Can I have my featured pages display on every page? Unfortunately, my home page is one of the least viewed pages on my website. One page makes up 80% of my page views, and I want to showcase my other pages.
When you add recent posts widget to frontpage you get two featured pages content, the extra one is just before the recent posts.
A dirty workaround is to add this change to featured-pages-customizer/front/classes/class_front_fpc.php :
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ class TC_front_fpc {
* @since FPC 1.3
function tc_fp_block_display() {
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['a'])) {return;}
+ $GLOBALS['a'] = 0;
$hook = esc_attr( tc__f( '__get_fpc_option' , 'tc_fp_position' ) );
//if the hook is loop start, we don't want to display fp in all queries.
]]>I want to add more than three featured pages how it possible? it only showing the default 3 featured pages there is no option to add more than 3 featured pages. thanks so much nikeo for great theme you are really a great person. I am using this theme in my every project many thanks always be happy..
]]>Using Featured Pages Customizer, I would like to move my 3 additional featured pages to another spot on the home page but the only option provided is “Before Content”.
I have searched the code snippets and the code itself, but cannot figure how to move them without moving the base featured pages with the Customizr theme (I use a child theme). Any code I write moves them all.
Site is
]]>I am sure that this has been covered before but here goes ??
I need to make the text under each featured page bubble link to said featured page. Is there a simple snippet for this or should I dig in and do it manually?
I am using the free version of Featured Pages Customizer on a website.
I chave chosen the “Before Content” postion when setting up the plugin via Customiser. However this makes the featured pages appear twice. First its under the main menu and then immediately before the list of posts.
Here is a screenshot (testing on a XAMP install):
What could be wrong?
]]>I only have two pages on my blog and I need to get rid of one of the featured page buttons on the static page. Do I really need to upgrade just to only have two instead of three??
]]>Does Featured Pages Customizer or Featured Pages Unlimited support WPML ( I’d need to insert translated excerpts into different first-site translations.
]]>I installed this plugin and it works beautifully in the content of the static front page as expected, but it also has inserted itself on top of the entire website as if it were a marketing banner. You can see the website here:
The offending div class seems to be:
<div class=”fpc-container fpc-marketing”>
I am unable to fix this with any of the live editing options. I would greatly appreciate any input on fixing this.
]]>Hi I m getting fatal error with this plugin? Any helps or advise
]]>I cannot customize featured pages from customize theme.
The only thing I see are the menu items down the side but no image in the main part of the screen.
If I click on any of the menu items from the side (Site Title & Featured Pages, etc) nothing happens either. It does highlight the item that I clicked but the dropdown window doesn’t show up.
I tried FF, Chrome, and IE and none of them work.
How to customize featured pages?
I would like to add a featured page to be a category page of woocommerce, I need something like this:
Home featured page one
Home featured page two
Home featured page three
]]>Rounded icons animation aren’t working in Internet Explorer. It looks like a static picture. How can I fix it?
Can you make this great plugin to wotk with posts? not only with pages?
I want to put link to an category. Can I make this?
]]>I would like to use the product, but the menus on my site go behind the images and you can not read the navigation menu? Is there a work around for this?