Hi, How are you? Hi, is possible to make any scripts or addon or pluging for to integrated this plugin: Franchise Manager with other plugin for Store Locator with Google Map for to ubicater mapped franchise assigned. Stay here.
]]>I intend to start a project to add the franchises. The site will work as follows: The user/customer accesses the website and the first thing he must do is inform the zip code. Each group of ZIP will be identified to a franchise that serves the region of that ZIP group. Thus, the site itself will only open the products registered for that particular franchise defined to serve that ZIP and informed by the customer. The franchise will receive the order (by Wapp and/or Backoffice panel on the website, for each franchise).
Let’s say we have 10 franchisees (each one will serve a given CEP range). Depending on the zip code entered, it will open the product catalog of that particular franchise (the products are similar to franchises – they will already be registered on the Platform/website. The franchise only informs whether or not it has the product and, of course, only those that the franchisee has will be presented to customers). The franchisee receives the order (Wapp and/or Panel), delivery and the customer pays on delivery.
Any chance for the plugin to perform this task?