Rating: 5 stars
I just wanted a nice, simple plug-in to make a page on my blog with my Flickr Photostream, in a nice layout and with the titles. This plugin meets my needs quite well, was easy to set up, and works great. Unfortunately, it appears to be abandoned, so alas, I will have to find a replacement at some point. ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin has been running flawlessly on a client site since 2013, with no problems what so ever. Works fine even with WordPress 5.1.1. Thanks!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
One of the best Flickr plugins out there, and it’s even free.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Normaly i would rate 5 Stars because its really easy, but as there is no button and i need to copy it from the settings page all over again the code, i can not give 5 Stars at all.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I simply wanted to show the latest images from my flickr photostream and this plugin did it without fuss. Thanks!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Sou usuário frequente do Flickr para hospedagem de imagens, e este foi o único plugin que funcionou satisfatoriamente e corretamente na exibi??o de fotos diretas do Flickr. Excelente!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
]]>Rating: 4 stars
First of all: I tried several Flickr plugins, and this one is the best!
Reasons for 1 minus star:
Help page: I was confused about the missing shortcode for Albums. It’s called set, and I know it’s mentioned in the help that it’s the same. However, on Flickr it’s not really the same. Also at least most of the cases, the URL contains the string albums
and not sets
, unlike described in the help. It’s a bit confusing. I suggest to just create another shortcut like [flickr_album] and talk about albums instead of sets there, that would make it clearer.
Performance: Another issue I’m facing is that whenever I update an album on Flickr it takes at least 10 or 15 minutes until the changes appear on my WP page. I assume that’s a limitation by the Flickr API. But it would be good to mention that in the description/help to make users aware. In the beginning the plugin just kept telling me in an error message on frontend that it can’t fetch that Album (not found), although the album was there (but probably not yet available in the API, as said). Luckily I was patient enough to not immediately discredit the plugin as not working and not uninstalling it immediately.
Just a side note: I think Flickr is really outdated technology, has an old and confusing user interface. I don’t really get why people still use it (client wanted it :-)).
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great plugin! Simple, customisable layout; no intrusive branding; excellent range of shortcode parameters.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
… and well coded. Great work.
]]>Rating: 1 star
no updates, no support
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very good, congratulation
]]>Rating: 1 star
does not work with wordpress versions for last 2 years. Broken
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have been struggling to find a professionally made Flickr plugin for years and at last I have found one. In five minutes it was all setup and working perfectly:
]]>Rating: 5 stars
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin is outdated. and does not work upwards 4.5.1…
If you are developer, however, there is a very easy fix. Simply manually load the plugin’s Javascript files and everything would work as expected.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The plugin works great. Most of settings are very useful. It’s adapts perfect with a responsive grid. It would need some more customizations for Lightboxes to be perfect.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I just tried a lot of plugins for flickr. This one really works.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
I’d give this plugin a 5 star rating except that the plugin does not specify image dimension on the rendered markup which incidentally gives the page/site an F via YSlow and Google Page Speed for image sizes.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Плагин долго выбирал…все понравилось, ничего лишнего вставил шорт код и готова галерея из фликра.
Но потом смотрю страницы с шоркодами долго открываются. У меня мультисайт-на всех попробывал страницы грузятся от 20 секунд до бесконечности.
Так же не совместим с autoptimize
Google PageSpeed Insights в два раза больше пенальти дал
Еще он на одной теме работает как надо , а на другой уже нет
Вообщем времени убил столько….
Rating: 5 stars
Just perfect.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I use this plugin with the Themify theme Parallax.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Upgraded to WordPress 4.4.1. This plugin is out of date.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thank you!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Absolutely love this plugin. No need for different gallery plugins for different purposes since this solves all my needs.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I loved this pluging, it is(was) the best Flickr plugin on WordPress.
However, since the WordPress platform upadted to 4.3.1, it stopped working…
Rating: 3 stars
Until 10 flickr images are loaded, 7 seconds I had to wait. Other then that, the plugin is acceptable.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I tried many flickr plugins before I found this one. This is the best of them all. It’s easy to use, beautifully styled, responsive, and simply works. Thank you.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been through many a Flickr gallery plugin, and this one just works, and loos great! Straight forward set up.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
This is theoretically a great plugin, but I can’t get the grid to display a specific album/set, only the entire photostream. If you read through the support forum, you’ll find that this is a common problem, and there is not support for the plugin.