I just thought I would report that Fotorama is not displaying the main images when activating GOOGLE’S NATIVE LAZYLOAD plugin they just released.
Apparently Native Lazyload can speed up by 50% page load because Google Chrome Browser now supports lazyload internally, reducing server requests among other things. I really don’t know all the ins and outs of Google’s newly released plugin, but something is clearly incompatible with Fotorama at the moment because when Google’s Native Lazyload is disabled, then Fotorama works fine, and when Native Lazyload is enabled, Fotorama returns a blank image instead of the main large image. (Thumbnails appear correctly).
I tried it on this site:
(I currently disabled Google’s Native Lazyload so Fotorama works correctly at the moment.)
Hie everyone,
I have a bug when I use the fullscreen.
The caroussel have not the same width after you come back from the fullscreen mode.
I can fix the problem putting a fixed width to the div which contains the caroussel, but it loose the responsive aspect …
Someone can help me ?
]]>Has anyone gotten srcset images to work with Fotorama? I’m getting majorly dinged for page speed for serving up too-large images for small displays. I’m not finding a clear answer on the plugin forum. If anyone has successfully coded in the srcset attribute I’d be excited to see how you did it, if you could point me to the right place!
]]>Fotorama 4.6.3 use wrong functions for paths to assets. If you install SSL sertificate, You will ned to make all links start with HTTPS. To get this right make two changes in FOTORAMA.PHP:
define('FOTORAMA_PLUGIN_URL', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/');
define('FOTORAMA_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ));
wp_register_script('fotoramaDefaults.js', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/fotoramaDefaults.js');
wp_register_script('fotoramaDefaults.js', plugin_dir_url() . '/fotoramaDefaults.js');
Does anyone know how it would be possible to include de text description of the images in Fotorama?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hi there, would it be possible to have a layer on the top of the picture displaying image description or title? Thank you.
when I use, for example, [gallery ... width="1150px"] in the gallery shortcode the gallery has 1150px width, but the images are blurry – even though they are high resolution and sharp in any other picture viewer.
]]>I have been using this plugin for a long time and I really like it – it is so simple to make a slideshow out of images uploaded to a post. But I am hesitant to use it on a new site, because it hasn’t been updated for so long.
]]>This plugin generates non-valid html, as the data attributes are inserted without a leading whitespace.
A quick fix is to simply add one whitespace on line 88 column 16, so making this line not look like this:
$data .= " data-$key='$value'";
but like this:
$data .= " data-$key='$value'";
If you are pedantic, you could then remove one whitespace from the return statement on line 92, so instead:
return "<div class='fotorama--wp' $data>$gallery</div>";
do this:
return "<div class='fotorama--wp'$data>$gallery</div>";
I could not find a github repo for this plugin, so I will ask the author to change it, thanks!
]]>When opened in a fancybox modal fotorama does not work for me.
Please show a way how to use fotorama in a lightbox / fancybox / colorbox / thickbox / whatever modal.
thank you!
]]>While using Fotorama, I’ve noticed that hard-setting the columns to “0” (And it seems like the “columns=’1′ ” parameter in the shortcode is ignored) breaks gallery display in certain themes.
iThemes builder themes uses the column count to determine whether they’re at the end of a line, and insert a
. This is done by if ( is_numeric( $columns ) && ( 0 != ( $count % $columns ) ) ), which is running the mod command on 0, which always throws a php error.
Could the columns variable be set to “1” by default without there causing problems?
]]>Не отображается пункт в меню настроек для плагина.
]]>Hi. Sorry my bad english. I need only, i hope, little change in this fantastic plug-in. I need to change the row with little cicle with consucutive number and i need also possibility to return to first image when click last image.
This is all. Thanks for your support.
]]>Hi there, I was going to ask for support, but I figured out what the problem I was having was. I copied an pasted tons of captions into slideshows that I’m using in my website, and when viewing certain Fotorama slideshows, images were occasionally duplicated, and after this happened the captions would not line up with the correct images.
After a bit of testing, I found that removing the captions, made things work, though re-typing the captions (testing whether EOL characters were actually carriage returns) re-introduced the problems.
I removed all carriage returns, and replaced them with
, and the problem no longer happens.
Perhaps the captions are a bit long, but they were done by a client, so I have to go along with it ??
]]>I can’t figure out how to get image captions to display anywhere when using the fotorama gallery plugin. any advice on how to structure the gallery embed shortcode to properly use fotorama while showing the captions would be very much appreciated.
I would like to after opening a pop-up window showed the entire picture, not cut in height, how to fix it?
Please help.
Thank you.
]]>So Fotorama doesn’t appear to be working at all anymore. When used it breaks every page it’s on and the page just simply won’t load. Have tried on both WP Default themes and the custom theme I am building. Is there a workaround or a way I can implement this in my single.php code? The images would change every post.
For a while (at least 3 weeks) I’m getting a jQuery error in my blog due to the use of Fotorama. It only happens in one post: https://navarradas.com/en/what-to-see-in-cambodia/
It has a lot of pictures and many users (me included) cannot load properly the website due to a jQuery error. It looks like common for slow connections.
Please, let me know what other information can I give you to solve the issue. Maybe this can help:
]]>Every image I try to upload gets an HTML error, so I am unable to create a gallery.
]]>Hello and thank you for this awesome plugin,
Wen i put 3 sliders inline and set those centered with <center></center>, a margin to the right and left appear, if is not centered the margin not appear, i want to know how to change this margin to 0 when is centered, like when is not centered, thanks
I’ve integrated fotorama with theme punch’s essential grid plugin which is basically a grid system plugin… when using infinite scroll on essential grid, the loaded elements don’t show the sliding galleries – only thumbs. however my first 3 posts do show the fotorama galleries.
I suspect this is due to not calling javascript events when the infinite scroll initiates the next batch of content.
Is there a way to force fotorama to load javascript when it’s called up?
Any advice on this would be great.
]]>using fotorama on mobile device as iphone if you rotate the device while looking an image or youtube video the entire page reload. Any way to solve this?
]]>Плагин почему-то используется фотки 500px (это ‘big’), вместо загруженных 750px (это ‘full’). Почему так и как это исправить? Помогите, пожалуйста. Блок, соответственно, тоже отображается в 500px. Я поставил в дефолтные настройки minwidth: ‘100%’ – теперь эти 500px растягивает на 750 и выглядит это не очень хорошо. Добавление в настройки size: ‘full’ не помогает, да и не должно, наверное.
]]>Всем привет,нужна помощь,fotorama не работает,проверил,оказалось конфликт с моей темой,подскажите пожалуйста как это исправить?
]]>First off, I want to say that Fotorama is one of the slickest and best ways to display images in an very efficient manner.
I was wondering if anyone had replaced the Photo Display on WooCommerce’s product page with Fotorama.
Any code or hints to share?
Does Fotorama support the latest versions of WordPress? Version 4.1.1, 4.0.1, and 3.9.3? I’m asking because the plugin description page says “Compatible up to: 3.9.2”.
]]>Hi, I am having some problem with my Fotorama slider on my page:
When I am first loading my site, the first photo is getting stuck on the left side and I can’t see the thumbnails under it. Usually when I hit reload, it looks like it should (centered with thumbnails under).
Any idea what the problem is?
]]>hello people!!
please help me
i use fotorama on wordpress and i need to add title to images or how make it visible?
when I use, for example, [gallery ... width="1150px"] in the gallery shortcode the gallery has 1150px width, but the images are blurry – even though they are high resolution and sharp in any other picture viewer.
Any ideas why?
I want a slider as used in Flipkart, where i want caption in place of thumbnails and they are changing on hover not on click.