I have tried using this plugin on my website to integrate with Firebase. It works with login with Google but doesn’t work with login with Apple.
For more information, When trying to login with Apple, there is an API call to https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyAssertion?key=<redacted-firebase-apikey>
which return HTTP status 400 Bad Request
We are using a premium plan BTW.
]]>I’ve tried sandbox of Firebase Authentication. It successfully integrate my firebase project. I can login with credentials in my firebase project.
However when I try to login with firebase jwt (id token) as follows(https://sandbox.miniorange.com/3bd6895/?fb_jwt=<FIREBASE ID TOKEN>). It always shows “The provided token is not issued by the Firebase Project configured in the plugin. Please try with a valid JWT token”
I ‘ve tried token retrieved from firebase api: https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:signInWithPassword and mo_firebase_jwt_cookie
It does not work for both methods.
]]>Just wondering how compatible this plugin is with Supabase ?
Asking before going down the open source route.
Thanks in advance
I’m developing a plugin that depends on Firebase Access and ID tokens and I’d like to use your plugin as a dependency for the login part. Basically the workflow I’m trying to achieve is:
Is this something that your plugin supports? Is there some way I can get the Firebase token? Do you keep that at all?
I would like to know if it is possible to make the plugin work with the Ultimate Member login form? Because I have everything configured but the only method I have made work is the one with the social network buttons. Registration deferral is not done in the console when creating an account with the Ultimate Member form. Would you know if there is a solution?
thanks in advance
]]>I noticed that your plugin provides OTP on checkout login but does it work for most common method which is in case of guest checkout to verify the billing phone number it entered?
]]>Is the plugin free? if yes, what all features are free?
Can we use these features on a mobile app I am creating from my WordPress site through Woocommerce REST api?
]]>I know it has WooCommerce support but I use Easy Digital Downloads. Would this work with that too?
]]>I am using Ultimate member registration and login for
is your plugin compatible with UM ?
can I control using firebase
to reduce cost I need
1- user only to register using phone number and system create username = his phone number after doing verification
2- verification message contains verification code and auto generated password
3- after he verified he can log in and change his password
4- log in will use only phone number as username and password without using sms verification
is that happened using your plugin
Can we use the firebase free sms system to verify on the payment page?
]]>really cool plugin idea (i haven’t used it yet)
Was wondering if there is a roadmap to support any unfederated social sign in platforms, example I was interested in using linkedin as a social sign in on my wordpress with ur plugin.
Thanks guys.
]]>Is this plugin free or paid? Does it charge for otp login using firebase?
]]>I have a woocommerce website,can i use this plugin to link firebase and get 10000 firebase sms otp every month to verify user phone no
]]>When loading a login page a error message is displayed (username or password invalid).
In console log, error messages below are shown:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined at mo_firebase_auth_do_fb_login
Is it possible to obtain Firebase user UID somehow using your plugin? Can WooCommerce integration process help me somehow?
My initial idea is to fetch firebase UID along with WP user_id
]]>If I use the Gravity Forms User Registration add on to handle new users signing up, will this plugin be able to keep everything in sync?
Is there a direct way to connect Gravity Forms to this plugin without using the User Registration add on?
]]>This plugin support WooCommerce Integration?
]]>I already use Firebase authentication, and I’d like to share account with wordpress.
How to do sync account info firebase and wordpress member table?
]]>How to handle new User registration on my wordpress site, when I use authentication over firebase?
I saw that users will be automatically be created on WordPress when login in with an existing Firebase Account. Does this mean, i need to implement an Firebase Registration Page on my WordPress site. So that users can create firebase accounts and when they log in for the first time in wordpress, the wordpress user will be created automatically?
function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'postResgiter' ) );
if ( get_option( 'mo_enable_firebase_auth' ) == 1 ) {
remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_username_password', 20, 3 );
remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_email_password', 20, 3 );
add_filter( 'authenticate', array( $this, 'mo_firebase_auth' ), 0, 3 );
In the above code you are removing both WP authentication types when Firebase auth is enabled, but this doesn’t account for the option of BOTH WP and Firebase you have in the plugin.
You are removing all options to WP authenticate if Firebase is on.
For the time being I commented out the remove_filter for the option I want to keep, but please account for BOTH in the next update.