when I publish the gallery on my website, it shows me the following message: Fatal error: Class ‘nggdb’ not found in / home / biotech / public_html / wp-content / plugins / flexo-social-gallery / flexo-social-gallery. php on line 54
this could be due to?.
I did the following steps:
1) I stand at the album galleries on my facebook
2) copy and pasted the link to where I ask for the link.
3) I have a doubt about the gallery Id, suppose you copy and paste the numbers of link of the gallery selected, all the numbers right? Including points?
thanks for your help prompt
]]>An other question:
I would like show image description under image or thumb.
Is it possible?
Thank you
]]>I would like integrating nextgen gallery voting in flexo social gallery.
Is it possible?
Where i write the following code?
<?php echo nggv_imageVoteForm($image->pid); ?>
Thank you very much!
]]>Hi guys,
just discovered this plugin today.. it is amazing !!
but,… a small but, the plugin will get some troubles for large gallery…
is there any possibility to limit the number of displayed pic’s? from the shortcode?
[flexogallery GalleryID=” br_pic=” nav=” link=” ]
If not we should be able to use the nextgen shortcode like
[nggallery id=9]
but create a custom “onclick” event when clicking on the thumbnail and setup this code in the Gallery/options/ effect tabs and select custom and create the small code.
Any idea of the code we should create to call flexo gallery at the right pictures?
]]>I’m using NextGEN gallery, and I have recently installed flexo-social-gallery and flexo-facebook-manager since I’m trying to create separate like and comment for every picture in gallery. As it is described, I installer both plugins, and since I’ve been using NextGEN gallery for quite some time, I have many galleries already created. I created a new post, just to try this new plugin, and I just put this code in it:
[flexogallery GalleryID=’103′ br_pic=’10’ nav=’up’ link=” ]
I created the code from the settings tab in admin panel.
When I preview my post nothing shows up. It’s just a blank page with my widgets, but there’s no gallery. When I enable flexo-social-gallery it shows up, but there are no images in the post.
Anyone has an idea?
]]>I am using Flexo-social-gallery to add facebook comments to the individual images in a NextGen Gallery. This function is working great, but the large image that is supposed to display the thumbnails from the gallery is not working correctly. Although, the thumbnails are being displayed.
Here is the site page Does anyone know how to fix this in a simple way?