Is there any way that it can automatically detect the current archive slug?
So we use it in the archive template for all categories in woocommerce.
I installed and activated the extension, and followed the instructions to copy the code [featured_products_by_category cat=”your-selected-cat-slug” limit=4] into the text in the widget.
Tried to change ”your-selected-cat-slug” to “chua-phan-loai” or “/danh-muc-san-pham/chua-phan-type/” but was told that no product was found.
[featured_products_by_category cat=”chua-phan-loai” limit=4] or
[featured_products_by_category cat=”/danh-muc-san-pham/chua-phan-loai/” limit=4]
list-muc-san-pham = category
sour-phan-type = name category
Please help me.
Thank you very much.