How to switch Repayment Period from years to months ?
Great plugin but is it possible to remove the Payment Protection element from this form?
Many thanks
Hello support,
i have a blog (Blog) and i loved your plugin but i dont know the way to add this into my blogger account could you please tell me step by step guide
Hi there,
Is it possible to add 72 months as finance term?
]]>A vehicle classifieds site where listing authors put up their own cars and everyones car has different rates because they from different authors. How do I insert the short code from the listing display that has the rate into your shortcode.
Example listing author A lists a car and completing my listing form they enter rate 16% but listing author B lists a car with 19%. How can yr plugin retrieve the dynamic field shortcode from each listing so it shows correctly on each single listing.
I hope I asked that question correctly
See image link:
Is there a demo of the plugin?
]]>I want to redirect the user to another page on click of “Make Finance Application” button at the bottom of form. But it is redirecting to next page of form. Where can i create code or apply any settings to redirect the user to another page.
]]>Hello. I love the plugin but I don’t want people to be able to click the “make finance application” button at the bottom of the calculator. How can I remove this?
]]>Hello, Can this plugin calculate finance with a deposit and an APR monthly repayment?
using WP 4.5.3 and PHP 7.x
When trying to activate, I get this error:
PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; wp_mail_from has a deprecated constructor in C:\wwwroot\fin-calcs\wp-content\plugins\finance-calculator-with-application-form\index.php on line 47
]]>There are some option to translate the plugin? to spanish?
]]>Can additional or custom fields be added to form?
]]>I have fairly basic coding skills when it comes php so a little help would be greatly appreciated. Even if I just update the file without actually editing anything it picks up a fatal error on Line 429. The code on that line reads:
“Content-Type: text/html; charset=\””.get_settings(‘blog_charset’).”\”\n”;
Could someone maybe post a fixed or correct version of this line of code or maybe the developer could kindly update the plugin with the fixed version? It would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
]]>Hi, I’m looking for a finance calculator that only gives an indicative monthly payment and does not have the application form – have you developed a simple version of this plug-in/ do know of one?
]]>Hi There
I’m trying to create a form that calculates small loans that are paid back weekly instead of yearly. Your plugin is great, I wonder if there was a way to change the years to weeks instead?
Thanks so much for any help.
]]>I know the description does not say anything about using this plugin in a widget; but I would think with the shortcode that it could be placed in a widget.
Is there anyway to do that?
Tnx mch,
]]>After update to 1.4.2 I now get this error.
Warning: _() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home/………/wp-content/plugins/finance-calculator-with-application-form/index.php on line 65
is line 65 add_options_page(_(‘Finance Calculator’, ‘wpfc’), _(‘Finance Calculator’, ‘wpfc’), ‘manage_options’, ‘wpfc’, ‘wpfc_plugin_options’);
if so any ideas on how to fix?
]]>Maintenance mode and jquery navigation failed after install