Problem: When you order a pizza on this site you have the option to choose “small” or “large”. The default is “small” and the extra topping prices are displayed as the “small” prices. When you switch to a “large” pizza, the topping prices are supposed to switch to the “large” prices as well. This works the first time you choose a pizza. After adding it to the shopping cart, if you choose another pizza, the topping prices default to “large” even though the pizza size still defaults to “small.”
]]>Hi, first of all, i want to say thanks for developing amazing plugin like this. But i am afraid im having trouble. For some reason, i can’t see side dish in the cart. For example, i order quatro formaggi pizza and want olives as an addition. I add olives but i can’t see it in my cart. Is there any way to do this? Thanks a lot!
]]>Is this plugin compatible with Elementor ?
Thanks !
]]>I want to show some formatted text on the menu page. But the plugin is removing all the text formatting and shows as a big blob of text. Can the formatting be maintained as per the entry or have a switch to turn it on/off as per need. Also can we have the image lightbox for the product image? thank you for your kind cooperation. This is an amazing plugin and I am enjoying using it.
]]>Hello! I want to buy the “Food Online Premium” plugin. How editable is the shopping cart? I want to add a background image, change the cart text, among other features.
]]>When the customer picks a specific time for the order, it is not showing up in my email therefore i cant know when to deliver his order. But i have seen that the customer receives his confirmation email with his picked time. Why does only the customer gets the time field?
I have a client who needs a catering website with particular functions.
Is it possible with your plugin to create a catering website with 3 different menu options (Basic, Regular, Premium) with up to 8 dishes included, and additional ones at an extra cost? Without the single dish prices. People ordering a menu shouldn’t be able to pick dishes from other ones.
There also should be a possibility (mandatory) to confirm orders before clients pay for them to make sure there is enough capacity that day.
Please, let me know if it is possible to implement these functions with the plugin and how?
Thanks in advance,
I used this plugin its works properly some days. but from yesterday it showing without images and other things. pls what i need to do for further. thank you.
]]>Hi. How can I add a background image for every title categories?
how can I change time picker time format from AM/PM to 24h time format?
Hello, i can not remove checkout button on the top of the menu and how can i use custom font in this plugin
]]>Hello friends, I want to develop a project with your plugin, but I would like to know if it is compatible with this plugin:
I need to use this, as it is the only one that gives me for conditional variations.
Thanks for your answer.
Everything seems to work like a charm. Only when I choose pickup date and time, fill in my credentials and hit the order-button, I get an error message: “Not all fields have been filled in correctly.”
The problem is the time field. It says: “Provide the correct details for the required field.” It looks like the form doesn’t recognise ‘time’.
Can I resolve this?
(Because all my other products must stay online (non-pickup products), I’ve deactivated the plugin.)
]]>Hello, good morning, I am testing the plugin and the only thing I see that it does not work for me is the order time. It does not appear anywhere on the menu page.
Thank you
when ordering if i press + button it adds always 2 more.
( standart 1 if i press + it adds 2 =3 instead of 2
is that normal?
thanks for help
im using Sublanguage to translate my site…
but on menu product title and short description wont change.
it works fine on categories and woocommerce shop.
but on your menu doesnt works.
check the items BM. it support to show 华语 which is same with the pop up style.
please advice. thank you
]]>I am using WPClever Composite Products plugin on my site. I have enabled product popup for simple products, variables, and grouped products — it all worked except for composite products setup using the plugin I mentioned above.
Is there a way for me to enable product popup for composite products too? All my products are able to open popup, but composites now redirect to single product page which is not ideal for an online food ordering system.
Thank you for your time.
]]>Please can you add a comparison between free and premium features. I can’t tell what they are from the WordPress page or your website.
]]>Hey, there.
If I click to close the Food Online Update Heads Up notification it just reappears on any page load in the admin. Any way you can update this to permanently remove?
Thank you!
]]>Hello! Is there a way to sort products on shop page? So it’s not sorting by title? It always sorts by alphabetic order.
looking for to buy your Food Delivery with few question?
1. support minimum purchase
2.set delivery fee
3. on checkout page allow customer add tips
4. menu custom addon item with charge or free
Best Regard
I need help translating in French the GO TO CHECKOUT button and the YOUR MENU title in the Sidebar please.
Woocommerce translated all the other fields, except these ones.
I have the latest versions of everything, it’s a brand new website.
Caching has been disabled and emptied.
Solutions please?
]]>See the link attached please.
The Menu does not show on a Mobile device. When I try to troubleshoot in Chrome, it seems to be working. But not on an actual phone.
I have tried multiple themes, same result.
I have no other plugins, except Woocommerce. Running WordPress 5.7.1
Thank you,
The error may be with FOOD ONLINE Plugin, or Woocommerce Custom Product Addons So I’m messaging you both!
When I select a product (take a burger) from the menu (linked) which requires a “REQUIRED FIELD” input (meat choice) on the product popup item on the menu.
If you fail to fill in a “required field”. There is NO ERROR MESSAGE given on the product popup.
Contrary. A basic Wooocmmerce listing (Non Popup) will display something like, you still need to fill in this field. But not via the popup products…
Are there error anchors missing on the Pro version of Product Addons for Woocommerce which tell the user, information is missing?
Or code missing in FOOD ONLINE to see that a field generated by Product Addons for woocommerce is missing some data?
Continuing with the order process with the popup products (not standard product display woo commerce).
Once you do input the missing data (because the item doesnt go in your basket), the past (corrected) error is still shown in a red boxed message on the checkout page…
Why arent input errors shown on popups on the site? But they are on a standard WooCommerce product listing?
Thanks in advance
]]>Will you be introducing an option for dine in. Where customers can select a table number that they are sitting on when ordering, instead of delivery or collection
During checkout. We are having issues with the TIME selection on the form. Its quite often needing input of time more than once.
At the top of checkout you select a DAY and TIME for collection or delivery.
Once these are selected you input name, shipping and contact details….
Unfortunately once you choose a different payment method (if you choose something that isnt selected as default) you proceed to order, then the page errors and asks you to to input time again!
This will also ask you to re-enter the TIME if the customer forgets to type in an email address on order submission.
DATE always stays selected. TIME selection seems to reset over any error or change of selection on checkout…
Anyone else having this issue?
Hope all is well FOOD ONLINE
and Woo instant Notifications ( developers (I have paid for both apps).
I’m not sure if “Woo instant notifications” or FOOD ONLINE developers have the answer here so I’m messaging you both!
In the Woo Instant notifications app (to print out food order information) there are short codes to put into email template for orders to print.
Unfortunately after putting all of these short codes onto a print out. None of these show customer table number when EAT AT RESTAURANT option is checked in FOOD ONLINE.
Where is this short code created? Table number print out is pretty essential on a order printout.
Can You help?
Here are the full list of available short codes on Woo Instant Notifications Premium
{order_date}, {order_number}, {woocommerce_email_order_meta}, {order_paypal_txn_id}, {order_billing_name}, {order_shipping_name}, {order_shipping_address_1}, {order_shipping_address_2}, {order_shipping_city}, {order_shipping_state}, {order_shipping_postcode}, {order_shipping_country}, {email_order_items_table}, {email_order_total_footer}, {order_billing_email}, {order_billing_phone}, {order_billing_address_1}, {order_billing_address_2}, {order_billing_city}, {order_billing_state}, {order_billing_postcode}, {order_billing_country}, {order_customer_note}, {local_pickup_location_name}, {local_pickup_location_address_1}, {local_pickup_location_address_2}, {local_pickup_location_postcode}, {local_pickup_location_city}, {local_pickup_location_state}, {local_pickup_location_country}, {local_pickup_location_phone}, {local_pickup_location_startdate}, {local_pickup_location_startdate}, {email_addresses}, {custom_field1}, {custom_field2}, {custom_field3}, {chkmanager_billing_1}, {chkmanager_billing_2}, {chkmanager_billing_3}, {chkmanager_shipping_1}, {chkmanager_shipping_2}, {chkmanager_shipping_3}, {chkmanager_additional_1}, {chkmanager_additional_2}, {chkmanager_additional_3}, {order_time}, {used_coupon}, {byc_delivery_date}, {byc_delivery_time}, {byc_delivery_type}, {ws_delivery_date}, {ws_delivery_time}, {ws_delivery_type}, {flex_billing_1}, {flex_billing_2}, {flex_billing_3}, {flex_shipping_1}, {flex_shipping_2}, {flex_shipping_3}, {flex_order_1}, {flex_order_2}, {flex_order_3}, {crockz_delivery_date}, {crockz_delivery_time}, {crockz_delivery_type}, {crockz_pickup_date}, {crockz_pickup_time}, {tyche_delivery_date}, {tyche_delivery_time}, {food_store_service_type}, {food_store_service_date}, {food_store_service_time}, {food_online_delivery_mode}, {food_online_delivery_time}, {food_delivery_date}, {food_delivery_time}, {food_delivery_method}, {od_ts_date}, {od_ts_timeframe} )`
]]>help! I have purchased the ‘Food Online Premium’ plugin and when I want to download it the website tells me that it is prohibited.
I am quite upset, everything automated with payment, but not being able to download the file makes me fall behind with my work.
I need your help, yesterday I wrote in the contact form on your website and I have not received a response.
I am disappointed.
]]>Is there a way to change category image size?
Also there’s massive spacing between the category image, title, and title description on mobile devices. How can this be reduced?
How customer can review ?