I have just installed Flagship, set the settings and enabled it in Woocommerce under Shipping. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I get told “No shipping options were found for…” in my case an address in downtown London Ontario, and the business that ships is in Toronto Ontario. Trying an another address in Toronto Ontario gives the same message, indicating that our flagship installation simply does not work. I tried rebooting the server, no difference. I tried adding “Flagship” to our Canada shipping zone, no difference. Is there something obvious that could be causing this?
]]>Client needs to offer 1-day shipping for specific products.
WooCommerce supports using shipping class, to identify those products requiring faster shipping.
Can we please have FlagShip support to offer only overnight/express shipping, when order contains “1-day shipping” class items.
]]>The plugin produces following PHP Notices, into WP Debug log
[12-Aug-2020 15:35:07 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flagship-for-woocommerce-2.0.15/flagship-for-woocommerce.php in <redacted>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/flagship-for-woocommerce-2.0.15/src/Injection/Updater/Autoupdate.php on line 57