We have followed all the steps which are mentioned in this URL https://help.formstack.com/s/article/Wordpress-Plugin-V2.
The WordPress Formstack plugin is not configured. It is showing this “Authentication error: Authentication code is expired”.
I have tried it with “Refresh Formstack form cache” and “Clear Formstack tokens” but I am still getting this error.
Could you please let us know why the form is not configuring?
Also, The plugin has an outdated version. Could you please share the latest plugin so that we can update it to avoid further security and another issue?
Please share the solution ASAP.
]]>Hi there,
I have a formstack form embedded into a wordpress page and the field is a checkbox that a user will tick to say they don’t want to be contacted via email.
In formstack the field is set up with a label and a separate value of “No”. When filling in the details on the wordpress page and ticking the email checkbox it isn’t passing the no value into Formstack, it appears blank. If I fill in the same form directly within Formstack the value comes back as “No”.
Any ideas on why a checkbox field values don’t pass through the details into formstack?
]]>This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. Are you going to continue supporting this? If so, when do you anticipate an update or an alternative? This is 1 1/2 years past when we consider this to be abandoned. A response would appreciated and recognition of security issues with outdated plugins should be taken into account as a developer.
FYI there has been a few threads about JS errors (Failed to initialize plugin: formstack) when on taxonomy edit or list screens. There was a fix suggested in this thread, but the fix did not work (logic was a bit off).
I have rewritten @joelnewcomer’s suggested fix for line 173 of plugin.pphp to:
if ( (! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) && ! current_user_can( 'edit_pages' )) || !in_array( $GLOBALS['hook_suffix'], array('post.php', 'post-new.php') ) ) {
This seems to fix it both for the taxonomy listing pages, and for the term edit pages.
]]>Hi! I was having an issue with the plugin showing an error “Failed to initialize plugin: formstack” when I was editing categories or custom taxonomy terms. I quickly discovered that it’s because TinyMCE loads on those screens but the Formstack JS isn’t being loaded. I was able to fix it by changing line 173 of plugin.php to:
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) && ! current_user_can( 'edit_pages' ) && !$GLOBALS['hook_suffix'] == 'post.php' && !$GLOBALS['hook_suffix'] == 'post-new.php' ) {
We are getting errors with our Formstack plugin breaking the navigation and display on certain pages of our site. We recently updated to WordPress 5.3, but were also getting this error previous to updating on the backend: Failed to initialize plugin: formstack.
Any help resolving this plugin error without reverting our wordpress would be greatly appreciating.
There is an issue with the formstack plugin when using Advanced Custom Fields within a WordPress site. Advanced Custom Fields is a very widely used page builder tool so we’d assume this issue comes up a lot.
When using the Advanced Custom Fields WYSIWYG editor field, the formstack plugin throws an error message. This only occurs on special pages (options, author pages, menu pages) – sections in WordPress that wouldn’t typically have WYSIWYG editor fields present.
We’ve developed a fix to at least not throw the large red error banners, but ideally the plugin would work in those locations as well.
The user displayed error is:
Failed to initialize plugin: Formstack.
The JS error that is shown in the console is:
Failed to initialize plugin: formstack ReferenceError: formstack_tinymce is not defined
We have implemented a fix on our version of the plugin which is to this file:
The fix is to add this code after line 2 in that JS file:
if (typeof formstack_tinymce == ‘undefined’) {
Often when the formstack plugin is updated it overwrites our changes so it would be great if you would consider updating the plugin.
Thanks for your help!!
]]>We have multiple client sites that we need to use this plugin with. The plugin authenticates correctly on the first site, but once installed on another, the API won’t validate. Do we need to create a separate API key for each install? Even though the widget has access to every form we’ve built?
]]>Good Morning,
I am working with a client on their WordPress site where we have an issue when you click on the “Customize” option in the “Appearance” we get a screen related to Formstack and not the WordPress Theme Customize screen. Can you help us to correct this to display the customize screen?
]]>Hi, I’m trying to implement a Formstack form on my page and it keeps on showing much larger than it should be.
Do you know why this happens and how can I fix it?
Thank you.
]]>Hi all, thanks for building/maintaining this plugin!
Trying to use it to populate a form within Elementor, and it’s all going fine except that under the dropdown labeled “Choose a form to embed:” We’re not seeing forms that were created recently. We see our 50 oldest forms. Any thoughts on why that might be happening?
]]>it should look like this: https://training.bestalliance.org/lesson/inhospitable-to-human-trafficking-2/
My site https://andersonudev.wpengine.com/ is loading formstack’s css on the home page, even though I’m not using Formstack on that page.
The specific file is:
– https://www.formstack.com/forms/css/2/wordpress-post.css?ver=4.9.8
This slows page load, which is especially critical on the home page.
I’m wondering, is there a setting where you can turn off auto-load for formstack’s css?
I have several websites with different paid plans, one is Gold and one is Silver. On all of my websites, I enter the Client ID and Client Secret that I get from my API page and all my websites get the error
“WordPress error: cURL error 35: SSL connect error”
Also, we have 5 forms set up on Formstack and my WordPress Formstack back end shows:
Available Forms: 0
PHP Version: 7.1.11
I also tried “Refresh Formstack form cache” with no luck and the Authenticate With Formstack API constantly displays even after I successfully authenticate on the Formstack page.
Please advise.
Hello, I uploaded, and activated, and connected the Formstack plugin. I see a long list of forms, but they are not in alphabetical order or a search form to easily locate the form I need.
I’m wondering if you can add this to your plugin?
]]>I have set up my forms, and a whole lot of email logic for our company. I installed the plugin, and when I click on the widget, it brings me to the Client ID and Client Secret, which I also filled, and you can see that it is now auto-filled. When you click on “Save Changes” which seems the be the only available next step for me to start accessing the forms, it pops up with the error message.
Error message: https://www.screencast.com/t/zX9FZsEX
It looks like others have had this problem before, which I am not sure really got solved in those other threads. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
We have installed the latest version of WP and the Formstack plugin. However, we are experiencing issues with the widget – the dropdown lists all of the forms apart from three. We’ve disabled and re-enabled the plugin, but we are still experiencing the same issue. We’d appreciate any help you can offer…
]]>Howdy Michael, we’re redesigning our website and are really hoping to move forward with Slider Revolution (the number one hero/slider system for WordPress). It seems the jQuery call made by Formstack conflicts with the call for Slider Revolution. Any chance you can take a look? I can get you access to our dev site if need be.
The jQuery conflict causes the Slider to not load.
I have successfully set up a version2 API and inserted all associated formstack forms via formstack widget.
So I have sone this for a dev/staging URL – I take it I would need to set up another API of the production URL and receive new client ID and secret.
When I plug the new ID/secret in after going to new URL will the previously added forms need to be re-added or will they be retained.
]]>The previous plugin worked fine. This won’t authenticate and won’t allow me access to my forms.
When saving new API and client ID it gives me this:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/ogom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php on line 288
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/ogom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php on line 288
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home2/ogom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php:288) in /home2/ogom/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
Currently, on the page in question, I’ve bypassed the plugin and used the embed method.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
]]>Howdy Michael,
It’s me again, I use formstack everyday, so I run into a bit of everything. Well, we’re thrilled you fixed the timeout, but upon updating, it seems the forms are now unsorted. With 300 forms and no way to find a specific form it’s quite a task to find any specific form. Is there a way or can you add a search or a filter or just alphabetize the list?
You can see what I mean here:
Thank you,
]]>Got the following error in authenticating. I tried with no other plugins installed and received the same error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /directory/my_domain/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php on line 288
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /directory/my_domain/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php on line 288
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /directory/my_domain/wp-content/plugins/formstack/plugin.php:288) in /directory/my_domain/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
]]>Instead of deploying to our live site, as we’ve not had great success with the formstack plugin updates, I decided to update to our dev site. And voila, 0 of approximately 300 forms appear in the Formstack API Auth page.
I provided a login to Colin Chapin via Formstack for your team to troubleshoot.
]]>I’m having a bit of trouble embedding formstack into one of my pages. When I embed the widget, it works for a split second and then defaults to not showing any forms when I go to select a form. I’ve tried to update the plugin, but worked to no avail. I’m using site-origin editor’s page builder if that helps out any, but as of right now, it doesn’t seem compatible.
If anyone could help, that would be great.
]]>The latest update allows for instant scrolling of the entire list of forms, you no longer have to wait on the search to populate… which is nice; however, there is a major lag between the creation time of a form and the refresh rate of the formstack plugin form list.
What is the delay time? Is there a way to adjust it or force an updated list? I regularly create a form, and swap to WP and have to come back to the site sometime later to check if its been added to the plugin list for embedding.
It seems like there should be a ‘refresh list’ button to recheck against the account.
]]>Greetings Formstack Devs,
We’re looking to use this plugin for a client and noticed that there are a number of unescaped variables being output. To make this plugin safe, I’d like to request the following changes be implemented with the plugin. I couldn’t find a Git repository to contribute to, so I have a commit with the changes here:
Please let me know if it would be possible to implement these changes with the plugin.
]]>With either of the following plugins installed and activated:
* Black Studio TinyMCE Widget v2.3.2
* WP Editor Widget v0.5.5
Going to the Appearance > Widgets page in WordPress Admin throws the following console error in Chrome (and subsequently causes plugins to fail and be unusable)
Uncaught ReferenceError: formstack_tinymce is not defined
at new <anonymous> (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-content/plugins/formstack/tinymce/plugin.js?wp-mce-4506-20170408:4:13)
at Array.e (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:12:26858)
at n (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:4:1533)
at L.init (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:12:27411)
at L.<anonymous> (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:12:25336)
at Array.<anonymous> (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:5:11775)
at n (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:4:1533)
at v (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:5:11722)
at c.(anonymous function).c.(anonymous function).c.(anonymous function).c.(anonymous function) (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:5:11656)
at HTMLScriptElement.o (https://seattleafwa.org/wp/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4506-20170408:5:10514)
The file:line referenced in the error is:
(function () {
tinymce.PluginManager.add('formstack', function (ed, url) {
ed.addButton('formstack', {
title : formstack_tinymce.button,
Interestingly with both of those plugins active, but formstack plugin deactivated, they don’t cause a conflict with eachother — merely, they both cause conflict and throw errors when the formstack plugin is enabled.
Best guess this is some kind of scope error? Recently introduced?
]]>Hi guys.
So, I have this different structure for wordpress, basically my wordpress instalattion is managed by composer and that means that I have wp core files folder apart from the rest like wp-content.
Every other plugin works just fine with it except for Formstack, the reason is that in wysiwyg when I try to click the formstack button to choose the form I get the message wp-load.php not found.
This is due to you guys being loading/trying to find the file only in legacy or classic_root places…
To overcame this you have the global defined WP_LOAD_PATH but this actually don’t work because your’e loading the php.file using the javascrip windowManager.open that can’t see the global defined values.
I may be missing something here but how can I load my path without touching your files or the structure of my site?
thank you!
I was able to follow the instructions to install the Formstack plugin on my WordPress website and make the embedded form showing up on the page. Below is the embedded code gendered after I choose the form to embed.
[Formstack id=2337194 viewkey=vyPNfZz8LT]
The form displays correctly on the page but at the same time a bunch of form validation messages got showing up as well. Here are a few messages:
Please fill in a valid value for all required fields
Please ensure all values are in a proper format.
Are you sure you want to leave this form and resume later?
Are you sure you want to leave this form and resume later? If so, please enter a password below to securely save your form.
Save and Resume Later
Save and get link
You must upload one of the following file types for the selected field:
There was an error displaying the form. Please copy and paste the embed code again.
Apply Discount
You saved
with code
There was an error initializing the payment processor on this form. Please contact the form owner to correct this issue.
Please check the field:
How to hide or get rid of those messages? Can someone help please?
thanks a lot,
]]>Dear Formstack,
The plugin is now showing nothing i don’t know if a new wordpress problem or it doesn’t work on the theme RONNEBY.