Hi Red Rokk
Just starting to use your plugin and it works great … just one problem.
For some pages where i use it i can administrate and for some not. ??
Using the exact same code on all the pages.
This FB comment i can admin
This one with a few comments i can’t ??
Also is there a way to always open the comment box?
If there are some comments people have to click the “add comment” before the box shows.
Thx for the help
]]>Hi there,
great plugin. Works perfectly in IE but I cannot get the comments / comments box to show in Chrome.
Does anyone have any solution for this?
]]>Hi there,
I am following your guide strictly (“A new sidebar now wraps your current comments area. When you place items into this new sidebar, then the existing comments will be hidden and the widgets will be displayed”(, entering the Facebook id, adding where the comment box should be showed etc., however I cannot seem to get the comment box showing on the site. Only things that works is to add it as a widget to a sidebar… which in this case is not my intention.
What can be wrong? Look here magnettv dot dk
Thanks for your reply,
]]>Nothing seems to happen as far as processing the image, etc. Also avatar images are reduced to a 2-3PX wide horizontal line when the post is displayed…
]]>What can I change the comment box to be 4 line high until people start typing? It takes too less spaces
]]>Please give us several websites where your plugin works, to see it in action.
Thank you!
]]>I just switch from using Facebook plugin to this plugin, it works perfect but I can not find any option for me to show comment count? Anyone know how please let me know? Thanks
]]>Is it possible to feature FB comments only on posts and not show on pages?
As comments were already disabled on pages, but not posts. This plug-in seems to have ignored that. Pages are static- no debate, and not posts which are discussions. Otherwise they are all posts, whether or not they are pages.
How can i fix/set this properly with your plug-in?
Also, the ability to add it to one page seems to not work in any intuitive way. (i.e.) displays preview of homepage, applies itself to home page and all pages, no matter what settings (i.e. URL, or no URL – which should just be current page according to creator’s notes)or whatever else is entered in the kitchen sink widget.
How can i fix/set this properly with your plug-in?
Looks like a cool widget, if it can work properly after testing i will tell many about it, hope you can help,
]]>hey, the plug-in works great and I just wanted to know how to add the existing comment section of wordpress to allow the users who aren’t using facebook as their login into the website rather the registration form using the site itself?.
I have gone to the code but by default it is taking the default comment_template()
as the comment section, after deactivating it shows the wordpress default comment box but not at the time when it is activated. Please gimme a solution to resolve it.
Thanks in advance
Hi…please i get this error on activation:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Declaration of Facebook_Comments_Widget::html() must be compatible with that of Empty_Widget_Abstract::html() in /home/***/public_html/***/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-red-rokk-widget-collection/comments.php on line 1022
Thank you
]]>Receiving PHP Notice: Undefined variable: $classname in comments.php on line 177
when activating or using the plugin. I have WP_DEBUG on.