a photo album that’s within a Closed Facebook Group?
Thanks for any insight on this!
So I have been looking everywhere on how to do this but am kind of lost as I have never used colorbox before and am not that familiar with jquery. Basically all I want to do is add a facebook Like/Share button when the image pop’s up. I know how to add elements to the colorbox (YAY for googling things) but I am unsure how to get the url for each image? My thought was to just put the buttons inside the title div.
]]>Hi Matt, sorry for my message translated by google.
I commented to install your plugin on my website and it went blank and I can not afford even my wp-admin. I tried to delete the directory via ftp but everything still remains blank. You can tell me how to fix this? from already thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.
the website is cada-atletismo.org and plugin Facebook Album.
Everything works well, after clicking on picture it opens in lightbox, but it is not possible to browse pictures with arrows… It shows me only the selected picture again an again..
Any ideas how to fix it?
Is there any way whereby the plugin can posts the latest photos whenever new photos are uploaded?
OR does it must have an album tied down to it?
]]>Unfortunately the plugin has stopped working for an album on a Facebook page, with the following error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <<path>>wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/widget.php on line 115
Is this a known issue?
Many thanks!
]]>I am using the plugin from last two months but now on a particlar album of facebook page its showing fatal error. Another albums are working fine with same plugin.
]]>Not sure which version of WordPress this issue came up in, but using WP 4 , and latest Facebook Album plugin ( , and widget wasn’t working.
To fix, open up /inc/widget.php file and change everywhere it has attribute_escape to esc_attr .
attribute_escape was deprecated.
]]>Can this be edited so that it can be used within templates too, reading a custom/meta field instead?
I have a need for that instead of shortcode.
Well, either that or adding an ability to insert the proper shortcode via WYSIWYG editor (adding the code for a dedicated button) to make this dummy proof for authors…
]]>If there is an album with videos can I get this plugin to display the videos the same way it displays photos?
]]>After updating to wordpress 4.0, the plugin is not working anymore.
The page shows the following error:
Please try entering https://graph.facebook.com/789526901080527/photos?fields=source,link,name,images,album&limit=1000 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
How to fix this?
when i install this plugin, how do i run it exactly please ?
you said [fbalbum url=] shortcode .
could you give me example please about the shortcode and number of photos per page within it?
I am trying to instal the Facebook Album plugin but I couldn’t and received this message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FacebookApiException in /dom1119/wp-content/plugins/facebook-albums/inc/facebook-sdk/base_facebook.php on line 107
Could you help me to solve that problem?
Kind regards
]]>Sorry, I have some problems. Some of my images of the albums are shown as a blank square.
I found out, that the images with the blank square have another URL. The images of the servers https://fbcdn-sphotos-***.akamaihd.net/…… are correct, the images of the server https://scontent-****.fbcdn.net/……… are shown as a blank square. All of them are within the same album.
I don’t know if the images are uploaded in different ways (app? desktop?). Maybe this is the reason that the images are stored on different servers?
Thank you for your help,
I’m getting the message “Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access”, however the albums public on a public group page. At the top of the page that I’m trying to add the album to, I get this message, “Please try entering https://graph.facebook.com/278389775514218/photos?fields=source,link,name,images,album&limit=1000 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.”
Oddly, I’m getting this error with one clients facebook page (Fundy HomeEducators), but I’m not experiencing it with another client (Medical Mission International).
It’s not the website because I’ve tried both clients FB albums on the others websites and consistently it’s Fundy Home Educators albums which are the problem, so it has something to do with their albums.
I feel like it’s something really simple that I’m just missing…