Hi there,
I like and try to use your plugin and considering to use the pro version but before do that would like to know that have a problem with the price in the minicart.
Using the discount plugin (no basic sales under woocommerce) which is after you put to cart x get y% off. thats what i showed to there before the cart page. also the “final” price is gonna be the counted discounted price.
It is possible and how can i do that?
Many thanks
Is it possible to insert “Advanced Messages for WooCommerce” in to your Floating Cart?
Please help.
]]>If I uninstall this plugin, I begin to get 502 error when I add products to my cart. I also deleted the plugin earlier and and it was still calling all the files making my site load like molasses.
]]>Dear sir,
I want to translate this plgin in persian, but there is no po or pot file.please help me do it!
Arash Kheirandish
]]>Is it possible to hide the cart when empty and to appear when the addn to cart button is clicked?
I’m looking for a way to hide this on mobile, as it takes up half of the screen. I can do it in the CSS, but I’m hoping for a way to disable inside of the plugin, itself.
we have to add a simple button near add to cart button to remove one item for time.
We have just created the button and the function to remove the item from the cart of woocommerce, but we don’t Know to update the floating cart script.
Any solutions?
]]>Cart gets longer than the screen If someone ads more than 13 products to the cart ‘click to collapse’ button gets disappear in this situation(causes issue on smart phone)
I look forward to hear from you.
Thanks for the great work!
I bought the pro version, and I need to translate the “items” and the “your cart is empty” text to on the admin “text” panel. In php I can modify but you know it would be good on the admin panel too.
My next question is: I use the woocommerce booster plugin, and this plugin has a multi currency switcher. So I can change the price to euro, or dollar or what I want on the frontend. The problem with the cart is, if my base shop currency is for example Ft and I change to Euro and I add the product to cart, the cart show the item price in ft with the Euro symbols. For example:
The product in euro is 8, but in FT is 2590.
The cart in this case looks like this:
Your Shopping Cart
Subtotal: 8 € (1 items)
picture – Product name – 1 x 2.590 €
|Subtotal: 8 € |
———— ———-
|View Cart | |Checkout|
———— ———-
The subtotal is Ok, only the product price is the problem.
Thank you for your help.
Those cart where is ok, they use this code to get the item price:
$product_price = apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_cart_item_price’, WC()->cart->get_product_price( $_product ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key );
]]>Hi there, awesome plugin. Thank you so much for this.
The floating box in the rightside sometimes goes behind the website content, making it look odd.
Even in your demo site, you can check by going to one of the product pages (the review line is coming front of the floating box).
Thank you!