This plugin worked until we upgraded to — now it doesn’t work and there is a message that allow_url_fopen must be set to ‘on’. However even after making the change to the php.ini and restarting Apache, the error is still there. Help! We have wp 3.2.1 and php 5.4.35.
]]>seems to support only favicon.ico located in the website’s root not the tags <link rel=”shortcut icon”> nor <link rel=”icon”>
It’s a pity!
does not works under php >= 5.4.0 because import_request_variables is no longer supported due to security issues.
PLEASE replace that instruction on line 64 of faviroll-ajax-php with this:
extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, “req”);
If the plugin does not work correct give me feedback here.
I will try to help you to resolve the problem.