This plugin is awesome. Totally works great for when I need to it show off just a single quote on a specific day. Sadly that’s only half of the functionality I need.
My end use would be to also show all of the last weeks quotes together on a specific page. I have all the quotes set for a day of this week specifically and I tried using the “Use only FQ – display by quotation week number” which I would assume does what I am saying but it gets caught up on yesterdays quote (3-15). When I do the display by weekday I have mixed working not working and the random quotes from database was random for one or two and then got stuck on yesterdays quote again despite F5 or shift refreshing to clear the cache.
Not sure if I am reading that correctly but it seems that things are not working as they are supposed to. If that by week number isn’t saying it will show the entire week, then I suppose I will have to just put each day with a Tag and then put in a widget for each Tag so they can all show up. That seems pretty manual and tedious, especially for the end user who has to do all the quotes.
Please let me know your thoughts! Thanks!
I encountered a problem and solved it. I share here how.
I’m using Free Quotation 3.1.6 with WordPress 4.5.3.
After installation, I couldn’t manually add any quotation. I got the error :
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in G:\[…]\wp-content\plugins\free-quotation\incloudes\Free_Quotation_admin_FQ.php on line 353
I figured this out in the file :
on line 334 by replacing :
I hope it will help anybody.
]]>Also, is possible to see a live demo?
And, finally, no way to support images? ??
I have the free quotations plugin on my website and it was working perfectly but it has stopped working as I’d like. I try to add a new quote and it goes through like it has been added but does not show in the list.
My website is
]]>Hi Kris,
thanks again for FQ, I’m still using it with fun!
What I would like to do is to decide on which page a FQ appears, i.e. I don’t want it on the frontpage, but on all others.
Is that possible?
First of all, love your plugin. Really does exactly what I want, plus really easy to customize!
One question, I would love to change (customize) the color of the header for the widget. In your CSS quotation editor you have a great bunch of options but there isn’t one for changing the header font color. Is there anyway to add this feature?
Thank you!
I just downloaded Free quotation. I would like to display a text for a specific day, for example “Today is women’s day” on the 8th of march. Is that possible? If so, how?
Is it possible to add role for editor? I mean if user is logged as editor it can’t access to Free Quotation plugin to add new quotes.
]]>This widget doesn’t seem to add the typical WordPress widget wrapper code, which means there’s no way to style the entire quote area (such as with a background or a border). It’d be great to have either the default wrapper (ie. section id, class “widget”, then a div with class “textwidget”) or one that could be defined.
]]>pls add czech wikicitáty: https://cs.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wikicit%C3%A1ty:Hlavn%C3%AD_strana. Thank you.
]]>I’m trying to upload csv file with utf8 coding, but it will import only the ASCII characters until a non-ASCII character. My quotes are all in Turkish and they have characters such as ü ? ? ? ? ? .
Is there a solution to this problem?
Thank you for this amazing plugin. I run a website in Persian language and I would like to use your plugin in my website. I intend to show quotes in Persian from https://fa.wikiquote.org/wiki/%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D9%87%D9%94_%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%84%DB%8C .
I’d be grateful if you add this feature to you plugin.
Many Thanks.
I’ve downloaded your quote plugin and it’s really great because it’s the only one that allows csv uploads ??
But I am missing a feature, and I’d be willing to make a donation for the implementation:
I would love to have shortcodes, so that I can use the quotes WITHIN a page and not just in a widget.
So for example, if I would start a wordpress page or post with
[quote random=”true”] it would show a random quote from the plugin.
Would hat be possible? How much would the donation need to be? ??
Your plugin is the nearest so far to what I need, but I would like to know if it is possible to customize it further.
Actually the selection of quotes I have, now several hundred & growing from the current source is divided into East African, W. African, South African & a couple of other categories.
I had hoped these could be “groups”, but the character length of 9 or 10 is a bit too short (e.g. for East African). Is it possible to allow this to be longer?
In this case also, the birth/death fields are of no value.
In case of such proverbs, also “Author” is mostly not possible to get …
When I first heard about the customization options, I though one could edit, add/remove custom fields, but it does not seem to be possible, or is it & if so how? (Not a coder ;))
Is it possible to have these features?
Thank you for the otherwise great plugin.
Kind regards
]]>Hello Kris,
sorry to disturb, but since previous updates the plugin doesn’t work anymore.
My website is leonardomarra.it and the free quotation is in the first page at the above
Thank you,
Hi – just curious as to whether you’ve thought about adding in social sharing functionality via Twitter and Facebook to this. OR – if you know of anyone that has implemented it that has figured out how to combine something else with it to get that sharing to work.
Any ideas/thoughts? Thanks!
]]>I need to use a Widget title but the title shown with FQ is using a custom style, just a simple <h3> which shows a giant text. Not having a custom class I can’t customize it with my own custom CSS.
Instead it should probably use something like <h1 class=”widget-title”>MY WIDGET TITLE</h1> so that it has the same style as the other titles.
Also the customization defined in the FQ settings doesnt solve my problem because it doesnt create a custom class and I cannot change the color, use white instead of gray. And in any case it woud force me to update it whenever I change the style of the site.
]]>Hello I tried your plugin and I see that it is well done and I congratulate you. However I have a problem for my needs. I’m in my blog I only have a few quotes and do not want to complicate my life going to put 365 citations. But I want them to be rotated ones I entered but unlike how it is now rotated (change with each page refresh) I would like to quote any ramdom will be visible for 24 hours and then switch to another.
This way I can add a box with the quote of the day that the next day is updated.
You can add this option to your nice plugin? I think it might be helpful to many people who hasnno few quote and want to add up over time in a simple way.
Thanks and good luck
Hi Kris,
I just updated to 3.0, and now get again the error messages I already posted – but now not in the standard web access, but as admin when I want to add a quote. Furthermore, in the normal web access by anon users ONLY the standard quote is shown, all the time.
So I have to switch back to the latest version before 3.0 again.
These are the error messages shown in the WP Cockpit as Admin when adding a quote:
Warning: mysql_insert_id(): Access denied for user ‘[myself]’ (using password: NO) in /myweb/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_admin_FQ.php on line 213
Warning: mysql_insert_id(): A link to the server could not be established in /myweb/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_admin_FQ.php on line 213
]]>Hi there,
I installed Free Quotation plugin, but the main plugin menu page is blank.
Uninstalled and re-installed but it’s still a blank page.
Thanks for your plugin that now seems to work perfect. In the box for “Author” I usually put in author name, year for birth and death and title. Often I find that the title is cut off due to a limitation in the allowed length / number of characters. May I suggest that you adopt one of two possible solutions:
Thank you for your widget.
I typed 4 manuel quotes, with author and Group. I didn’t type any date because I want this quotes to be always displayed.
I checked the option “Use only Free_Quotation – display random quotes from database”.
Now following text appears on my website instead of the quotes :
Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (HY000/2005): Unknown MySQL server host ‘localhost:3306’ (0) in /home/httpd/vhosts/schaller-creation.ch/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 3
Warning: mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/httpd/vhosts/schaller-creation.ch/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 4
Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/httpd/vhosts/schaller-creation.ch/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 57
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /home/httpd/vhosts/schaller-creation.ch/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 62
Could you please help me ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Kris,
referring to the thread “[resolved] FQ seems not to work with php 5.5 and higher?”… you have published a new FQ version yesterday, but it is not working. Worse than before, there are error messages with *all* PHP-Versions now (5.4xxx and older, as well as in 5.5xxx, and also in 5.6.0)
How can I switch back to the older FQ-Version before 2.3.2, so I can at least work with PHP 5.4?
The error messages are now as follows:
Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, object given in /[my-web]/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 58
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /[my-web]/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 63
Amendment: Have reinstalled FQ 2.3.1 from a backup ?? and switched back to PHP 5.4 … but of course I would like to use a newer PHP Version asap! Thanks for your work!
]]>I am missing an essential feature for this nice plugin: A shortcode.
As of now I am able to define quotation categories but can use only one (or all) of them as I have to use it as a widget.
In order to be able to use different categories on different pages/posts a shortcode would be nice to have (if not even essential).
Any chance this will be implemented within the next days?
I really started to love Free Quotation :-), until yesterday. It’s great! I have been using FQ latest version with WP4.0 under PHP version 5.4.16 so far. Older php versions also work fine.
Today I have updated to php 5.5.14. Now FQ delivers error messages on my website:
Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user ‘xxxuserxxx’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in /[mywebsite]/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 53
Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /[mywebsite]/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 53
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /[mywebsite]/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/free-quotation/incloudes/Free_Quotation_widget.php on line 58
Is FQ not compatible to newer PHP versions?
Hey, thanks for that useful plugin !
Yet, it lacks some stripslashes() to escape those antislashes. Here are the files I modified, in case you’d want to commit these changes.
echo stripslashes( $quotation );
<?php echo ‘</td><td>’ . $row->id.'</td><td>’. stripslashes( $row->quotation ) .'</td><td>’. stripslashes( $row->author ) .'</td>’;
Here is what struck me.
Keep the good work bud ??
]]>I installed Free quotes on my site (https://science-network.tv/). The installation was quote simple. I added the widget on my start page with the title “Stop and think!”. I created one group and added a few quotes manually to this group. They show nicely in the admin view. However, I can’t make them show up in the widget on the start page. I tried “Use only Free_Quotation – display by day” and ensured that at least one quote should have the same date as the server. I also tried “Use only Free_Quotation – display random quotes from database” but that does not work. I ensured that I had chosen the correct group in the widget. The only setting that works is “Use Wikiquote always for quotations displaying”. My preferred setting is definitely to show a random quote from my own manually entered quotes. How can I make that work?
]]>HI, I installed your plugin and imported a CSV file. The quotes are displaying in the admin area but not in the widget. What do I need to do to make them display on my page?
Nice job!
As you know Iranians are a big fan and user of WP.
I was wondering if you have any plans for including Farsi version of wikiquotes?
I contact you because though I installed the last version of your plugin, I can’t add any quotes manually. Indeed, a blank page is displayed when I click on the “Add a free quotation” link, as you can see it here : https://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/867835FreeQuotationAmitabhaSatWordPressGoogleChrome.jpg
Do you have any idea regarding this issue ?
Many thanks in advance,