Love the plugin! I have been having issues with my site, so I turned on debug mode, and on any page that uses this plugin’s shortcode I get the following notice:
Undefined variable: silent in [domain and directory] wp-content/plugins/footnotes-for-wordpress/wp-footnotes.php on line 156
The plugin seems to work just fine still, but I thought I would let you know, just in case this might cause a problem with your plugin in future updates.
]]>Compared to the “Footnotes” plugin, the default styling here is discouraging.
On the other hand, “Footnotes for WordPress” has a shortcode permitting the notes to be displayed wherever they are desired.
If “Footnotes for WordPress” could utilize the best of the Footnotes plugin styling, it would probably be the most useful footnotes plugin on wordpress.
]]>Firefox is complaining that the HTTPS version of my site is not secure. Looking at the page source, I see that Footnotes is the only plugin that is not using HTTPS connections.
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://HOST/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://HOST/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://HOST/wp-content/plugins/footnotes-for-wordpress/footnote-voodoo.js?ver=2016.1230'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://HOST/wp-content/plugins/wp-retina-2x/js/picturefill.min.js?ver=3.0.2'></script>
Disabling Footnotes does not cure the problem, so there is something else happening. I just figured I should drop a note here for completeness.
Version 2016.1230
]]>It’s an error occured in my website after upgraded to Version 2016.1213. The message is:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /home/MYUSERNAME/public_html/wp-content/plugins/footnotes-for-wordpress/wp-footnotes.php on line 154
Please fix it.
]]>I want to use the described option [references class="compact" /]
, but it currently double numbers the footnote references.
1. [1] The text of the footnote reference.
What drives me crazy is that I was successful in making a change on one WordPress site a few months back. It is working perfectly.
See the post: Transbay Blended Tunnel for an example.
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out what I did to make this work on my other WordPress sites. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
]]>For two related sites (together they publish hundreds of standard WP pages), I have been using a footnotes plugin that no longer works with recent WP updates.
Is there a way to substitute its start-and-end shortcodes with yours to eliminate the time and trouble of manual replacement?
I have a “global search and replace” plugin. Is it safe to use it for this purpose? If so, I will need step-by-step instructions for how to style elements like “sup” and other font spex.
Many thanks, Anna
The last update to Footnotes was back in 2010, and now there is a release in 2016 – can you tell us what has been changed? Why the update? ??
]]>Will this plugin please be updated to the latest wordpress version?
It doesn’t work well for me at the moment.
]]>Best Footnote plugin so far. But yet, there are some things, which makes it hard for me to use it.
1) Firefox doesn’t seem to like it (instead of siplaying the footnote in the popup, it keeps diesplaying “Loading…”
2) I miss the feature, to have a backlink for every backref.
3) You could easily add an option to only show it in the fulltext mode by simply adding the style attribute “display:none” in the <div> surrounding the list.
]]>Hi Charles,
Thanks for a great plugin. Just a few suggestions / requests in the formatting department:
#content sup a { display: none; }
followed by #content sup a.footnoted { display: inline; }
!I really appreciate plugin authors putting concise bits of markup in so we can do extra things with the styling, but some of the markup here seems to get in the way of a “minimalist” approach. I know some of the things are CSS and can be overridden, but again, it’d be nice to have an elegant but bare-bones setup as a starting point, and maybe an options page for putting extras in.
Anyway, I know what it’s like as a plugin author, so no pressure. Still appreciating the work you’ve done ??
Looks like an interesting plugin. Can we wrap images with the shortcode and have the image displayed when the user clicks on the JS-enabled link?