Hi there,
the plugin does not work with my current project running WP 3.9 – is it still actively maintained at all? Any hints on why it stopped working? Did Facebook change anything recently?
Thanks & regards,
]]>As stated, when I have the page id in place, everything else refuse to change. Even when I copy the styles to my css, it doesn’t matter.
Is this plugin still being worked on?
After the plugin installation (v2.0 or v2.5) not displaying properly on my site: icons are displayed instead of page/fan images. I checked on the server, there were the pictures, but the size was 0 bytes. In the php_error.log I got this error message:
PHP Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in …/plugins/facebook-fan-box-cache/facebook-fan-box-cache.php on line 330
For security reasons some servers set the allow_url_fopen PHP directive to off, therefore the file_get_contents not work.
The solution is to use the PHP Curl library to do so instead, which is more secure. I rewrote the lines (330 and 368 in v2.5) and the plugin is working.
Keep up the good work!
Just noticed this network error while trying to debug something else.
“NetworkError: 404 Not Found – https://xxx.xxxx.xxx/site/wp-content/plugins/facebook-fan-box-cache/css/inline?ver=3.5.1”
Is this anything to do with the CSS issues I get with this plugin ? I’m not able to select any of CSS styles in the setup page. Just keeps resetting to default.
Any thoughts ?
Just got this issue this morning. Clearing the cache reproduces the issue.
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname in /XXX/XXX/public_html/site/wp-content/plugins/facebook-fan-box-cache/facebook-fan-box-cache.php on line 330
Warning: file_get_contents(https://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc7/373087_206415666070142_1612616243_q.jpg) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname in /XXX/XXX/public_html/site/wp-content/plugins/facebook-fan-box-cache/facebook-fan-box-cache.php on line 330
]]>I love this plugin- been using it for a long time, but it is not displaying properly on my site in WordPress 3.5.1. I’ve tried changing settings, clearing the cache, etc. Can’t get it to work.
Any suggestions?
I downloaded your plugin recently and it has stopped working for some reason. It may have been due to an SSL install & ip address change but I’m not sure.
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in /XXXXX/XXXXX/public_html/site/wp-content/plugins/facebook-fan-box-cache/facebook-fan-box-cache.php on line 287
I can see it attempt to create an image in the cache (0 bytes) then fail. The temp html is downloaded there and at a glance appears ok.
Help ??
]]>How can I add the attributes width and height profiles of the images?
This is important to increase the performance of the page, as GTMetrix.
Thank you for your work!
I await a return
]]>Hi, I like this plugin. The one thing I don’t like, though, is that potential fans can’t click “Like” from my blog within the box. I got to thinking…what if I used this to display the photos of the people (which I believe helps drive Likes, as people see that their friends Like my page), but not the “Like” area. I could theoretically put the FB “Like” box (without the photos) right on top of it.
Theoretically, this would look the same as the regular FB “Like Box”, but use your method for caching the images, correct?
Would this, in effect, be the same as using the FB Like Box, but speed page load time up?
]]>In Settings >> FB Cache, When I select a “CSS Style” and click “Save Changes”, it just reverts to “Disable”, no matter which style I select.
I’ve tried changing things up within the widget area, but that doesn’t seem to affect it.
What should I do?
]]>Looking at the source some of the images don’t link to their valid URLs.
Screenshot: https://skitch.com/example/ejqnu/fb-cache-broken-links
Site: site
Edit: editing title
]]>Site: Street Smart Craniosacral
I should have 12 images displaying except one of the grid anchor image containers (that hold a users fb pic) for some reason is showing to be larger (64px x 82px) then all the rest (57px x 82px).
Here is a screen shot
Is this an issue with the plugin or facebook?
is there a way to correct this?
Or perhaps omit certain users (by name) from being displayed ?
]]>Please help with this issue.
If you take a look at the widget in action in my sidebar you’ll see that it’s only displaying one fan when I know I have more. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated ??
Love the widget though!
]]>The display is just showing the text “Counter Name on Facebook
Become a Fan
Be the first to like Counter Name.” – with a single image with a question mark in it. Also, the become-a-fan link leads to a 404 page on Facebook.
]]>Hi guys,
I am not sure if this attack is intentional or not. I give you the benefit of the doubt.
Norton Security tools alert of a Javascript attack when trying to access the plugin homepage (clicking on the link that is shown in the WordPress admin panel)
]]>Hiya, I am also using facebook comments, Can you guys upgrade the plugin to have comments cached too? please ??
]]>Thank you for the great plugin.
I have changed the width under the settings and widgets, but it does not seem to change and is running off. I tried different CSS styles and disabled and wrote the code you gave in with a decreased size but no luck.
I also tried following your advice you gave to another person
“If you can, go into the css/style_fb.css file, and change line 1 to width of 170px from 225, and that will fix the layout on your site.”
any help would be great.
my website is https://www.completechirocenter.com/
Thanks again
i’m trying to use fb-cache.
I’ve call the widget like this in my footer
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[fanbox id="xxxxx" limit="10"]' ); ?>
but this return me an error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in xxx\wp-content\plugins\facebook-fan-box-cache\facebook-fan-box-cache.php on line 231
any idea on what is goign wrong ?
thanks you
]]>Other Facebook plugins works. This one don’t. Dammit i reaaaaaally wanted a cached facebook like box!
]]>Although the plugin is a relieve in terms of load time, I do miss the “Like” function. Clicking the Like button in the xfbml or iFrame FB-thingy gets me another fan. The button of this widget just brings the reader to my FB page – just as a simple textlink could do as well. Am I missing something or is there something missing that’ll come with the next version?
]]>this doesn’t display a fan box at all. it shows one image and some words
]]>If any of you have issues / problems with Facebook Fan Box Cache, or if you would like to suggest a feature, please do so in this topic.