I am having trouble making words that I want bolded to be bold. I have added the font that I want to also have the bold font weight but I am not sure how to implement it. This issue is mainly a problem on my blog posts but it is definitely an issue everywhere on my website.
]]>Hi folks, I absolutely love your plugin and am extremely thankful for your good work.
I’m currently having a bit of a problem with some of the Google Fonts which I’ve uploaded not displaying in the WP Visual Editor correctly. It seems to be an issue for only specific fonts (Muli, Bree Serif, and Cabin, for instance) and only when displaying in the editor. The drop-down menu in the toolbox displays all fonts correctly as WYSIWYG. After updating, the fonts appear correctly on the published page (but still not in the editor), which is obviously the important part. Is there any reason this would be happening with only some particular fonts and not others?
Thanks for any thoughts you might have!
]]>Does your plugin collect any data?
Thank you.
I checked and I can say that the current version doesn’t create the fo_usable_fonts table for all of the sites on a multisite WordPress setup. It just creates one table rather than having a table per site on the network. Also, this means any site other than the main one on a WordPress Network will be unable to define fonts using this plugin at this time.
Ideally, each site should get its own table for the font settings. Otherwise, the settings page should be shown in the Network Admin settings if it’s universal for the entire network of sites.
I have also posted this on the plugin’s GitHub at: https://github.com/Bars92/font-organizer/issues/21
]]>Yo guys, I’m having trouble with the plugin, hoping to get some help.
I’ve added the plugin, added a font and added the necessary CSS code. But it’s just not displaying. I’ve done a load of troubleshooting myself but can’t find out what the problem may be.
Here’s the page I’m working on: https://portfolio2.danjwilliams.com.au/about/
You’ll see a random ‘D’ underneath the “Dan” illustration, that’s where I’m testing it. It should look like the “Dan” illustration (instead of adding an image, I’m trying to manipulate it as a font instead). I have created the font, installed and tested the ttf on my Mac. No problemos there.
The only thing I can think of is when I install the font on my Mac, it comes up as “icomoon” which is the online converter I used. Does the installed font name make a difference here if I’ve named the font file and called it using another name?
I’m sure you’ll probably find something more obvious.
Thanks dudes!
I just migrated a wordpress website from my local server to my hosting server.
The plugin was working great locally but when migrating fonts stop showing up.
After inspecting the code in Chrome, i realized the fo-declarations.css file was trying to pull fonts from the local server (‘//localhost:8888/wp-content/uploads/font-organizer/35DBE1_1_0.eot’ instead of //website.com/wp-content/uploads/font-organizer/35DBE1_1_0.eot’).
Downloaded that file using my FTP client to check the file and everything seems listed correctly with the good path (//website.com/wp-content/uploads/font-organizer/35DBE1_1_0.eot’) so I don’t know what the problem is. Tried deleting the plugin and reinstalling, then uploading again the fonts and reassigning them but nothing works.
Any idea what i could be missing?
Font organizer worked well for me so that I could use Google fonts selectively for H’s, default fonts, etc. I want, however to change the designated Google font for H 1, h2, etc and I can’t get newly selected fonts to show. I’ve disabled the plugin and default fonts are on display. I’ve even deleted the plugin and reinstalled, and yet if I ask for a Google font for H!, etc., I only see the Google font I had originally selected for Hs before deleting and reinstalling the plugin. I’ve cleared all cache, etc and can’t imagine what the issue might be. I can’t without much pain identify what plugins might conflict. Any help or suggestion would be deeply appreciated.
(Ps: I’m using Font Organizer 2.1.1 with WP 4.9.4. In Font Organizer, H1-H6 are defined as Galldeano, and yet what shows for Heading fonts is google’s Boobaloo, which had once been defined in an experiment — see https://www.happyworldhomes.com/about.)
]]>When attempting to upload a font, I get the following error “Error uploading the file: Session ended, please try again.”
I’ve tried several different fonts, all having the same issues.
Any ideas? Thanks!
]]>I have posted the full details in the pull request at: https://github.com/Bars92/font-organizer/pull/20
I would love to see this adopted in a future version of this great plugin. Thanks!
I have installed two fonts, which are working correctly in Google Chrome. However in IE11 the fonts are not showing. I have added .ttf, .otf and .woff but it won’t work. I have already cleared cache, but no results.
How can I fix this?
]]>Hi, I am not going to give a bad rating for this, because those are features that simply seem absent. But it makes no sense to use this plugin if it doesn’t provide an option for fallback fonts (unless I’ve missed something). Please consider adding this to your futur updates! My websites is multilingual and uses both the Western alphabet and Chinese glyphs, which means that I rely on a fallback font. In the least, allow users to customize the specific line that will be modified in the files! And even without this in mind, shouldn’t every website have a font to fallback on if something goes wrong?
Thank you for considering!
]]>So I uploaded a font yesterday and used it briefly. Today the font wasn’t being used and now everytime I go to select the font to be used for <h2>Font, I hit save and it reverts back to “Default”. I’ve tried removing and reinstalling both the font and the plugin but have had no success.
]]>another displaying problem:
webfonts are uploaded as .ttf and are working correctly in all browsers – except IE11. edge browser works, too.
any ideas on this?
Hi there,
I added some CSS to the “Additional CSS” text box and saved it. Now when I try to edit it, it’s just locked text. I can select it, but I can’t edit it at all. (I was trying to add a special class for which there would be a different font setting, but the page I’m trying to publish isn’t posted yet.)
I don’t mind going in an manually editing the Additional CSS manually someplace (if you tell me where I need to do it) but longer-term this is probably a bug that needs fixing… unless of course there’s a plugin conflict causing it.
]]>I’ve uploaded couple of Urdu fonts on plugins. But when I try to upload another font that is 10mb in size your plugin isn’t uploading that font.
]]>Hi there
The fonts I am using are displaying perfectly in Chrome but not in Safari.
Is there a reason why or I workaround I can use?
The plugin is really good and works well, but I am experiencing the problem with the front page. I have uploaded my custom font and it has changed quite lots of things except the front page, texts before read more (even though when you open the link full text is in that font), copyright, etc.
Can you please help me to find the reason for it?
There are numerous fonts that are available via Fonts.com that aren’t available via Google Web Fonts. I would humbly like to request that this additional web font library/service be added in addition to Google Fonts.
I’m thinking I’m not the only one that would want a plugin for this.
As an aside, Typekit.com might be another service to consider adding. I like the organization of this plugin, but I just want to be able to use this one plugin for these additional libraries as well. Thanks!
]]>When choosing a font to add in the Font Settings page of our dashboard, I have to wait several seconds after clicking the dropdown for it to load because (I’m assuming) there are so many fonts available. Could the selection UI/process possibly be modified, perhaps in such a way where we can see a preview of the fonts in real time too, more like a grid if you will?
]]>hello and thanks for this plugin.
i’m trying to use a google font (yanone kaffeesatz) but with the bold weight. after enabling it with font organizer i just get the regular weight. when i go to manage fonts and see the source url is exactly the same for each of the font’s weight.
how can this be fixed?
is there a way to change the url that’s pointing to the google source font?
thank you ??
]]>I’m using custom font for my site and that custom font takes 85% of the data that gets transferred for the home page, this creating issue for my site user experience, because it take too long to open the site. My site: zaeefhadith.com
]]>Dear Support,
Would you mind adding an option in settings for disabling/removing visual editor’s fields (font & font sizes selection)?
Best Regards,
I’ve found a very strange problem, after the uploading of two custom fonts I’ve applied them to the desired tags (h1,h2,p…) and also to custom elements.
All works fine only if I open my site from the WordPress Dashboard, but if I exit from the Dashboard the plugin doesn’t work.
I provide you some screenshot and my list of plugin installed.
Best regards,
]]>I selected a google font for all my h1 tags, which worked perfectly. However, I decided I wanted to try another one and now no matter what font I add and change the h1 to it remains as the first font I chose.
I have cleared my cache repeatedly and nothing changes.
Any ideas?
]]>Norwegian letters doesn’t siplay properly please help!
]]>When going to a page in WordPress 4.8.1, the following message displays:
Failed to load content css: https://jessebilyeu.com/wp-content/themes/Bilyeu_Responsive_v5-1/../../uploads/font-organizer/fo-declarations.css
I’ve had this same error message in another site, as well.
The plugin seems to operate normally, except for this.
Thought you might be interested.
Thanks for your great work. I am not technical background, and I read all of FAQ, but not found the answers, so several question here please:
1# Were those fonts in “Available Fonts” saved on our local server? or were those fonts got from cloudy?
2# If there is a Typography option in our theme, please check the screenshot at https://prntscr.com/gcvut2 , would you please let me know whether there is potential conflict between Font Organizer and our theme, which one of fonts setting would be valid for frontend pages?
3# Here is a plugin of Google Webfont Optimizer(https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/google-webfont-optimizer/), does it works for those fonts in Font Organizer? what about those fonts which were uploaded locally?
Thanks so much.
]]>In order to apply a font ONLY to the website’s title in the header, which element setting do I select?
]]>the settings page gets broken as soon as you use the advanced CSS panel with something that has a ” mark, for example setting multiple fonts for an element (for different languages and stuff, for example)
apparently it results in a JS error because the quotations arent properly marked/escaped/whatever.
]]>On the general settings page there is not an option to generate the API key. But the advanced settings page does have the option to enter the API key.
How do I generate the API key?