I have changed my site to an insurance with https but I have lost all the facebook comments of the different posts.
How can I recover them?
There is no option for showing which comments show first newest or oldest or top comment. Please bring this options. Thanks
]]>Is creating a Facebook App mandatory for using this plugin? I noticed it asks for an ID in the settings.
If so, is there a tutorial on how to properly do this? I did not find one in the documentation.
Thank you and God bless.
]]>I even tried it with older API 2.8 and earlier
No luck there either. Anyone got it working?
Hi, we are using Fat Panda for wordpress, so that our users can comment on our posts through facebook. and I am its admin through a registered App ID, but recently I’m getting warnings from Facebook development, as below. How do I address this? is the quickest way to delete the app and create a new, which will automatically be based on 2.9 API, and put its App ID in Fat Panda’s plugin dashboard admin app ID? will this not delete all the thousands of facebook comments accumulated on our wordpess posts?
many thanks
[Your app is] currently accessing Graph API v2.3 which will reach the end of its 2-year lifetime on 10 July, 2017. We estimate 4 endpoints that [your app] calls will be impacted by this change and may stop working after the automatic upgrade push. To ensure a smooth transition, please migrate all calls to Graph API v2.4 or higher. Use the API Upgrade Tool to understand exactly how this change will impact your app.
I am sure that many people have same problem like me. an error: “more than one og url specified” occurred everytime a comment publish on facebook comment plugin.
Is there anyone has the solution for that?
I think that facebook changed the api That’s why comment are not synchronizing with database and not sending email notification.
You are going to update the plugin?
]]>1. 14 502 “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
2. Source of the admin ajax calls: fbc_ping with 22 hits per 30 seconds and growing.
3. finding the source of fbc_ping call is the following information…
18: action: 'fbc_ping',
16: const META_PING = '_fbc_pinged';
48: add_action('wp_ajax_fbc_ping', array($this, 'ping'));
49: add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_fbc_ping', array($this, 'ping'));
Can you tell me if I can just disable the ajax calls from the plugin? If yes, what do these ajax calls actually do?
Starting a couple of days ago this great plugin doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Comments are no longer being synced into the WordPress database nor being embedded into the comments box in the post admin.
If I deactivate the plugin and revert to the WordPress comment system, there are no comments to be seen.
Has something changed in the last couple of days?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Fat Panda Facebook Comments breaks WooCommerce One Page Checkout Plugin – is there a meta code that disables functionality on certain posts?
]]>I have just startet to use this plugin at since there’s an option saying “replace wordpress commments with this plugin..” I thought that the LATEST comments-widget would still work?
It doesn’t??
]]>why isn’t there a shotcode?
]]>Facebook comment box is not appearing on a few posts where there were no comments but it is appearing on posts where there were 1 or more comments.
Facebook comment box working: Shruti Haasan Profile
Facebook comment box not working: Amy Jackson Profile
Please help me resolving this issue.
]]>Finding a decent frontend post plugin is not easy at theese days and this plugin is disabling it, somehow, I don’t know…
Any idea to resolve the conflict?
]]>Hi I am no longer receiving email notifications whenever someone comments.
Do you have any ideas what could be causing this?
]]>Hi, how is it possible to hide facebook comments on all facebook pages. (But still show on posts). Thanks
]]>Using the plugin Comments pages do not come out even when configured not to show up , I would only stay on the blog, but are also appearing on the pages, thus hindering the website design, revise this function it to function correctly in wordpress updated
I’d had this setup on the website before w/ this plugin working, now it won’t show up on the pages. I’ve configured the plugin.
Ive removed and completely deleted it, and reinstalled it 2x.
Any ideas?
A plugin called “disable comments” had been used & may have created the limitation…
]]>My customers are unable to review products because the Facebook Comments system replaces the review system. Any workaround in this?
This is an awesome plugin I had find for facebook comment, but somehow I am getting one issue.
please take a look at this page
When I enable this plugin I got my short codes executed at the top of the site. and when I disable this plugin the issue gone.
need help how can I sort out this issue.
I am using WordPress Valenti theme for this site.
]]>Hi guys,
Can you please let me know how to stop the plugin form inserting OG Meta elements? I am using WP Seo by Yoast to insert OG FB Meta elements and, as the Panda plugin inserts OG elements a second time, I get all kinds of errors …
]]>The comments are working, but they are not being posted to FB. I have set up everything as told. any ideas why this would be happening? https://www.keterwellness.com/product/mucuna-l-dopa-20/
]]>Can I get the code that will add facebook comments to my php page/single pages so comments are automatically added to each page/post?
thank you
]]>My error log is being inunddo with the error: PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘FatPandaFacebookComments’ does not have a method ‘wp_head’ in /home/#####/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 505
]]>Hi, we’d like to hide facebook comments for all pages and some posts on our wordpress. How is that possible. Thanks
]]>Hi, I’m using “Facebook Comments by Fat Panda” plugin, and I’ve hidden a comment in moderation panel. I’d like to make the comment visible again and delete it because it’s still having replies.
I am looking for a wordpress facebook comment plugin that does actually store the comments on the site instead of an embedded iframe or simply fetching facebook comments, the reason being that I actually do want to get SEO value out of the comments for a specialised site. I need one other small paid customisation if the first requirement can be met.
]]>The moderation gear icon that used to appear above the FB comments box is now missing for all but one of our moderators. We have checked the box for “The administrators of my Facebook Application are moderators” and entered the correct App ID. In the app we have set up multiple administrators, however only one of them is able to access moderation from the front end of the site by clicking the gear icon above comments – this gear simply doesn’t appear for other users.
Furthermore, when I try to add an individual user by checking the box for “These Facebook people are also my moderators:” and searching for their name, the dynamic search results are pretty much unusable since I can’t even see the gravatar for most users and have no way of knowing which “John Smith” is the one I want to add. I’ve also tried manually adding their FB ID # to this box, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Can you please advise if it is possible to add multiple moderators via your plugin, and have the gear icon/link show up on the front end for ALL of them? If not, unfortunately we’re going to have to switch plugins – as this is a pretty significant dealbreaker.
]]>When I try to add our domain to the app in FB, I get this message:
“This must be derived from Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL.
Check and correct the following domains: https://flaborfabrecipes.com” (our domain)
Anyone know how to fix this?
I love the FatPanda comments plugin – but only for my blog.
Unfortunately, installing FatPanda also takes over the WooCommerce comments area. This is usually used for product ratings and reviews. Now with FatPanda comments, actual commenting works, but ratings are not possible. This is a problem for the Shop but also for Google’s SERPS, who show this schema data.
How can I disable FatPanda for my WooCommerce products?
Thanks, Robin