Does anybody know.. how to change the language into dutch?.
Can you explain the major FB api setback that didn’t allow you to use a (super) simple shortcode for showing the plugin in post/pages? Instead a completely not logical html (comment!) tag is used..?
]]>I get a fatal error.
Did this plugin change ownership? It was Crunchify before and that version of the plugin still works, but it hasn’t been updated in 2 months and WP is changing and updating.
Is this plug in dead?
]]>Hi developers,
Love the plugin! Could you please check the clash/mixup with woocommerce settings section when your plugin is enabled?
Screenshots here:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare facebook_plugin_admin_init() (previously declared in /home/awe/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-members/facebook-members.php:282) in /home/awe/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-page-likebox/facebook-page-likebox.php on line 205
]]>I tried to use it on the home page but it does nothing!!!
]]>Can’t find the option…
]]>Hello dear
Thanks for the plugin
This plugin works with Facebook Groups?