I found that the comments importer works in WordPress 3.5, however the comment count for every post did not get updated.
To fix this, simply change this in FacebookCommentImporter.php on line 220 onwards from:
if ($db->insert($db->prefix.'comments', $data)) {
$this->commentMap[$comment['id']]['id'] = $db->insert_id;
} else {
if ($wpcid = wp_insert_comment($data)) {
$this->commentMap[$comment['id']]['id'] = $wpcid;
} else {
That uses the WordPress function to insert the comment instead of writing directly to the database. This also updates the comment_count in the wp_posts table.
]]>I tried installing this plugin, after activation, I visit the post and I see a foreach PHP error. I can’t remember the details, but you can easily replicate it if you are using wordpress 3.4.1.
It does’nt work at all for me !
There is comments on facebook on this article, and nothing appears : https://seve2vie.com/poisson-bien-etre-entre-vie-professionnelle-et-vie-famille/
]]>I have installed, but it does not import a thing.
]]>Hi there,
I have couple of issues, not sure if anyone has encountered them .
1) The comments are getting imported just fine, I see them on DB but they are not appearing on the actual dashboard. Any ideas?
2) Has anyone tried implementing the plugin to include custom post_types? Right now it hooks on “post” but i need to add “attachments” as well as a custom type “haircuts”
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONST, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/content/d/v/o/dvopilgrim/html/pasigucrc/wp-content/plugins/facebook-import-comments/classes/FacebookCommentImporter.php on line 4
]]>Been getting this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/safezone/dudelol.com/wp-content/plugins/facebook-import-comments/classes/FacebookCommentImporter.php on line 187
The fix to make this error go away is to change:
foreach ($comments as $num => $comment) {
$this->importComment($comment, $parentCommentId);
to this:
foreach ($comments as $num => $comment) {
$this->importComment($comment, $parentCommentId);
I am currently running this plugin on my funny pictures website and I am not sure if this plugin will continue getting comments into the database or not, this will at least make the error msg go away.
]]>I am running this plugin for almost 2 days and the plugin never imported any comments. My site is Hack in Truths. Please tell me how can i make it work..
]]>As far as I understand the plugin imports comments from facebook everytime a user requests the respective post.
I have a several thousand posts and used facebook comments for a few months now. Is there a way I can sync all comments instantly without manually requesting each post?
]]>I get this warning all the time, right on top of the post page when it loads up:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/storage/7/9b/11/layback/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-import-comments/classes/FacebookCommentImporter.php on line 189
I really don’t care about fixing the problem because I dont even know what the problem is and its not affecting the functionality of the plugin. I just dont want to see that warning up there, so is there a way i can at least prevent it from showing?
Thanks a lot.
]]>I am using facebook comments social plugin. I want to use livefyre now. But want to retain the facebook comments posted on post.
That means ==> I want to import facebook comments posted on blog posts into wordpress database. Livefyre automatically takes care to read comments from database.
Is this the right plugin for that?
What do I need to take care of while importing all blog-posts comments in wordpress database?
]]>First Thank you so much for the plugin
I noticed it gets one comment twice and more.
Is there a solution?
It seems like the plug in is working for me. The comments are added as mentioned however those comments are not counted in the blog comment count, when it seems like it should… any fix to this?
]]>The plugin doesnt import all fb comments.
FB answers to fb comments arent imported at all.
Anyone have the same problem?
Any known fixes to this problem?
]]>plugin version 1.4
error show on front page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /domain.com/wp-content/plugins/facebook-import-comments/classes/FacebookCommentImporter.php on line 189
my code
line 188 private function importComments($comments, $parentCommentId = NULL) {
line 189 foreach ($comments as $num => $comment) {
line 190 $this->importComment($comment, $parentCommentId);
line 192 }
sorry to make many post – but i cant append in previous post
1. incorrect time – why time is incorrect ?
i have go to add time offset in
$createdDateTime->modify($timeOffsetToLocal.'25200 seconds');
2. no comment count (number) display
– it show only “0 Responses” IF that post only have comment from facebook plugin
– it will show count number (ex. 8 Responses) only IF that post has at least 1 comment from blog’s comment system
– if you comment from blog you will see number but if only post comment from plugin, you wont see any number
3. is it possible to pull commenter avatar too ?
now you use only graph api , try FQL also work
this is example code from other plugin that they use simple api to pull user avatar
public function fb_get_comments($post,$params=array()) {
## https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/comment/
## https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/link_stat/
$link = (!empty($params['xid'])) ? $params['xid'] : (($post->ID) ? get_permalink($post->ID) : $this->currentURI);
$migrated = (!empty($params['migrated'])) ? $params['migrated'] : get_option($this->ns.'fbtools_comments_migrated');
## FQL Query
$fql = 'SELECT fromid, text, time, username, id FROM comment WHERE xid = \''.urlencode($link).'\'';
if($migrated) {
$href = (!empty($params['href'])) ? $params['href'] : $this->currentURI;
$fql = 'SELECT fromid, text, time, username, id FROM comment WHERE object_id IN (SELECT comments_fbid FROM link_stat WHERE url = \''.urlencode($href).'\')';
$res = $this->fb_query($fql);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($res);
## Put Comments into Array
$comments = array();
if(isset($xml->comment)) {
foreach($xml->comment as $comment) {
$item = array(
'text' => (string) $comment->text,
'time' => (int) $comment->time,
'commenter' => $this->fb_graph((int) $comment->fromid),
'commenter_photo' => (string) 'https://graph.facebook.com/'.(int) $comment->fromid.'/picture'
return $comments;
we know user id from graph api so we can use pull image
]]>hi i dont want to enable url_fopen function in my ini file because security concern
and many hosts out there also not allow this function too so i think many people wont be able use your plugin your plugin wont work with thier blog but they dont know what happen
when general user see your plugin doesn’t work they will uninstall and find new plugin so maybe you dont know what happen because nobody tell you – but i try and i know and i come to tell you
file_get_contents require allow_url_fopen = on but many hosts off it
please move from file_get_contents to curl, it easy – you can read here for example
change from
private function fetchCommentsFor($permalink, $locale) {
// $permalink = "https://gotvarstvo.georgievi.net/a/cvetnica";
$request_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=" .
if ($locale != '') $request_url .= '&locale=' . $locale;
$requests = @file_get_contents($request_url);
if ($requests === FALSE) return FALSE;
return @current(json_decode($requests, TRUE));
private function fetchCommentsFor($permalink, $locale) {
$permalink = get_permalink();
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 10; // set to zero for no timeout
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=" .
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$requests = curl_exec($ch);
if ($requests === FALSE) return FALSE;
return @current(json_decode($requests, TRUE));
]]>i cannot select append new
]]>Hmm. So I installed it, activated it, went to the admin page, hit refresh. Nothing. Then I posted a few test comments in Facebook and on my blog. Hit refresh. Nothing. Waited half an hour, hit refresh. Still nothing.
Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn’t there need to be an API key or something entered to link the blog to facebook?