Hi David, great plugin.
Does your plugin pull the title data from image’s metadata? From exif or iptc? When I disable your plugin, WP still fills in the TITLE field of the newly uploaded image with image’s metadata but only 64 characters. I’m trying to figure out where that is coming from. Is that default WP behavior?
I see here Two Sentences meaning same thing correct ?
i have a problem with Seo Media Manager, after the installation and the activation i see a blank page on the page setting of the plugin.
I Have WordPress 4.9.16 con il tema UnderStrap Child
can you help me?
Have decided to let you know after such a long time since updates,see image here: https://prntscr.com/ptjrnb
And also has not been updated with last three major release of WP: https://prntscr.com/ptjs4j
Something needs to happen,
]]>Hi @wpgoplugins @dgwyer,
Can I ask why there isn’t any regular updates in the last year:? https://prntscr.com/p11fiw
Was also was interested in the Pro, but it doesn’t seem to be maintained or updated regularly either: https://prntscr.com/p11ger
I’ve installed and activated the plugin but no changes to images alt atribute? why?
]]>The “Plugin Homepage ?” link is broken on the pop up that appears if you click “view version X details” on the plugin updates page in WordPress.
It goes to https://wpgothemes.com/plugins/format-media-titles/, which comes up with a ‘page not found’ error.
]]>Have you thought about parsing the Title by the capitalization in the original filename?
For example: UpdatedImageFile1.png = Updated Image File 1
]]>Hi! I would like to know if the Format Media Titles plugin comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
]]>Hi, the plugin page says:
This Plugin automates things by removing and replacing characters such as hyphens, and underscores, with spaces.
But it doesn’t say from what it removes things, which I presume is the image filename?
It also doesn’t explain on what fields it operates – alt? title? caption? etc.
I would suggest adding that info to the description on the plugin page.
Love your plugin and wish you great success as it is a wonderful tool.
I do have a question.
When uploading a 908 x1424 image (media settings for a large file are well beyond the size) ‘SwatchRatioFrame B’ is inserted rather then the file name.
Any ideas?
Thanks and continue the great work. ??
Kind regards,
Can I know if this option is now available ?
Thank you.
]]>Great plugin.. but very recently the “Don’t Alter” capitalization option has stopped working for us. Other capitalization methods seem to work still (Capitalize All Words etc..)
Tested with no other plugins active and the 2015 default theme.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi there,
I was using this plugin for a while now but suddenly it stopped working. I think after 0.30 update. Now when I try to automatically add title or alt tag nothing happens in the way that this plugin wouldn’t exist at all.
Could you please inform me what has been changed recently? Previously the plugin used to grab the name of the image and add to the title and alt, now – nothing happens.
]]>This is a new bug in version 0.29. If the last character is an “n”, the plugin cuts off the character from the title, caption, and alt text field.
]]>Hi, there can by some options to disable format media title, if filename is like that ->
(YYYY)-(MM)-(DD) (hh).(mm).(ss)
(YYYY)-(MM)-(DD) (hh).(mm)
function fmt_add_options_page() {
add_options_page( __(‘Format Media Titles Options Page’, ‘format-media-titles’), __(‘Format Media Titles’,’format-media-titles’), ‘manage_options’, __FILE__, ‘fmt_render_form’ );
After upgrading from WordPress 4.5 to 4.6.1 the plugin ignores capital letters in file names (converts them to lower case) and it now ads hyphens to title, caption, and alt text fields.
]]>Hi David!
Great plugin, it has been working like a dream up until now… came back to work on my website after a break and for some reason the plugin is no longer working. Have deactivated, uninstalled, reinstalled and reactivated with no change.
Any troubleshooting tips you can suggest?
Before I download I have two questions. Is it still working with current WP version and second question is could it sort out alt tags to images which are already uploaded to media library?
Thank you,
This plugin is perfect for my needs but unfortunately, it isn’t working with 4.1 or at least not for me. After updating the settings to remove hypens, underscores and periods plus set it to capitalize the first letter of every word no titles changed. I thought possibly there was a plugin conflict so I tried deactivating all plugins but still no go.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi, first off just wanted to thank you for your work on this awesome little plugin.
I’m getting an error when updating the plugin option with wp_debug mode turned on.
The error is as follows:
Notice: Undefined index: textarea_one in /path-shortened/wp-content/plugins/format-media-titles/format-media-titles.php on line 140
Notice: Undefined index: txt_one in /path-shortened/wp-content/plugins/format-media-titles/format-media-titles.php on line 143
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path-shortened/wp-content/plugins/format-media-titles/format-media-titles.php:140) in /path-shortened/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1121
When I update your code to check for a value being set all of the errors disappear. Here is my updated code:
if (isset( $input['textarea_one'] )) {
$input['textarea_one'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_one']); // Sanitize textarea input (strip html tags, and escape characters)
if (isset($input['txt_one'] )) {
$input['txt_one'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['txt_one']); // Sanitize textbox input (strip html tags, and escape characters)
Just wanted to give you a heads up.
]]>Hi, will you be adding the feature to re-name images.. all at once. I have hundreds of images. ??
Is this plugin still in developement?
Kind regards,
]]>For SEO purposes it would be better to use parent post title, if available.
Made s small patch:
1) checks if parent post title is available and uses it instead;
2) is addition to “title” also replaces “Alt field”.
This two small changes make this plugin perfect for SEO.
function fmt_update_media_title($id) {
$options = get_option('fmt_options');
$cap_options = $options['rdo_cap_options'];
$uploaded_post_id = get_post( $id );
/* mod! */
if ($uploaded_post_id->post_parent) {
$parent_post = get_post( $uploaded_post_id->post_parent );
$title = $parent_post->post_title;
if ($title && $parent_post->post_status!='auto-draft'){
$uploaded_post = array();
$uploaded_post['ID'] = $id;
$uploaded_post['post_title'] = $title;
wp_update_post( $uploaded_post );
update_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $title);
return true;
/* mod! */
$title = $uploaded_post_id->post_title;
/* Update post. */
$char_array = array();
if( isset($options['chk_hyphen']) && $options['chk_hyphen'] ) $char_array[] = '-';
if( isset($options['chk_underscore']) && $options['chk_underscore'] ) $char_array[] = '_';
if( isset($options['chk_period']) && $options['chk_period'] ) $char_array[] = '.';
if( isset($options['chk_tilde']) && $options['chk_tilde'] ) $char_array[] = '~';
if( isset($options['chk_plus']) && $options['chk_plus'] ) $char_array[] = '+';
/* Replace chars with spaces, if any selected. */
if( !empty($char_array) )
$title = str_replace($char_array, ' ', $title );
/* Trim multiple spaces between words. */
$title = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $title);
/* Capitalize Title. */
switch ($cap_options) {
case 'cap_all':
$title = ucwords( $title );
case 'cap_first':
$title = ucfirst( strtolower( $title ) );
case 'all_lower':
$title = strtolower( $title );
case 'all_upper':
$title = strtoupper( $title );
case 'dont_alter':
/* Leave title as it is. */
// Update the post into the database
$uploaded_post = array();
$uploaded_post['ID'] = $id;
$uploaded_post['post_title'] = $title;
wp_update_post( $uploaded_post );
update_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $title); // mod!
]]>WordPress uses the uploaded file name, without the file type, as a default title. I did this mod to make it easier for people that name their media locally prior to “Add Media”. If they used trailing numbers to distinguish multiple photos of the same item, the “Format Media Titles” plugin with this mod gives them a greater chance of having a correct defaut title without their editing it.
But if the uploaded media is uploaded with a DCF camera file name, typically “IMG_1234”, the mod does not remove the digits. The DCF camera format has many 8 character possibilities, so I am merely testing the last 4 characters, and if found to be numeric, the title is not changed.
The mod I did is on pastebin at and I posted it in the hope it might be useful.
]]>Is is possible to append the logged in user’s username to the Title of a file such as Filename-username ?
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