On our app page, it says that our app has been delisted, but we haven’t received any communication regarding the reason for delisting. Can you please help us understand the reason?
]]>Your update got rid of some random things but now it just shows this.So that didn’t work.
]]>We updated the plugin and now we get the code on the bottom of our site but no functional plugin
]]>The WordPress site says the following:
This plugin has been closed as of May 9, 2022 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.
When will this be fixed? We need to help our client with this.
]]>Hi there,
I noticed that this plugin is conflicting with Advanced Custom Fields. This seems to be because the Freshdesk-plugin is loading it’s select2-script on every options-page, so also on ACF options pages.
Please note that I do not mean the ACF field configure pages, but option-pages showing the configured fields.
What happens is that true_false checkboxes with ACF’s ‘Stylised UI’ option enabled are not visually updating when being used. See this screen capture:
Interestingly, the conflict is only occurring when the following plugins are activated:
– Advanced Custom Fields
– Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome
– Freshdesk Official
In my opinion the the conflict mainly originates from Freshdesk since it’s interfering on Advanced Custom Fields pages. When unloading the script that’s located in the Freshdesk plugin folder the problem is gone.
I solved this problem for myself by adding the following code to my theme:
function unload_freshdesk_select2() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if (strpos($screen->id, "acf-options") == true) {
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'unload_freshdesk_select2');
I think the plugin should load it’s scripts more selectively, only on the pages where it’s actually needed and not pages of other plugins.
]]>When running performance tests on my website, one item in the ‘Best Practices’ section is to not use document.write. There are two references in the report:
1) /widgetBase/bootstrap.js (widget.freshworks.com), line: 0
2) /widgetBase/widget.js (widget.freshworks.com), line: 37
Is this something that can be fixed?
]]>Since installing the Freshdesk plugin, we are getting the following notice on our logs:
[type] => 8
[message] => Undefined index: host_url
[file] => /home/gruum/public_html/wp-content/plugins/freshdesk-support/fresh-desk.php
[line] => 431
On that specific line, the code is
if ( empty(esc_url_raw($_REQUEST['host_url'])) || empty(sanitize_text_field( $_GET['action'] ))) {
and it should be updated to
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['host_url']) || empty(esc_url_raw($_REQUEST['host_url'])) || empty(sanitize_text_field( $_GET['action'] ))) {
There is something wrong with this plugin. Something is not defined correctly (host_url). However is this the latest version of the plugin? In advanced options the latest downloadable version is 1.8.4 but I have noticed that there is a version 2.1 listed.
]]>When I install the plugin, I noticed that it changes the formatting of the title elements in the admin area. All the title font weight gets much bolder. It might not be an issue but it concerns me when a plugin changes formats of elements it has no business changing.
I am trying to set this up but the SSO options in the FreshDesk security area are completely different from what this plugin requires.
“Enable SSO with SAML / OAuth 2 / OIDC / JWT SSO. This is an advanced option and requires configuration.”
Can you please assist?
I have been entered all information correct as said in the manual.
after clicking: Save changes
I’m getting: “Please enter your Freshdesk URL”
Double, Triple checked all the details and links
]]>is this plugin still being supported/updated?
]]>When I SSO to Fresh Desk, the organization details in Fresh Desk are being overwritten by the user details in WordPress. I am wondering how that happens and if that is a result of this plugin. On the API page it says that organization is passed as an optional parameter and I am wondering if that is being fed through via this plugin as well.
Is there a way for me to stop passing through organization as a parameter through SSO?
Hello. I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, and re-configuring the FD plugin for our WP site, but nothing has caused SSO to work correctly.
I have triple checked all shared secret, portal URL, etc., and they are all correct per the documentation.
After entering credentials on WP site, the user is not redirected to the FD site. Also, upon manually revisiting the FD site, the login link is still displayed because the successful login is never passed back to the FD Portal. Effectively this is a loop, where our customers try to login, complete the login successfully and get redirected to the WP site/homepage, visit the FD site manually, and are then sent to log in again on the WP site. No matter how many times a user successfully authenticates to our WP site, the login is never passed back to the FD site.
Please let us know what to do to move forward in troubleshooting this issue.
]]>Ever since i’ve installed and activated your plugin, all attempts to login to Freshdesk’s agent portal or helpdesk fails. You need to quickly give us the workaround to this!
]]>Hi there,
I notice this hasn’t been updated in a while. Is it still in active development?
If so, when will we see a release for the latest version of WordPress?
Thank you.
Is this plugin multisite compatible and if so how does it behave in a WP network? Will all sub-sites be able to login/connect to one Freshdesk account?
We have enabled the freshdesk plugion for SSO. We have put in the correct url for login and logout.
Our proble is that now our support agents cant log in to the admin page for freshdesk. Shouldnt admin be able to log in to freshdesk main site?
Thank you for an excellent plugin!
Can you please enable gzip on your scripts? My site would be faster. In general it does not perform optimally and every single bit I can get down counts!
Thank you very much in advance,
Here is the log from gtmetrix.com:
Enable gzip compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 36.5KiB (68% reduction).
Compressing https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.freshdesk.com/widget/html2canvas.js?ver=2 could save 24.0KiB (66% reduction).
Compressing https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.freshdesk.com/widget/freshwidget.js could save 6.2KiB (70% reduction).
Compressing https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.freshdesk.com/widget/freshwidget.css?ver=2 could save 5.1KiB (78% reduction).
Hi there!
I moved my WP installation to the production host and right now we are using only a SSL connection.
When I enter into my website I receive this error:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://mywebsite.com/<path>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'https://assets.freshdesk.com/widget/freshwidget.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I just opened a ticket into Freshdesk support system too (#765164).
Thanks for your help.
]]>I am wondering why there is no version of this plugin compatible with the latest WP build, 4.6? Has the current version been installed, tested and proven to work with 4.6?
Is there a new version in development?
]]>When following the instructions here in the faq #2 (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/freshdesk-support/faq/) I get a 404 error on the freshdesk.com site.
https://xx.freshdesk.com/login/normal does not exist
]]>Customer is using custom URL for the freshdesk account. When I click login it takes me to the wordpress login. I enter my details and then takes me to a 404 page.
It appears that the http is falling off the URL so it is trying to open it as a page within wordpress. In freshdesk and wordpress the URLS contain http
Any thoughts?
]]>The newest version of this plugin will not handle SSO sign-ons to multiple portals.
]]>Is it possible to change user’s status on FreshDesk from WordPress?
I want to programmatically enable/disable user account using hook or something.
I’m having the same issue as mentioned in previous posts.
When logging in using SSO with a custom portal, I am redirected back to the WordPress login screen (with cleared login details) instead of Freshdesk.
The redirect parameters in the URL seem to look fine, but it is just not redirecting.
Do you plan to fix this issue?
Love this little plugin. It is working great. However, it posses a problem. My site has an EV Certificate. As a result; I have to make sure that all connections on the site are SSL level connections; otherwise a warning about the security is presented to the user. This of course is very undesirable. All the connections to freshdesk are secure (I am using the slide out widget). The
Help Desk Software by Freshdesk
Privacy Policy
links in the pop-out are http. When I have time, I will try and change them to https; however, is there anyway (if this is the problem; which I think it is) that these links can be https in the plugin by default?
What happens if a non-register user creates a login at FreshDesk, does this user get created on the WP site?
]]>I’m using Freshdesk official Version 1.8.1. I’ve got sso enabled in the plugin as well as on freshdesk. The issue: Users that are logged in to WordPress are redirected back to the WordPress user profile screen when attempting to access the freshdesk support panel (https://mysite.freshdesk.com/support/home)
I am trying to use SSO for freshdesk and for some reason the redirect on success keeps putting me back into the WP dashboard instead of freshdesk.
Any Idea why that would happen? I am using the other SSO plugin now successfully but want to use yours because it has a few additional features but I need to use SSO most of all.
Not sure if it matters but I do have a custom Portal URL setup.
I am a WordPress developer also so happy to talk to anyone that can help.