i wonder how can i use it for custom post type
any ideas?
]]>Hi guys,
amazing plugin no doubt.
Please i was wondering if you could help with the fact that i want the link to the individual post t open in a new tab.
Thank you very much.
I have the linked post option checked, yet my ticker is not allowing users to click on the text in the ticker to be hyperlinked to the post. Is anyone else having this issue?
Here’s my site – https://www.hiphopspeakeasy.com
The ticker is in the middle of the home page
]]>Hi. any boday help me when i add tiker php code in header.php, that tiker text overwrite in page title are and menu title dose not show.
any body resolve my this issue.
]]>It’s a nice plugin but I want a direct code to place in templet file.
]]>hi and thanks for ur good plugins
pls help me?
how can i use text link tickers?
2) with wp 3.8.2 link of ur tickers dont work?
how can i fix this
Love this plugin. but I’m curious – can you make it so that the ticker displays recent posts from more than one category?
Here’s my site: hiphopspeakeasy.com
]]>Is there a resolution to the ticker always displaying at the top of page??
]]>in news.php, your are using WP_PLUGIN_URL constant to get the base url for loading neede js files.
Because of a well known bug in WP regarding getting urls in https scenarios, this leads to getting the javascript files from http in a SSL (multisite) scenario, leading to your ticker not working at all.
Could you rather get the js files’ urls by using plugins_url() instead of the (in this scenario wrong) constant WP_PLUGIN_URL?
See https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/13941 for details.
Thanks and with regards
Hi, is it possible for this plugin to show titles from RSS, or from another wordpress installation on the same server?
]]>This web was useful
]]>This web was useful
]]>Seems to be a plugin conflict with breadcrumbs navxt
Also plugin conflicts with most other breadcrumbs plugins causing them to freeze
Any page without the fikraticker loading is fine.
Can you please look into this and provide a fix…
]]>Any advice on how to hide the ticker if it’s empty, without deactivating the plugin? I only want it to display on my site if there are posts in the category “breaking news.” If there are no “breaking news” posts, the ticker should not appear.
]]>This plugin is great but no mather what I do it only displays on top of the page. If I place the [fikraticker] on in the end of a tekst or in the middle it keeps appearing only at the top of the page.
Hope you have a solution.
I am looking for a Ticker which I can deploy either as a Widget or Shortcode – but multiple times! All the ones I find are locked to a single Dashboard, Settings panel. Which mean all the deployments show the same news…
Ideally, I want to place multiple Tickers around my Website Pages relating to other/different ‘Categories’ to get some cross-category traffic. Picking different colours would be nice too?
Could the Category code be passed via the Shortcode for example [fikraticker cat=88]
Any thoughts? Thank you
Nick Furnell
This is what happens when i insert the short code
Warning: include(…/public_html//wp-content/plugins/fikra-ticker/index.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fikraticker/news.php on line 38
Any help??
]]>I am unable to see news ticker, I have installed plugin and I am using short code in post. Still no result.