Hello, I need to display every options of my product variants also when is auto selected default variation.
Your plugin, when select defaul variation hide automatically other that are not available for that selected option.
default selected variation:
color: Black
pezzosopra: Tirangolo S
pezzosotto: Slip S
behaviour: Hide color RED as option because red not exist with pezzosopra: TriangoloS
If I de-select pezzosopra: Tirangolo S color RED option appear.
Check at this URL: https://www.laceabbigliamento.it/prodotto/wikini-woxer-costume-celine-tulle/
Is possible display all variant always?
]]>Hi, the plugin works fine but in my case I would like that, in the same order, if I’ve just selected the last peace of the product automatically I can see the next weight available. Is this possible?
]]>I have 2 variation. let’s say the a variant price is 1usd
the b variant price is 2 usd.
a is out of stock. the plugin setting is
Sort by: price low to high and Then Sort by: stock levels
it selects the a variant which is out of stock as default variant.
what should i do to fix this?
]]>Hi, our websites is using 2 variations for our products, the plugin works fine but for some reason it does the job only for the first variation can you look into it?
I have shown featured product on HOMEPAGE with Variations BUT variations default not selected. I need when user come to homepage then variation is auto selected so user don’t need to select variation and add to cart product easily
]]>Coded selection in child theme on page sample.
Was wondering how I could select example: 201-white as force default?
My suggestion is to add radio check box set as default variant in attributes!
With plugin I could only get one set of attributes to respond. Maybe my hard coded child theme default selection causing. My objective no selection required. If needed just use white any suggestions?? tks dave
I have the need to sort variants alphabetically. I’ve tried to work it out from the source code but it’s not as direct/simple as I thought, any advise on implementing this myself or if this could get added to the plugin that would be amazing.
I’ve installed the latest version of this plugin 1.61. When I sort the Price from low to high the results are’nt correct.
After reading the code I found that the callback function for usort (hpy_fdv_sortByPrice()) does not return integer.
7.6 - 8.2 = -0.6
as int -0.6 is 0 and interpreted as equal in usort context.
I changed the function hpy_fdv_sortByPrice:
function hpy_fdv_sortByPrice($a, $b) {
if($a['price'] === $b['price']){
return 0;
return $a['price'] < $b['price'] ? -1 : 1;
// return $a['price'] - $b['price'];
Now, I’ve the expected result. And the plugin works great for me. Hope it helps.
I have updated my websites to the latest 1.60 version of the plugin, then strangely a default option which has gone out of stock long ago becomes pseudo available – that is it is diplayed as still in stock but when you click to select it says no products can be found with the current selection. After downgrading to 1.5.2 all fine.
]]>First of all, thanks for making this plugin that seems to be able to help me and my customers. Unfortunately, I am not able to make it always choose the variation I’d prefer.
I selected sorting by Position and thought it means the Custom ordering of the attribute values (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product&page=product_attributes
). However, the default variation selected by the plugin seems to match the lowest variation ID (although I have selected Position).
Can I make the plugin sort by custom order anyhow? And what does Sort by Position mean actually?
]]>is this still being supported? I would gladly pay for a working version of this. Current version updated a year ago no longer works.
]]>Hello, I really like the idea off this plugin and this is exactly what I need.
But it is not working correctly.
It only sets the default based on position or ID, if that one gets sold out it is not setting a new default so it then shows the sold out message.
It seems in the forum this bug should got solved with version 1.4 but is is stil present.
Please let me know if this can get solved, many thanks, Tijmen
I have an issue only with size and mobile, desktop works perfectly.
Do you have any idea why the issue occurs only with mobile and size?
We are using: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/
]]>Hi, do you know how to fix the error –
Error: Call to a member function get_stock_quantity() on bool
line: 108 in variations.php
$stock_qty = $_child->get_stock_quantity();
]]>Hello there,
Thank you for this great plugin!
It seems like we have a bug? or I don’t understand something.
Skip stock levels seems to not work. It just doesn’t do anything. And still forces to select out-of-stock variants.
Please advise.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Disable auto-removal not function…
]]>Is there a possibility for a user to select what variation to be forced rather than all being forced automatically? eg having a default size only rather than having a default size an colour for clothing?
]]>Hello, I updated your plugin to 1.5.1 and your plugin no longer works. I rolled back to 1.5.0 then all back to normal working. My wordpress version is 5.3.2 and Woocommerce version is 4.0.0.
]]>Doesn’t seem to be working since updating Woo to 4.0
]]>When the box under Hide out of stock items from the catalog at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=products§ion=inventory is ticked, which hides variable products without stock and this plugin is installed, the options to select products without stock re-appears again =(
I have Color and Size attributes for each product.
And my product thumbnail gallery only shows up after i select any color.
I would like to force select the color but not the size attribute.
Is that possible? Maybe with a functions code?
]]>After doing the updates on my site, I started getting an error from the code trying to get the first element of an empty array. I fixed it manually. Here’s the fix, if anyone else wants it:
In includes/variations.php, line 170, replace :
$_prod = wc_get_product( $attributes[0]['id'] );
by :
$_prod = ! empty( $attributes[0]['id'] ) ? wc_get_product( $attributes[0]['id'] ) : null;
I’m currently using the stock limit option with the value of 1 to skip variations that are out of stock and it works great but in the case that all variations are out of stock I would like to automatically select the first variation (exactly how it works without setting a stock limit). Is it possible to add this please?
Thank you.
]]>This plugin has a lot of potential, but also contains quite some bugs.
I want to help out!
Is there a Github repo where I can help you guys out fixing bugs and issues?
]]>If the plug in can not auto select the next in stock variation, please consider this as a feature request. It would be very handy to do this so the item page will always show an in stock item.
]]>I found a bug:
If you disable a variation, it is still visible in the drop down and even preselected if this variant has the lowest price!
If you select this variation, you get a message saying “Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.”.
Disabled variations should be hidden/removed or at least disabled in the drop down.
Is it possible disable this function on singel product page.
I want to this function just on category/tag/archive page.
Does this plugin has a Github mirror repo so I can help out with bugs?
I noticed v1.4.1 sorts by normal price instead of the (optional) sales prices.
You should sort on “_price”, which is the lowest of the regular and (optional) sale price. Currently, it only sorts on “_regular_price”.
Looking forward to your reply. Keep rocking with this awesome plugin!
]]>Nice feature, but I don’t think this plugin supports product type bundle or composite. Also if you check select variation by price and the prices are the same no option is picked. Keep up the work though, this is a very useful feature for woocommerce.
]]>Hello, I used your plugin that worked well until version 1.4. I have currently delivered the version 1.3 that works correctly (WP 5.0.2). On this site customers just order (there is no price). I use the prices in the attributes and with your plugin I ask the sorting of the most expensive to the cheapest. The attribute (sorry the site is in French) allows to propose to the customers of the site the biggest container (request of the owner of the site).
I do not know where the problem comes from, but version 1.4 does not do the job anymore as v 1.3 did.
Thank you for your help