Rating: 2 stars
retracting earlier comment. The version from www.ads-software.com does not have this malicious code.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Just doesn’t work. Garbage
]]>Rating: 5 stars
how would it be possible to insert into these areas short codes from my template and woocommerce products?
Rating: 5 stars
Mình th?y 2 plugin này gi?ng nhau. ai copy c?a ai ?ay? và mình nên dùng b?n nào m?i là b?n ?ang phát tri?n?
Designer at Nha Trang Art
Rating: 5 stars
Mình th?y 2 plugin này gi?ng nhau. ai copy c?a ai ?ay? và mình nên dùng b?n nào m?i là b?n ?ang phát tri?n?
Design at Nha Trang Art
Rating: 1 star
Plugin cannot handle adsense code…
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Hi when i add flash banner,to right and to left same time,plugin doses not work stable.all banners showed in ight position.Please let me know how i can add 2 flash banner same time?
i use this code – if its not correct please help me
<object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”/files/banner.swf” width=”160″ height=”600″>
<param name=”movie” value=”/files/banner.swf?link1=рекламная ссылка”>
<param name=”quality” value=”high”>
Again thanks for plugin.I wait new verson for new features ??
]]>Rating: 4 stars
how to insert different image on left and right slider? i can only insert one for side
help me…
BTW great plugin
Rating: 4 stars
?ay là m?t plugin r?t tuy?t v?i, ho?t ??ng trên b?n 3.5, nh? nhàng kh?ng ?nh h??ng ??n load website. C?m ?n tác gi?.