If you have issue like on screenshot below:
Edit file from: wp_main_folder/wp-content/plugins/fb-comments-importer/index.php
Line 212: U will get there:
$commentdata[$key]->comment_content .= '<br><a target="_blank" href="'.$meta_values['url'].'"><img src="'.$meta_values['image'].'"></a>';
Change it to:
$commentdata[$key]->comment_content .= '';
]]>I’m trying to import comments from my personal Facebook account to my wordpress blog. Does this plugin make that possible?
]]>When i’m going in setting or saving settings :
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in D:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\facebook-comments-importer\fbci-utils.php on line 27
This plugin don’t work
]]>Error in setting menu :
Notice: Undefined index: fbci_import in D:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\facebook-comments-importer\facebook-comments-importer.php on line 230
Notice: Undefined index: updated in D:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\facebook-comments-importer\facebook-comments-importer.php on line 243
Notice: Undefined index: settings-updated in D:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\facebook-comments-importer\facebook-comments-importer.php on line 243
the plugin was working flawlessly a few weeks ago but since we have come back to normal hours it just stopped.
I can still import them if I push the button but I don’t want to have to think about that.
Do you have a few pointer to how to fix it?
]]>I’ve got this plugin working and it works great however if someone replies to a comment on Facebook, these aren’t imported across.
Are there any plans to support this in the near future? – A new plugin seems to now be out (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/fb-comments-importer/) who claim that they do import comment replies but I only want to switch if there are no plans to release this in the near future on this plugin?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hi –
The plugin detected the posts on my fanpage.
I used the import now.
It said it succeeded.
But I dont see the comment added to my comments on the blog post.
I suspect this is because I am using a FB commenting system on the blog ?
Does the plugin only work if you are using the normal WP commenting system ?
Thanks – Dan V ~
]]>I found a bug which causes this plugin to override existing crons. After installing FBCI, my Jetpack emails stopped going out and my post schedules never worked.
After applying a fix everything went back to normal. It would be nice to see it in the next release.
Open facebook-comments-importer.php and change this function:
function fbci_schedules() {
return array(
'fifteenminutes' => array(
'interval' => 900, /* 60 seconds * 15 minutes */
'display' => 'Fifteen minutes'
'halfhour' => array(
'interval' => 1800, /* 60 seconds * 30 minutes */
'display' => 'Half hour'
function fbci_schedules($schedules) {
return array_merge($schedules, array(
'fifteenminutes' => array(
'interval' => 900, /* 60 seconds * 15 minutes */
'display' => 'Fifteen minutes'
'halfhour' => array(
'interval' => 1800, /* 60 seconds * 30 minutes */
'display' => 'Half hour'
This fix was reported earlier but was overlooked and closed for some reason https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-facebook-comments-importer-deletes-other-plugins-schedule-intervals?replies=1
]]>Hi !
I did everything well but when I import the facebook comments I have a warning that there is no post linked to my blog !!
I don’t know what I did wrong.
Thank you
i noticed that the replies to comments in facebook aren’t imported.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Teilzeithelden/posts/714077445286799
Wordpress: https://www.teilzeithelden.de/2013/09/28/rezension-freihaendler-warhammer-40-000/
Will this be fixed in future versions or can i fix it myself as a temporary workaround?
I just found this plugin, look interesting. So I installed.
but just like most users, it is not working. Says Warning: Cannot find a post linked to this blog on the last 10 posts of the Facebook wall. Check that at least one of the last 10 posts on your wall links to a post of your blog.
I always put a link to my blog post and share on facebook, so surprise is not seeing them but it is not link to them and then gave me the facebook comment count and says No, Not possible.
Here is my facebook ID: https://facebook.com/SpicyIncStudio
And my blog url https://spicyincstudio.com/blog
I will appreciate your help.
]]>This seems to only be pulling the first 25 comments from each post? Is that an error or an intentional limitation?
Either way, any thoughts on how to pull in more than 25 replies to each post?
]]>I’ve been using your plugin for a while now and it has worked great for me.
In fbci.class.php of the latest version (1.2.1) there are several lines that refer to count($item["comments"])
If you want to get the exact comment count, you should use count($item["comments"]["data"])
This is what I have at around line 135:
if(!isset($item["comments"]) || !isset($item["comments"]["data"])) {
$this->test_result .= "<td>" . __('No comment', 'facebook-comments-importer') . "</td>" ;
} else {
$this->test_result .= "<td>" . sizeof($item["comments"]["data"]) . " " . __('comments', 'facebook-comments-importer') . "</td>" ;
$nb_imported_comments = $this->get_imported_comment_number($post_id);
if(!isset($item['link']) || ($post_id == 0)){
$this->test_result .= "<td style=\"color:red\">" . __('Impossible', 'facebook-comments-importer') . "</td>" ;
} elseif($nb_imported_comments == 0 && (!isset($item["comments"]) || !isset($item["comments"]["data"]))){
$this->test_result .= "<td>-</td>" ;
} elseif($nb_imported_comments == 0){
$this->test_result .= "<td>" . __('Not yet', 'facebook-comments-importer') . "</td>" ;
} else {
$this->test_result .= "<td style=\"color:green\">" . $nb_imported_comments . " " . __('comments', 'facebook-comments-importer') . "</td>" ;
Hope it helps ??
]]>I was loving this plugin. Downloaded Version 1.2.1 last week and it was working fine. But as soon as I posted a NEW post on my blog, the new post doesn’t appear on the plugin options page and when i try to jog it by clicking IMPORT NOW all i get is an error message:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/james/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-importer/fbci.class.php on line 344 and defined in /home/james/public_html/news/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 992
I have not changed anything since the 1st time I used it. Do you have any idea what i am doing wrong? I am using WordPress 3.6.1.
]]>Since Update on version 3.6 the Plugin doesnt work.
I get following error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/.sites/660/site963/web/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-importer/fbci.class.php on line 365 and defined in /home/.sites/660/site963/web/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 992
Need help!
Since today, the plugin have this problem: it’s linked in the right way with the Facebook page, but don’t see any comments, even if, on Facebook page, there are 5/10 comments per link!
The plugin says “no comments” even if the comments are published on the page!
I have some FB wall comments that I want to import into WP. I’ve set those posts to public.
Now I get this error while running the plugins import function (button):
Warning: Error while getting this wall : (#4) Application request limit reached
Is this a server, plugin or facebook limit?
Thanks for any help!
]]>Hi there,
I cannot seem to get your plugin working… it says there are no links on my wall, however each post has a link to the specific blog post.
The error is:
Warning: Cannot find a post linked to this blog on the last 10 posts of the Facebook wall. Check that at least one of the last 10 posts on your wall links to a post of your blog.
Is there any way around this?
Thanks a lot!
]]>Not importing. States next scheduled import date is 1969 at 7pm. When forced, we receive the following – Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/98/6615198/html/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1642) in /home/content/98/6615198/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/subscriptions.php on line 502
]]>Hi everyone.
I’m getting the "Error while importing comments from Facebook: Error while getting this wall : (#4) Application request limit reached"
Does anyone know what this means?
I’m importing comments from my profile, which is facebook.com/carlos.jose.teixeira
. Should I use carlos.jose.teixeira
on the ID?
Suddendly, appear this error: Warning: Error while getting this wall : (#4) Application request limit reached
What’s the problem? How can I fix it?
Thanks ??
]]>Hi there
Im getting this error:
Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()
which led me to this page: https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/2012/12/12/php-warning-missing-argument-2-for-wpdb-prepare/
Maybe this is something the developer has to look at?
]]>Works but give error…Please help
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/eudezet/public_html/eudezet.org/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-importer/facebook-comments-importer.php on line 197
]]>Warning: Error while getting this wall : SETTINGS: Unrecognized pref_type 0 for NullProfileSettings pref name default_non_connection_tab.
all i get when i enter my business page id number, or business page name
as my page has a link like https://www.facebook.com/mybusinessname i used the following to get the id https://socialmediaseo.net/2010/02/20/how-to-find-facebook-id/
I am trying to get this plugin to work, and it says that there are no links to be found on my FB page. There definitely are, and they aren’t shortened or via a feed at all. I copied and pasted them myself, right into a FB status update, selected the updates to be public, verified that all my settings are public…and there are comments…yet nothing shows up in WP and the import says it can’t find links.
My fb profile is https://www.facebook.com/nicole.odell6 and my website is https://www.nicoleodell.com.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
The widget recongnize the presence of comments, but the status stays “not yet”. So the comments from my FB page don’t appear on my blog. I tried to replace the numbers by th name og my page, but there is an error message. I’ve put the numbers back, but it didn’t change anything.
Thank you for your help !
The plug-in works and I have no complaint however in the admin panel I got several rows of this error:
“Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/wiretoth/public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1679) in /home/wiretoth/public_html/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 817”
I guess there is a conflict with my Subscribe to Comments plug in? Any advice?
]]>This plugin should not overwrite the custom schedules that other plugins may have registered. Change this function to:
function fbci_schedules($scheduled) {
return array_merge($scheduled, array(
'fifteenminutes' => array(
'interval' => 900, /* 60 seconds * 15 minutes */
'display' => 'Fifteen minutes'
'halfhour' => array(
'interval' => 1800, /* 60 seconds * 30 minutes */
'display' => 'Half hour'
]]>Hi Guys,
I use this plugin with Disqus commenting system. This plugin works great, and imports the comments into facebook.
I then schedule an export which exports the comments from WordPress to Disqus.
The comments tab shows the profile picture of the facebook comments, but when I export to disqus, it only shows the default avatar picture in Disqus comments, and not the facebook profile picture (like it shows in the comments tab).
Any ideas?
]]>Well, I’ve seen this explanation here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-facebook-comments-importer-older-fb-posts?replies=3 on importing comments from more posts on facebook. But it’s not working, I changed the number 30 to 100 (I even did a search on the document and tried chaning the number 30 on line 101 too just in case) and it didnt work. It didnt import not even 1 comment more than it did before.
And, were the older posts supposed to show up on the list that the plugin settings page gives us? Because it doesn’t either.
Any help is appreciated, thanks