Is it possible to have a reset Password after initial login. Eg supply user with onetime password that they have to reset after logging in
]]>Hi Simon
Getting this browser error: “Redirection limit for this URL exceeded”
I have WooCommerrce installed. When I de-activate Woo, the error goes away, and I’m take to the Profile page.
Is there anything which can be done to prevent this?
Thanks, David
]]>Hello dear developer,
I have installed your plugin (and I thank you for it) and it works.
I would like to make a small change…
If i am right, WP takes a (newly or not) registered user to the edit profile page. And thanks to your plugin, the user is obliged to change its password at the first connexion…and that’s nice.
What I’d need is to redirect a ‘fully’ registered user (I mean, a user who has changed its first password) to the home page instead of the edit profile page.
I have na?vely tried to add else {wp_redirect(home_url());exit}
in your custom redirect function but the redirection failed…
Would you have an idea please?
Thank you in advance
For my users (at the “Subscriber” level) to change their passwords, they actually go to /my-account/edit-account/ …I think that’s a result of using the WooCommerce Memberships plugin, or at least WooCommerce in the firts place.
Any way to change the plugin to redirect to that page?
]]>Is this plugin support Buddypress ?
Tx ??
I tested your plugin and found that it didn’t really suit me needs. I therefore deactivated it and deleted it afterwards. However, new users are still redirected to the change password admin page so how can I completely remove your plugin?
I’ve tried looking in the php files and in the usermeta and users tables but I can’t find a meta key named force_password_change. So why are new users still redirected?
I installed this force password change plugin after that I imported my old users from the existing table. Its not working for the existing users. But when a new user registers its working fine. I added in user_meta table that force-password-change as meta_key and meta_value as 1 for all existing users imported, even though its not redirecting to the force password change page
please help me to find a solution for this
]]>Hello Simon,
I know this question as been asked to you more than once: I’d like to redirect the user to a front-end profile page, rather than the ugly admin one.
I perfectly understand that it’s hard to do because of the values of the password fields name in the new form.
In my case, I’m going to use the same variable names as in the admin profile form.
I know wordpress code so I know that I can make changes to your plugin, but I’m not sure where to make the changes… Could you please help me?
First what I tried was to change this:
if ( get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'force-password-change', true ) ) {
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'profile.php' ) );
exit; // never forget this after wp_redirect!
into that:
if ( get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'force-password-change', true ) ) {
wp_redirect( home_url() . '/profil/' );
exit; // never forget this after wp_redirect!
but as you may guess, it’s an infinite loop.
Could you please explain me why, and tell me what I should do to make this work?
Thanks a lot.
I’m looking for this function to work only for “old” users who have been imported from an old site. This is because the old site stored their passwords in plain text, so for security I’d like to make them reset their password. Anyone know how this could be done? Happy to pay for customisation.
]]>After installing the plugin I m getting a error saying “webpage has a redirect loop” .
Read some article regarding it, but it dint help
Please help me with the issue
]]>Is there a way to easily reset the database flag to force users to reset their password?
Currently whenever a user forgets their password I have to set it to the default password and then go into the database and change the flag associated to the users id.
It would be nice if there was a checkbox in the user profile that only the admin can see that can be checked to re-enable the force change password.
]]>Is there a way to easily reset the database flag to force users to reset their password?
Currently whenever a user forgets their password I have to set it to the default password and then go into the database and change the flag associated to the users id.
It would be nice if there was a checkbox in the user profile that only the admin can see that can be checked to re-enable the force change password.
I’m using your plugin and it works fine!
I’ve now installed gravity forms user registration plugin and I want my users to go to the registration form page to change their password after they log in the first time, not on the wp profile page, how can I achieve that? Can I set the url to my custom page/form?
thank you
Do you mean my 3 existing admins will have to change their passwords?
]]>I belong to a web powered by WordPress but their admin left and no password for lost password or newly registered cannot be assigned. We are unable to login to that website and chat on their dashboard.
I’m desperate for this.
Anne Benjawan Clarke
I do not know the version of WP they are currently using.
]]>Is it possible to change the redirect URL from the Admin > Edit Profile to a different URL? If so, where can that be changed? I’m using MemberPress for a membership section and would want users to go to their MemberPress profile, not the WP profile.