Rating: 5 stars
My pagespeed score is better since i use this pugin instead of the google site kit ! Thank you ??
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Its a good plugin. However on multi author site, we lose the ability to add a dimension for counting the author’s views. That is an important aspect. Kindly add it.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I landed on this plugin after trying Flying Scripts. As boring as this plugin is, it felt great installing this and just seeing a simple form that allows me to paste in my GA code, and get working analytics.
Theres 100 other plugins that do this, but they all feel like a free-2-play app. You’re hit with ads, banners, and upsells.
This just works.
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Works well.
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in use 1y
Rating: 5 stars
Definitely easy to use, support GA 4.0, and self-hosted the script also. A complete solution.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Reduced my load speeds and inlined my analytics in less than 5 minutes setup time. Thanks Gijo!
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I recently discovered Gijo’s facebook group wp speed matters and gave a few of his plugins a try. This one just works out of the box. I removed the analytics code from my theme, activated the plugin and voilààà… My analytics.js code is hosted locally.
Thanks a lot for developing awesome tools to speedup wp sites!
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Hilarious because I have fought with Analytics for so long. Inline worked best for me. Was at 99 and 92 with Autoptimize and this sweet little plugin put me at 100 and 94 LOL!
Thanks for this I was fixing to start drinking.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
If you trying to use Google Analytics did not want to slowdown in results….
Try inline, this works for me better than all the other solutions i have tried!
Thanks Gijo Varghese.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Amazing in every way. Simple to setup. Has all the main options you need, plus it even disables hits from WP Admin – especially useful for newer sites with low views.
This dev definitely needs more love – so try this out yourself.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
It was great, thanks Gijo Varghese!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been using Koko Analytics, I just tried google analytics for this plugin, impact on loading performance was minimal. It saved me resources on the server, I’m still experimenting!
Estive usando Koko Analytics, só tentei google analytics por esse plugin, impacto no desempenho de carregamento foi mínimo. Me poupou recursos no servidor, ainda estou experimentando !
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very easy to use and improves speed performance by reducing extra lookup time for analytics.js, moreover It lets us reduce page size by loading minimal analytics(1.4kb) vs original analytics 74kb.
You are doing an amazing job Gijo??