I ve installed this plugin a few hours ago.
When we click on ”Add Media” we should have a FLICKR tab, but it doesn’t appear. I don’t find any good advices on the web who could help me to resolve this problem.
Theme I use: Magazinum version 2.1.4
WordPress version is 3.5.2
Url of the website: https://x-centricmodels.com/mag
Thank you
]]>Is it possible to select an user and find only its images? Or only works the generic search? thanks
]]>Link for embedding flickr images doesn’t show up.
]]>Hi there, my site feeds into google news and because the images are still hosted on flickr, google news is not using my images.
Can someone please give me a quotation to edit this plugin so that it downloads the images to my server and then uses that instead?
Michael, if you are reading this, please contact me as I would prefer you to do this for me (paid of course)
]]>Media manager stops working if i active this plugin. I cant upload images/files and i can see file list on the media manager, but cant click more info or add image on article.
]]>When I click on the Flickr link in the Add an Image box, and the search box appears.
when I put a term in the search box, nothing it makes….
Can you help me?
Many Thanks!
My website is https://www.automotivespace.it, if you want admin pw I am ready to do it!
]]>I have a wierd anomaly going on and I have no idea how to solve it.
On two separate domains (hosted on different servers), each running WP 3.3.1 with a raft of plugins, on one install Flickr Photo Post works perfectly and on the other I get junk like the following:
{"page":1,"pages":6745,"perpage":6,"total":"40470","photo":[{"id":"104425830","owner":"89273442@N00","secret":"063545037b","server":"41","farm":1,"title":"Tank","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"2727110892","owner":"12068800@N00","secret":"35494f1ea4","server":"3139","farm":4,"title":"Water tank","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"2489626460","owner":"13977398@N03","secret":"2f3c72e0b8","server":"3194","farm":4,"title":"Canadian tank","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"1278518191","owner":"37804979@N00","secret":"6b7be6e9c8","server":"1019","farm":2,"title":"Tank","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"2157028713","owner":"64937321@N00","secret":"024975f832","server":"2232","farm":3,"title":"My iPond 'torture tank' at Work.","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"4590063376","owner":"50059357@N08","secret":"158f6a96ca","server":"4039","farm":5,"title":"tank","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0}],"search":"tank"}
I really want to be able to use this plugin. Anyone got any ideas what’s going on?
Are there known plugins that do not work alongside Flickr Photo Post.
Most of my other plugins are up to date.
Thanks for any pointers.
]]>I love how this plugin is conceived but for now I am not able to use it.
I suppose it doesn’t sort photos by interestingness, so before finding a usable photo it takes much time.
I so tried to search Flickr and paste the photo title in the search field of the plugin.
Nothing is found, why?
]]>Having this plugin installed caused the media uploader to not work. WordPress was at 3.3, Flickr Photo Post was at 1.2.3.
Deactivating this plugin resolved the issue and the fancy new WP uploader began working as expected.
]]>There’s a link in the footer that’s being added to sites that use this plugin. Is there a way to disable that footer link? The code starts on line 91.
I can’t see a way to disable this link.. is this intentional? (as in , we have to have that link in place in order for us to be able to use it?).
]]>I tried to install this plugin but I cannot activate it. Then it would ask me to delete this plugin, so I did.
]]>I use FF 6.
B??d: i is undefined
Plik ?ród?owy: https://polishwords.com.pl/blog/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load=hoverIntent,common,jquery-color,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-dialog,jquery-ui-tabs,imgareaselect,image-edit,set-post-thumbnail&ver=ed5719442ba66fd1a36041ddd9f30e60
Wiersz: 46
B??d: (this.uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = c(“<span/>”)).addClass(“ui-icon ui-icon-closethick”).text(m.closeText).appendTo is not a function
Plik ?ród?owy: https://polishwords.com.pl/blog/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load=hoverIntent,common,jquery-color,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-dialog,jquery-ui-tabs,imgareaselect,image-edit,set-post-thumbnail&ver=ed5719442ba66fd1a36041ddd9f30e60
Wiersz: 46
B??d: jQuery is not defined
Plik ?ród?owy: https://polishwords.com.pl/blog/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load=utils,swfupload-all,swfupload-handlers,json2&ver=dd51ccbc2446c48196a07210ef8c1bab
Wiersz: 11
best wishes,
thanks make plugin ??
here my error
first start
and clicking “<?=_(“
I was wondering, is there a way I can use this plugin to search my personal collection of Flickr photos? I have a pretty good library on Flickr, but I’ve never found a good solution where I could search within WordPress and insert a Flickr photo of mine into a post.
]]>I click on the Flickr link in the Add an Image box, and the search box appears – but when I put in any term in the search box, it just spins the “loading” circle and nothing happens.
]]>There is a wordpress blog where the flickr-photo-post plugin can’t access the get_option() function.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in …/blog/wp-content/plugins/flickr-photo-post/flickr-photo-post.php on line 17
So I decided not to use the function and generated a new version 1.1. Now it will work in blogs, without using the get_option() function.
]]>Installed and activated this plugin, but the Flickr option is not appearing as a choice in the media box.