Rating: 5 stars
Sprawna, prosta w obs?udze i w 100% bezproblemowa wtyczka. ?wietna!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The plugin is user-friendly and easy to use. It offers plenty of options in the free version, which is more than enough when starting out in e-commerce. Additionally, the support team responds quickly, explains everything clearly, and is very helpful. Highly recommend!
]]>Rating: 1 star
Moved our invoices over to Flexible Invoices and it was a disaster. Paid for the premium version as I wanted them to be automated. No issues there but then it turns out you have to pay for another plugin to disable the automated emails sent to buyers.
This is then another plugin I have to pay for and manage/update. Completely unnecessary.
The customer support is slow to respond, and emails bounce back when you reply. So have to create a new ticket for each reply making it hard to follow. Just overall comes across as an amateur company.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Niby wszystko super, ale ?eby za??czy? faktur? PDF do maila trzeba rozszerzy? plugin, czyli znowu dop?aca?. Chcesz zmieni? szablon? Równie? p?a?. Znowu:) Nie polecam, ?a?uj?, ?e nie skusi?em si? na alternatyw? która ma wszystko w jednej cenie.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Nice and easy!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
A must have for any woocommerce store
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Super plugin, bardzo pomocny przy wystawianiu faktur które od razu po zakupie wysy?ane s? na maila klienta. POLECAM
]]>Rating: 5 stars
We are using this plugin to help our clients to manage the invoices in their WooCommerce webshop, and we are really happy with it !
One important thing is the support, with quick, friendly and efficient answers !
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Good plugin. I use it for my store.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
I have a WP installation only to issue invoices. Since my current plugin doesnt work with WP 6.x, I had to get something new.
(I’m NOT using Woocommerce)
After a few bugs which were quickly fixed by the support, I realised the plugin couldnt send invoices in its free version… A real pity that WP is full of companies which use a free platform and offer only subcriptions for the real needed features. I’m ok to pay a fixed price for a piece of software. I’m not when it’s a yearly subscription. If I’ want to pay’m ready to pay a subscription. I’d rather use a software which is plug and play (like Moneymonks to name just one)
Rating: 1 star
Jedna gwiazdka za wprowadzenie w b??d klienta – chc?c rozszerzy? funkcjonalno?? podstawowej wersji raportów o raporty rozbudowane do wygenerowania pliku JPK musimy dokupi? wersj? PRO. Przy zakupie rozszerzenia (146z? ) nigdzie nie ma informacji ?e potrzebna jest wtyczka “PRO” która kosztuje dodatkowe 269 z?. Chc?c rozszerzy? podstawow? funkcjonalno?? po zap?acie za dodatek i instalacji dopiero jeste?my informowani o konieczno?ci posiadania wersji PRO. Jest to celowe wprowadzenie klienta w b??d. Darmowa wersja wtyczki nazywa si? “Faktury Woocomerce” “i na stronie rozszerzenie przedstawione jest jako rozszerzenie wtyczki “Faktury Woocomerce” a nie “Faktury Woocomerce PRO”!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This is a great plugin with great support behind. I can recommend this plugin by 100%.
Great Job.
]]>Rating: 1 star
TLDR: Take your money elsewhere.
From 5-star to 1-star.
I have been using this plugin for 2 years now. I went with this plugin at the start after I saw that they offer a currency exchange table on the invoice PDFs, which is extremely useful for my accountants to this day. I opted for the most expensive package, which includes all of the FlexibleInvoices extensions, so I can get the most out of their plugin.
During these 2 years of using the FlexibleInvoices plugins, I have requested multiple times for simple features, such as further customizing the invoice numbering, the ability to choose which payment methods to issue an invoice for & bi-weekly automatic sending of invoices to the owner (they already have implemented daily, weekly & monthly sending).
All of my requests were acknowledged, support tried to help me by giving me some of the filters I can use to customize the plugin and told me that this has been pushed to the programmers, however, they have no ETA of when it will be implemented. <— They say the same thing every time…
During these 2 years, I have seen 0 of my requests implemented, which are simple plugin functions that will further enhance the value of the plugins. As a result, I end up spending more on upgrading the plugins myself as I have to pay a 3rd party every time I want some simple function to be added.
Of course, if it’s some crazy customization that’s fine, but these are functions that everyone will benefit from and may attract new customers. I am paying for multiple plugins at the same price range and this is BY FAR THE WORST plugin in terms of updating & listening to their customers.
1 year and 3 months ago I said “I’m eager to see how the Flexible Invoices plugin will grow in the future!” in my first review. All that time later it’s safe to say that the plugin has not grown, it’s still in the same state since then.
If you are thinking of an invoicing plugin to go with, take your money elsewhere where they will actually listen to their customers & work on upgrading their plugins.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Another feature that i found very useful, that you can manualy create invoices.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
]]>Rating: 1 star
Chyba jedyny sens tej wtyczki, to reklama wersji pro. Minusów du?o, ale dla mnie najwa?niejsze to: Brak automatycznej wysy?ki, czy cho?by nawet mo?liwo?ci r?cznego wys?ania do klienta za pomoc? przycisku w szczegó?ach zamówienia. Brak mo?liwo?ci ustawienia numeru zamówienia jako numeru faktury (zw?aszcza gdy numer zamówienia jest modyfikowany). Brak wsparcia dla dodatkowych informacji w szczegó?ach klienta, takich jak np. NIP (poza wsparciem dla w?asnego rozwi?zania). A na dodatek przekombinowana i chaotyczna. | English version with a dedication to @rzepsen: Probably the only value of this plugin is advertising the pro version. There are many disadvantages, but for me the most important are: No automatic shipment, or even the possibility of manual sending to the customer using the button in the order details. It is not possible to set the order number as the invoice number (especially when the order number is modified). Lack of support for additional information in customer details, such as NIP (apart from support for your own solution). And on top of that, it is overcomplicated and chaotic.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Dobra wtyczka bo mam automatyczne faktury w WP a nie w p?atnym serwisie.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The free version works perfect !
I purchased the pro version of the plug-in because I needed to have a currency conversion table in all the invoices issued in a foreign currency. The problem was that this table wasn’t shown when the applied VAT was 0%, which made the plug-in useless for me, as 90% of the countries paying in a foreign currency are vat exempt . And here in Spain it is mandatory to show the currency conversion in the invoices either with or without taxes. They kindly modified the plug-in to meet my needs .
I highly recommend their services !!!
Rating: 5 stars
Everything’s fine for now.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
My review is a big thank you to the developers. I run a small WooCommerce shop and sadly did I had issues with creating PDF invoices.
No longer. With Flexible PDF invoices from WPDESK, I was able in no time to set up my PDF invoicing system. Great looking invoices. Fully EU-law compatible. And integrating seamlessly with the flexible checkout fields plugin.
What an official WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin could not deliver, the Flexible PDF invoices plugin (free version) was able to do.
This is a great plugin.
Rating: 5 stars
Excellent plugin, Use it on all my woo sites without fail
]]>Rating: 5 stars
W?a?nie jestem po testach i dzia?a jak w opisie ?? na moje potrzeby jest wystarczaj?ca ?? i du?y plus darmowa ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Flexible invoices to wtyczka, któr? instaluje na ka?dym ze sklepów, które tworze – zaraz po zainstalowaniu WooCommerce. Jest bardzo przyjazna i funkcjonalna, szybka w konfiguracji i wygodna w u?yciu.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have tested many invoice plugins even with api from services that I have subscription. About invoicing, which I am using and I have tested on free license this addon, issues comprehensive and professional invoices with the most least configuration. No mapping nothing. Option to show 0 on non charged tax which believe me I couldn’t find at any of the other at least on free license. Definitely Recommended.
Congrats to developers maybe a slight better pricing would give it a boost. But even with current price for invoicing if I decide for premium version is my 1st choice.
Thank you
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Taxes can be complicated, this makes invoicing simple
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Polecam ! Bardzo fajna wtyczka.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
?atwa i funkcjonalna wtyczka – spe?nia swoje zadanie.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Works great
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Flexible Invoices provides a handful and intuitive solution for my e-business. Good job guys
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I definitely recommend this plugin