Hi there,
does this plugin also handle “Error Establishing a Database Connection” and send out an alert email?
Thank you!
]]>My team and I had a question about using your plugin.
The concern is if the plugin is resource heavy/causing sites to slow down due to the monitoring it does.
Can you clarify how the plugin is monitoring the site/logs and what type of resources it uses?
]]>I would really love the ability to see a back trace of an error’s origin. Sometimes an error is thrown on a WordPress core function because some function up the chain was the culprit, but it’s currently impossible to know where that is. So adding the output of debug_backtrace
to the database log, or even if you could simply add an action to the Log_Handler->handle()
function so I could add a trace myself, that would be super helpful. Thanks for considering it and for providing such a useful plugin!
Would it be possible to add multiple addresses here? For example with comma separation?
Are you testing on new version and bumping the “Tested on” in the near future?
]]>WordPress version: latest including WordPress dev version (6.5 alpha).
PHP version: 8.1
Plugin version: 1.5.1
Go to plugin’s settings page and click on Send Test button to test notification email.
There is no email sent. View debug.log and found errors.
Error on debug.log
thrown in wp-content\plugins\fatal-error-notify\includes\admin\class-admin.php on line 64
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function function_that_does_not_exist() in wp-content\plugins\fatal-error-notify\includes\admin\class-admin.php:64
All other plugins are disabled.
Can you update the plugin not to expose admin user ID in the emails being sent
]]>I’m using the plugin to get notified whenever there is a critical or fatal error on my website but unfortunately, it doesn’t send an alert whenever there is a fatal error from plugins.
Wondering if this plugin has an efficient way to bulk update the Notification Email
email address for its settings (WP CLI, etc.) if the plugin is installed on multiple sites? Thanks!
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type?E_ERROR
?was caused in line?64
?of the file?/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify/includes/admin/class-admin.php
. Error message:?Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function function_that_does_not_exist() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify/includes/admin/class-admin.php:64 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Fatal_Error_Notify_Admin->test_error('') #1 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #2 /public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(188): do_action('wp_ajax_test_er...') #4 {main} thrown
If yes, any custom settings or code snippet needed please?
I have installed this plugin and activated it. I have also made an error notification setting. But I don’t get any error notification.
It appear the plugin isn’t compatible with PHP 8.1.
Do you have the update ETA for that?
Thank you very much.
]]>I have installed this in my Woocommerce testshop, which is a password protected subdomain of my live shop. I do not see a settings page showing Error Notification Settings. Is this not expected to show?
Thanks a lot for this very useful plugin.
I’m receiving the following error almost 3 or 4 times a day, every day:
Error notification
For site https://www.mysite.com
Error Level: E_WARNING
Message: unlink(/home/customer/www/mysite.com/public_html/wp-content/wflogs/template.0954043001640167329.tmp): No such file or directory
File: /home/customer/www/mysite.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php
Line: 2178
Request: /product-tag/wrapped/?products-per-page=24
I’ve contacted wordfence to ask them what should I do to fix this and they basically told me that I can ignore this notification because it’s nothing serious.. you can find our conversation here:
As they told me that I should contact you to solve this, and I noticed that your plugin doesn’t have any option to avoid or ignore this kind of error.. What can I do to stop these notifications ???
You should create a field on the plugin page where users can add exceptions / links or pages that your plugin shouldn’t scan or interpret as errors.
Thanks for your help,
We received some fatal errors from several of our sites with this plugin installed. The sites did not go down and the actual error logs are showing no errors. Just wondering if this is a bug in the plugin or what could have happened to cause that? Below is a snippet of what the error was.
Error Level: E_ERROR
Message: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Fatal_Error_Notify_Updater’
Not sure if this is deliberate (with WP plugins you can never tell) but the upgrade advert covers almost the entire page in responsive view and most of the options in desktop view.
Any way to fix this?
]]>I am trying your plugin and is trying to add multiple emails separated by comma.
It is preventing me to save my changes. https://prnt.sc/10jp1rj
Getting the followin notice
[30-Nov-2020 23:24:12 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify/includes/class-public.php on line 65
PHP 7.3
WP Version 5.5.3
FEN Plugin Version 1.4.2
Divi Theme Version 4.7.4
]]>A very useful plugin but I had to hack it to get it to work on my setup.
I have two suggestions
1. add filters around whether to use wp_mail() or mail(). I say this as if you filter wp_mail then the notification may never be sent.
2. If you added the functionality to set the options on mutisite at the network level that would be great. Id prefer this is the free version but if you put it in the pro version that would be understandable.
]]>Hey, my server keeps crashing by making Fatals 500 errors, but that doesn’t raise any alerts.
On the other hand, alerts are visible in the log which is /WP_Content/debug.log and not in the usual error.log .
Any ideas?
So my WP logs are full of Fatal errors that are created by the pro version of the plugin when slacking fatal errors.
[08-Nov-2019 04:02:16 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function list_files() in /mnt/storage/prod/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:241
Stack trace:
#0 /mnt/storage/prod/www/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify-pro/includes/class-public.php(136): get_plugin_files(‘feedwordpress/f…’)
#1 /mnt/storage/prod/www/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify-pro/includes/class-public.php(297): Fatal_Error_Notify_Public->get_admin_url_from_path(‘/wp-content/plu…’)
#2 /mnt/storage/prod/www/wp-content/plugins/fatal-error-notify-pro/includes/class-public.php(246): Fatal_Error_Notify_Public->get_notification_output(Array, ‘slack’)
#3 [internal function]: Fatal_Error_Notify_Public->shutdown()
#4 {main}
The missing function is defined in wp-admin/includes/files.php, maybe explicitly include it.
]]>We use the pro version and I’m wondering how we can get stack trace info recorded as well.
]]>Hi, I have activate your plugin and I started receiving thousands of messages about this issue:
Error Level: E_WARNING
Message: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/dev/urandom) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/username:/usr/lib/php:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php:/tmp)
File: /home/username/public_html/wp-includes/class-phpass.php
Line: 68
It’s a core WordPress file, not modified, so this warning seems not useful as the function is simply checking if a server file is readable (and clearly is not readable on every single shared hosting).
Is there a way to stop repeated errors from sending emails or are you thinking providing some way to exclude an error from notifications?
So I set the “Notification Email” to an address, and when a NOTICE is sent, it sends two emails. One to the “Notification Email” and one to an another email.
Now, that another email also happens to be the email set on WP Mail SMTP by WPForms as the address handling all WordPress emails, via a Google Account.
Is it meant to work this way or is a possible conflict between these two?