In one of the reviews, a user complained that no thumbnail was showing. You assured him that wasn’t the case. Yet, looking at the shortcode, it’s obvious we have to supply the thumbnail – your plugin doesn’t automatically pull it:
[htyoutube controls=”1″ start =”10″ end=”40″ thumbnailresolution=”lowest OR medium OR high OR standard OR recommended” thumbnail=””%5DYouTube Video ID[/htyoutube]
There’s another plugin I won’t mention here (unless you want me to) that pulls does what yours does by just entering the entire youtube URL + it pulls the youtube thumbnail. But, unfortunately, it only works as a block.
I tried this plugin , If we use short code one time then it works, But if we use shortcode two times on the same page then we face an issue
Error: ‘LiteYTEmbed’ has already been declared (at LiteYTEmbed.js?ver=1.0.5:1:1)