Is this part of the plugin or was my copy compromised?
This notice is to inform you that we have detected malicious code in your website files. We have compiled a list of compromised files on your account, as well as the code injected, below.
In order to maintain a secure hosting environment, we will be automatically correcting these compromised files on your account; however, please be aware that you are responsible for verifying that the content hosted within your account is secure. We strongly advise that you update your installed scripts and software, as outdated scripts and software are the most frequently used method for accessing and gaining control of a targeted account.
If you need assistance updating the software on your hosting account, please do not hesitate to contact our Support department.
The compromised files detected are:
The malicious code detected is similar to:
Files with the following contents or MD5SUMs, which contain malicious code:
This time they went easy and “corrected it” whatever that means. In the past they have shut down every site on my hosting account after “detecting malicious code”. Are they just finding things which don’t matter or are these threats real?
]]>Hi. My website is
Recently my subscribers have no longer been getting emails. I’m not sure what happened, but when I go to my subscriber page it looks different. Rather than having a checkmark like this
√ “somebody” (2014-03-27)
with the process boxes, it looks like this:
? “somebody” (edit)
with the circled “R” and no options to process.
Anyone who was registered before a certain date is no longer receiving my emails. How can I fix this problem? Thanks!
]]>I have recently moved from WordPress.Com to In, we had an option “Follow” on the top left corner of
our blog. If a wordpress user clicks on it, he will see my latest posts on
his “Reader”. I want to have similar option for my visitor. A wordpress
user should be able to follow me via “Reader” which was a feature of If I would click on “Follow” I get message “New Post from Blog will now appear on your Reader”.
This feature is different than “Follow by email” where a visitor puts his email address and gets posts update in his email.
Could you please help me get the “Follow” by Reader Option (And not Follow by Email Option) for my blog vistors. This was one of the reasons I loved WordPress and decided upgrading to instead of any other Platform, and now I can’t find it.
]]>The colour of the “Sign me up!”-button has a weird colour to it.
Three grey spots appear on the button which should be almost totally black.
I can’t really describe it properly.
Please take a look at my website to see what I mean.
I hope someone can help me, because it’s very irritating and
I have no idea how to fix it.
]]>Hi there,
After I press Sign Me Up via the plugin, wherever I am on the given page, it then jumps all the way to the bottom of the page after clicking the button.
I have Jetpack installed, with Subscriptions module activated.
Is there some conflict occurring, or way to fix this? It seems that it should stay at the same location on the page/post once it slides up, is filled out and Sign Me Up is pressed.
This is the site, now in development:
]]>Dear Aditya,
I saw that this question was asked by a user a year ago and I didn’t mean to make a duplicate thread. However, the other questions wasn’t addressed and the topic is now closed for new replies, so I had to create a new one.
The Follow button takes up the majority of the screen when I view my site on a mobile device. There is no x button allowing to close it or even fold it in order to properly view the site. The only way around the problem seems to be for the user to enter their email address, so essentially I’m forcing my mobile users to sign up before they even had a chance to view any content.
Since lots and lots of people browse websites via their smartphones these days, this has to be a major issue for any website that is trying to cater to that large audience. Is there any way at all to either remove the button from mobile view, fold it, or let the user close it? I’d really appreciate any help on this. Thank you in advance!
P.S.: I love Jetpack otherwise! Thanks for all your hard work ??
I just translated this plugin to French (and made it translatable).
You can download the ZIP archive here :
]]>When a subscriber adds their email address and clicks the “submit” button, a confirmation email is not generated and/or sent to their address…therefore not allowing them to follow the blog.
]]>up till yesterday it was working, now the plugin is still active but the follow button has disappeared.
]]>Hi, isn’t it possible to completely disable the Follow function once it was enabled? I noticed that however I disabled the plugin all previous subscibers still get their notifications as soon as an article is posted.
Will I have to disable the whole Jetpack Plugin in order to stop people from receiving updates?
]]>The FOLLOW button does not show up in IE 11 for my site ( Since other WP sites seem to work with FOLLOW BUTTON FOR JETPACK, I am assuming it has an issue with my theme (Grey Opaque 2.01). Where do I start to investigate?
Any input highly appreciated.
]]>I just installed your plugin and really like it. After perusing the support topics I know you addressed this but not sure if there was an update.
I was trying to swap the word “Subscribe” instead of “Follow” on the button and because it has more letters it gets crammed in and looks awful.
I was just wondering: do you plan on an update with options for text, color, position anytime soon?
]]>This plugin was originally installed under 3.5.1 and still works with 3.5.2. The issue occurs since 3.5.1.. Even though the follow button appears and works, the 404 Permalink Finder plugin detects 404’s for the following file which I confirmed is present in the correct path and has correct read permissions;
Can anyone provide any ideas as to why this 404 error seems to be occuring with every page visit and call for this file with Mozilla? Secondly, Permalink Finder gives an error for the event as being a “non-wordpress file.” These errors are filling my log and I need to get rid of this!
]]>I was using the regular Follow plugin for a while but recently switched to Jetpack for some of the features available. I installed the Follow for Jetpack but can’t see where to get a list of my subscribers. Also, I have had several people tell me they “followed” me but are not receiving emails. What am I missing? Help please.
]]>Over the last couple of days, I seem to have had 3-4 spammers subscribe to my blog from the follow button. I don’t know what the point of this is since it doesn’t help them comment or sign them up as users to my blog, but is it possible to add some sort of captcha code to prevent this from happening?
]]>How do I update/change the urls of my blog so that they are correct?
My profile here at!/my-blogs/ shows all the wrong urls listed.
And when I tested the subscription to follow my blog, this is the email with all the wrong urls in them:
You recently followed blog posts at This means you will receive each new post by email.
To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore this message.
Blog Name: LKR design
Confirm Follow
]]>I have installed Jetpack Follow here:
The button does not minimize as it does on the interior pages. I also have installed WP-Supersized, any ideas on how to resolve the apparent Javascript issue?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi. The follow plugin looks great and works almost perfectly. However I’ve notices that on my homepage it affects the photo slider. It seems to write some code which tried to launch photo slider after someone subscribes.
Could you please tell me what js code it writes so I can pass into to my theme support team
]]>When email notifications are received about new blog posts, a generic avatar appears alongside the name of the blog post. How can I add a different avatar? I use the Jetpack plugin.
]]>Is there any way to open the slider automatically?
Say, after 30 seconds?
Or if the user has scrolled down 60%?
(as in the facebook recommendation plugin)
]]>The plugin has been working fine however, on the mobile devices – it’s covering up content and people cannot read it. There should be some way to eliminate this from mobile devices all together or make it work better on those.
Is there a way to show the plugin on specific pages or use a shortcode for display?
I just installed follow button for jetpack. when I entered my email address in the follow button I am taken to a page with a 404 error. I also cannot find where I configure the setings. I tried the follow button (without jetpack) earlier and also got the 404 error. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
the site is
]]>I’m using the Jetpack plugin on WordPress, but when I use the Follow Button For Jetpack, you can type in an email address, but nothing happens beyond that. No email goes to the user to ask them to confirm, and they get no notification of posts, either.
If I type the Jetpack-less alternative, then when I type in an email address, it just changes the page to which isn’t a subscription page or anything at all, so that’s even more useless.
(I’ve enabled the former, just in case someone can figure out why it isn’t working)
[No bumping, thank you.]
[ Please do not create multiple threads with the same topic or bump. Closing this thread. ]
]]>I originally had the Follow (without Jetpack) plugin enabled and working, and then installed Jetpack (at which time it was still showing up). I then disabled it in favor of the Jetpack-enabled Follow plugin, but that didn’t show up. I tried to switch back to the Follow without Jetpack plugin, but that wouldn’t show up either. Any idea what’s going on?
]]>I really want to use this plugin, but when I activate it, the “follow” button appears 1/2 off the bottom of the screen and when trying to click it, it does nothing. I’ve also tried it with the 3.3.2 version and it also doesn’t work. ??
]]>The plugin displays the Follow button on right bottom of the blog. However, when I try to click it it does not work.
When we click it, I see a JavaScript error in the Chrome console:
“3Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘easeOutCubic'”
and in Firefox Console:
“f.easing[i.animatedProperties[this.prop]] is not a function”
I could reproduce this error on your site ( too.
I tried disabling all the plugins except jetpack and this, but still get the same error.
I tested this in Chrome 19.0.1084.52m and Firefox 12.0
]]>Not sure where to go configure the button?
– determine the location in the browser
– change the colors
– etc.
]]>I have downloaded and installed this plugin. I have 1-2 subscribers as show by jetpack sidebar widget but your follow plugin is not showing number of subscribers.
]]>The follow button does not show up with the latest version of wordpress. I tried viewing both my sites with microsoft internet explorer, chrome and firefox. The only time it showed up was when viewing my 2 sites with a mobile phone. I also attempted viewing it with other computers using all of these browsers and had no luck. Please try to fix it; I would really enjoy using this follow button..