Strange error msg.
It wont show anything from my FB group
]]>Plugin seems to be causing various issues with WP.
Old posts will not show text/images
Link menu popup fails to display.
Deactivating this plugin clears up any WP 4.5 issues.
Sorry to see this hasn’t been updated. Was a nice plugin for FB Group Feeds.
Its working to import from closed group ? Im also administrator , thanks
]]>I installed the plug-in according to the directions. However, when I try to configure the feed, I get an error:
`The Group ID, App ID and Access Token below is a demp entries that you should change according to your Facebook setup.
Click here to read the How To.`
The word ‘here’ is a clickable link to wp-admin/admin.php?page=fb-group-feed%2Ffb_groupfeed.php#
No such page exists.