Hey, guys,
File name sanitization seems to be integrated into WordPress now, but I can’t find information in the changelog as of which version it happened. I deactivated this useful plugin on version 5.8.3 and the conversion didn’t work! On another WP 6.1 site the conversion works even without this plugin. I have found notice in https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/22363, which points to version 5.5.
The issue reposrted here persists:
A simple solution is to add the following code at the end right before returning the sanitized string. I have reported this some time ago already, no response. (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/not-working-with-special-characters/)
* Check for some OSX cases
* @author arteagacz
if ( function_exists('transliterator_transliterate') ) {
$friendly_filename = transliterator_transliterate('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0080-\u7fff] remove', $friendly_filename);
* Doublecheck if transliterator_transliterate didn't work or does not exist
* @author mklusak
$friendly_filename = preg_replace('/\pM+/u', '-', $friendly_filename);
Dear webvitalii,
I have noticed if I use the following Hungarian charts, unfortunately your plugin does not recognize these very well.
These are the original characters in the filename:
? / ? --> oe
ü / ü --> ue
This is the correct:
? / ? --> o
ü / ü --> u
If you can fix it it will be super!
]]>removing [????] – but not removing [?]
]]>Hi there, loving your plugin! I encountered a strange behaviour with german Umlauts on my machine though, I posted the fix over at GitHub:
How to reproduce my Problem:
– Create a file named ?.jpg
for example
– Safe it to your computer
– “Edit” the filename in Finder and paste it to Sublime Text (in my case)
The ? *is not* the same letter as if I had typed it directly in Sublime Text. If I move the caret behind the letter and press backspace
, first the two dots disappear, so the ?
becomes a normal O
. On a second press on backspace
, the O
itself gets deleted.
Hi webvitalii, thank you for your plugin that is in my “default plugin set” every time. But I have noticed it misses some accented letters when file comes from Mac OS enviroment.
For example “zs? barrandov.png” … where “?” looks like normal Czech letter, but in that filename it’s oddly encoded. When I try to delete that letter with backspace, it removes only the accent on the first key press, and then I have to press backspace again to finally delete the “s” letter. Two backspace presses for one accented letter. Not anything I have seen before.
]]>It seems that the plugin sanitizes characters if the filename is quite short.
For example, k?lar.jpg turns into kolar.jpg, but longer-text-before-k?lar.jpg stays the same (longer-text-before-k?lar.jpg).
Can you confirm that issue?
]]>I uploaded a test file (57kb) named “test a?l’e?le?ve.jpg”. Once uploaded, it was renamed to test-a?le?le?ve.jpg – so the space was replaced and the " ' "
was removed correctly, but the special characters were not replaced.
I’m using WordPress 4.7.1, PHP 5.4.45.
]]>Nice and simple plugin!
Can I propose a character overrides for Estonian language as well?
The following conversion would be more suitable:
'/?/' => 'a',
'/?/' => 'a',
'/?/' => 'o',
'/?/' => 'o',
'/ü/' => 'ü',
'/ü/' => 'ü'
this plugin is the best. I have fix for this plugin -> new special letter. How I can send you my fix and example of file with problem?
]]>Great plugin! Just one nitpick: Finnish locale (fi) should use same character overrides as Swedish.
]]>Installed and activated the plugin on a pretty typical site running PHP7 and WooCommerce. Attempted to upload a file called test-???.png
through Media > Add new. Unfortunately, the uploaded file still retains the original filename. ??
Hi. Didn’t see any reference to spaces and underscores…
Does the plugin change ” “, “%20” and “_” to “-“?
]]>Hello, I had a small problem with Greek on some servers that got mended when i inserted this character ‘/?/’ => ” in “other” array,
I tried to find you so I can email you the file but couldn’t
Is there a chance to bulk rename existing filenames?
Some of the nordic countries uses the characters ? ? ?.
A file called ???.png will be sanitized to aaeoe.png, but the common way would be aao.png.
Could this be changed?
I came across the need, to use your plugin with greek language. As it works fine and made my day, i’d like to share the alphabet sanitization I’m using..
'/Α/','/Β/','/Γ/','/Δ/','/Ε/','/Ζ/','/Η/','/Θ/', // greek alphabet &
'/Ι/','/Κ/','/Λ/','/Μ/','/Ν/','/Ξ/','/Ο/','/Π/', // modern polytonic
'/Ρ/','/Σ/','/Τ/','/Υ/','/Φ/','/Χ/','/Ψ/','/Ω/', // characters
'a','v','g','d','e','z','i','th', // greek alphabet &
'i','k','l','m','n','x','o','p', // modern polytonic
'r','s','t','y','f','ch','ps','o', // characters
Thanks for making this plugin!
Hi there,
Your plugin looks very handy, thanks for this! But I have a problem running it:
Somehow, the preg_replace doesn’t work on my server with special characters. I tested to replcae something other with your function, like “foo-bar.jpg” to “bar-foo.jpg”, and this worked just fine. If there is something else like e.g. “à” or “ü” in there, the function does not fire.
Is there maybe a function I have to turn on in PHP to make this work?
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hey! I suppose you plugin doesn’t support sanitizing filenames of files previously added to WP. Do you think it’d be doable to add such functionality
]]>Hi, I would like to thank you for great plugin. I use them in Czech languge websites, so I can share my transcode array with you and other users:
‘/ě/’,’/?/’,’/?/’,’/?/’,’/?/’,’/y/’,’/á/’,’/é/’,’/?/’,’/?/’,’/ň/’,’/ú/’,’/?/’, // czech
‘e’,’s’,’c’,’r’,’z’,’y’,’a’,’e’,’d’,’t’,’n’,’u’,’u’, //czech