add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘ffpw_head’);
add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘ffpw_head’);
<div id=”fb-root”></div> add in hader section and breck all header please replace this
]]>Very cool plugin! Wondering if there is an option to increase the number of “Friends Faces” that are visible? Right now we’re only seeing 7.
Also, we’re not seeing any difference when widget setting between “Show Posts” Yes or No. We’re probably doing something wrong but thought we’d check with you first.
]]>How can it’s possible set the language for the Fan Page ?
]]>I have this working ok for a sidebar.
But when using inside a page, using the short code:
[themencode-fb-page-widget page="" width="1000" height="800" hide_cover="false" show_faces="true" show_posts="true"]
It does not show this size?
even with the title in the widget turned off,
I still see
Find us on Facebook as an h3 in the sidebar…
is there some way to turn that off. I can’t hide it with css as I use the h3 in the sidebars often.
]]>Not a big problem but just to let you know ….. it took some puzzling to find out what was happening.
When i’m logged in to the same facebook page that is specified in the widget, in another tab of my browser, the widget is not showing..
wp 4.4.1