I would like to know if the following functions will be possible in the future.
1 Easy movement function from WPFORO to ForumWP
2 ForumWP integration SEOPRESS
3 ForumWP Related topic suggestions are suggested at the same time as you enter the topic title.
4 ForumWP integration Polylang
Automatic translation function to multilingual forums
Hi. Is it possible for users/visitors to share images or videos in the forum? Can they do it anonymously?
]]>When will the installation resume?
I would be happy if I could get an answer as I am in great need of this right now.
I noticed the last time this plugin has been updated was two years ago. I am interested in pro but want to make sure this product is still being updated and supported.
]]>Upgrade Email Templates…
Something went wrong with AJAX request…
Your upgrade was crashed, please contact with support
I’ve been searching everywhere for the easiest way to change the breadcrumb text ‘Forum’ and the title ‘Forum’ to something different, in this case, ‘Discussion Boards’.
Please see the screen capture here: https://tinyurl.com/27wo9vhg
This should in theory be easy. Is there a setting somewhere that I’ve missed?
Perhaps you could supply a code snippet if not?
Or an easier way?
Many thanks in advance,
]]>Hi! I’m trying to use ForumWP because it has integration with Ultimate Member, which we’re also using. However, even after deleting the plugin and its settings, reinstalling, having it redo all the pages, I still cannot get forums to show up on the web page. You can see that I have a forum in wp-admin, but I can’t get it to show up on [ redundant link removed ]. If I try to view it directly, I see errors.
Im having problems, on one site, with the Ultimate member-plugin – I cant update it
In admin it says “Ultimate Member version 2.6.11 needs to be updated to work correctly.
It is necessary to update the structure of the database and options that are associated with Ultimate Member 2.6.11.”
Bit when I do that I get ” Ultimate Member Something went wrong with AJAX request…
Ultimate Member Your upgrade was crashed, please contact with support”
Its the free version (so far) and I tried different solutions. Deactivate plug-ins and increased ” php_value max_execution_time” to 1000
Nothing works
What is the status of testing with major releases of WordPress? Is this plugin being updated and maintained?
]]>I am in the process of setting up a new forum using the free version ForumWP, I will look to upgrade if it works out. I set up different categories but they do not show up when I look at the forum page.
Should I be using Topics?
What is the difference?
Following this tutorial (https://docs.forumwpplugin.com/article/1524-forums-and-topics-templates) I created a template for forum and topic ((of course I also set those in settings).
However, inside these pages I don’t see either the current forum or the topic (I see header, footer and sidebar correctly). Here is the code I wrote:
]]>Is there a converter to import a phpBB forum to ForumWP?
I would like to ask about this string:
Why is it not translated? even I have used the “Loco Translate” plugin to translate them:
Please note that only these strings didn’t translate, and any string else translates fine.
I would like to ask if there is any way that the user can delete a topic he makes and if he can delete a reply on his topic.
Do you get me?
Thank you.
The plugin is ok so far. I tried out bbPress at first, which is also good, but needed something cleaner and simpler that works with UM. The ForumWP looks like a good match. However after a successful set up, i spent most of the day trying to figure out why only two roles (admin and subscriber) roles are the only roles able to write, reply or post topics within the forum.
I found another post from one other person with the same issue, where installing the User Roles Editor Plugin was recommended to extend role permissions, after installing and checking all the role permissions it still did not work for the third user role.
It would be great to know if it’s only limited to two roles (admin and x)
Looking forward to some insight. Many thanks.
]]>I have checked every setting everywhere and I cannot figure this out. As an admin, I cannot participate in the forum I have set up. I can’t add a post, reply or anything.
I am so confused. It works for the other users but not for admins. I have checked all the user roles, I’ve installed the User Role Editor to just double check is there is something unchecked but everything is checked.
What am I missing?!
We are using ForumWP.
We also have the following related plugins installed:
Ultimate member – ForumWP
Ultimate member – reCAPTCHA
Ultimate member – user photos`
I need to received a email in every activity of may forum. in “settings”>”EMail” only see the option “Mention” how can I add more options?
im using with “Ultimate Member”
]]>I need help for update user profile image in your plugin profile page
]]>I’m running the free version and it only has an email capability that supports “mentions”. But I can’t find any doco on exactly what is required to have a “mention”? Does the post need an exact name match? A hashtag nickname? Know idea…can anyone shed light on this?
Can anyone please tell me how to remove a Forum icon in ForumWP?
It seems to me that once you have selected an icon on an individual Forum it get stuck there.
Does the Pro version of ForumWP provide better and easier handling of user roles and how individual user roles can be controlled in terms of access / visibility to forums and topics?
I would like to set up forums for specific user roles, so that user role 1 can only see a specific user role 1-forum and so forth.
Can it be done with the free version of ForumWP or with the Pro version of ForumWP?
there’s nowhere in your ForumWP knowlegdebase where I can read anything about what Forum categories are and what they are good for.
Could you please explain?
Thank you.
I’ve a BIG problem. I’m missing the Settings/General/Forums “Default topics template” to select the Template. I’ll use the Basic, but there is no Drop-Down! Also missing the Point: Settings/General/Forum “Permalinks”. What is wrong with my installation?
Versions in use:
Hopefully you can help,
Cannot reply to topics. When pressing reply a loading circle appears and never stops
]]>We have just installed ForumWP, and there is a Mention email set up by default.
I would like to add more email notifications (like new topic added) which I can see in your demo screenshots – but there is no “Add New” button as I would expect.
How do I add more emails?
page template selection option not displaying on settings and also on single forum page.
]]>I can’t find detailed documentation for ForumWP and it is difficult to find the Hooks for user replies on Forum Topics. Can you provide a list of hooks, or some guidance on this? I am trying to include an add_action for when a user posts a reply. Thanks.
]]>Testing this as it looks brilliant, but after creating a new topic when I return to the forum page, it’s simply not there anymore.
i can see and access it via wp-admin, but on the frontend…. nothing
]]>Hi, trying to delete ForumWP on my website as it has caused a critical error and have lost all functionality of registration forms and creating profiles.
Unable to delete via plugin.. any help is appreciated.
I configured ForumWP to “Delete settings on uninstall”
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “fmwp_path” in