Potrzebuj? ma?ego wyja?nienia, bo ju? si? pogubi?em.
Mam zainstalowan? Twoj? wtyczk?, ale na stronie mam dodane r?cznie w kodzie motywu skrypt z GTM, za pomoc? którego mam ustawiony GA4, GAds itp. W GTM mam dodany tag conset od Simona Ahavy który te? jest ustawiony z jego wytycznymi. I teraz pytanie, czy w obecnej formie gdzie ten GTM jest tak dodany, a w Twojej wtyczce jest w??czony tylko modu? “Baner zgody” to wszystko b?dzie dzia?a?o tak jak powinno? Czy te? do poprawnego dzia?ania musz? usun?? ten w?asny skrypt i wpisa? kod swojego tagu w ramach modu?u GTM dost?pnego w Twojej wtyczce?
I am experiencing an issue with the cookie consent plugin on the website. I have configured the plugin exactly the same way as on, where it works correctly. However, in the Opera browser on, an additional option appears: “I agree to statistics only,” which I do not want to be displayed.
In the Chrome browser, this issue does not occur, and the plugin functions as expected, just like on However, in Opera, the additional consent option shows up, and I would prefer it not to.
Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? Is there a way to ensure the plugin behaves the same in Opera as it does in Chrome?
Thank you for your help.
]]>Hi there,
yesterday I’ve activated the checkbox “Hide “Settings” button & panel” within customizer for testing purposes. Now the Feature is hidden at my page and I am not able to reactivate again. When I remove the hook at the checkbox the feature is still hidden .
Is there any code (CSS) where I can display the hidden “Settings” button & panel” again? I am using the theme OceanWP.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks in advance for your efforts!
Br, Alex
Hi there,
I am getting the following error code if woocommerce cart is empty or cleared. I am using WC Blocks for Cart Page (OceanWP MyLibrary – Shortcode).
Unexpected error in: woocommerce/empty-cart-block
Error: Minified React error #60; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
If found out that the issue is related to the WP FullPicture Plugin. Could you pls fix this?
I am using latest version of your Plugin.
Many thanks in advance for your efforts!
Br, Alex
Cze?? Krzysztof!
Bardzo dzi?kuj? Ci za stworzenie tej wtyczki i udost?pnienie jej WordPressowej spo?eczno?ci za darmo (wow!)
Jednocze?nie chcia?am Ci? prosi? o pomoc, poniewa? na jednej ze stron nie jestem w stanie opanowa? z jej pomoc? ciastek. Po wej?ciu na stron? wszystko jest OK – zgody na ciasteczka inne ni? niezb?dne s? Denied, po klikni?ciu zgody s? Granted, jednak po przej?ciu na dowoln? podstron? w pierwszym momencie mamy Granted, które zaraz potem zmienia si? na Denied. Przez to (jak s?dz?) ruch i konwersje nie s? raportowane do GA i GAds.
Tu wrzuci?am zrzuty ekranu z Tag Assistanta:
Wydaje mi si?, ?e wszystko jest ustawione w samej wtyczce OK, ale jednak nie dzia?a OK.
Czy by?by? w stanie naprowadzi? mnie na kierunek, w którym mog? szuka? rozwi?zania?
]]>Nie umiem prawid?owo skonfigurowa? ?ledzenia wysy?anych formularzy. Moje formularze zbudowane s? za pomoc? edytora w skórce Enfold i przesy?aj? dane przez AJAX
]]>Pomimo usilnych prób nie da sie zmusi? wtyczki, aby raportowa?a wys?anie formularzy Contact Form 7. Sprawdzane przy u?yciu wersji aktualnej oraz beta… Równie? pomoc jest w tym obszarze zbyt uboga, aby da?o si? domy?le? jak autor chce to rozwi?za?…
Contact Form 7 jest standardem w Wordpresie wi?c wypada?oby, ?eby na t? wtyczk? po?o?y? szczególny nacisk w module Google Analytics.
Pro?ba o aktualizacj? pomocy w tym zakresie i dodanie informacji domy?lnie dla tej wtyczki.
]]>Hi, Cookies is showing after footer on mobile safari browser and chrome too. It is not showing banner.
]]>Hi Krzysztof?, thank you for this plugin which is working well. I’m looking in the documentation & support to find more about the Facebook pixel.
I presume the plugin stops it loading, but wanted to check?
I have my WooCommerce catalogue linked to Facebook, but don’t do Facebook advertising, so I am not sure if I even need the Facebook pixel.
Hope you can help point me to the info. Thank you, Sarah
Great plugin!
The consent banner distorts the look of the site on mobile devices, especially on Android devices. I have already loaded the site on 2 different Android devices (Huawei and Samsung) and the result looks similar:
Both homepage and product pages seem to be affected in the same way.
I’ve tried several configurations and it seems that the site is deformed and the consent banner doesn’t appear in full only when the “Blur page until visitors make a choice” option is enabled:
What can I do so that the banner is displayed in full and does not distort the site on mobile?
]]>Dzień dobry,
zainstalowa?em wtyczk? na stronie ale testy typu wci?? krzycz?, ?e zapisuj? ciasteczko a google ads przed zgod? – chodzi o to ciasteczko: (Google): _gcl_au;
Wdro?y?em wtyczk? zgodnie z instukcj?: (wiem ?e to nie jest pewnie oficjalna instrukcja – ale chyba jest OK)
Mam zaznaczone modu?y Google Ads, GTM i Analytics
zaznaczanie i odznaczanie poszczególnych zgód na bannerze nie zmienia tego, ?e wszystkie tagi si? ?aduj? (GTM, ads i analytics). W narz?dziu Google Tag Assistant przy testowaniu strony tagi sa “not fired” w fazie inicjalizacji zgody, ale s? ju? “fired” w czasie ?adowania kontenera (mimo braku wyra?enia zgody), a potem znów nie s? aktywne. Czy na pewno w GTM nie trzeba u?ywa? jakich? specjalnych zapisów dla triggerów przy poszcxzególnych tagach google? (ja u?ywa?em standardowych – “all pages” i “Initialization – all pages”, a potem tak?e w?asnego zrobionego na bazie “initialization” z dodan? zmienn? “First party cookie” gdzie ad_storage equals granted – to te? nic nie pomog?o.
Po w??czeniu zaawansowanej obs?ugi Google Ads i GTM zacz??y si? z kolei dzia? dziwne rzeczy takie, ?e strona “nie zapami?tywa?a” zgód – i po ka?dym prze??czeniu podstrony by?y one niezaznaczone.
Zastanawiam si? czy strona na której dzia?am ma jakie? specyficzne problemy czy te? co? robi? nie tak ??
Hi there,
I want to hide the “Personalization” cookie setting within consent banner. Unfortunately the option within Customizer doesn’t work. I can set the checkmark and save the setting, but after a page reload the checkmark is no more there and the Personalization-Cookie part is still shown at the consent banner.
Have you any idea how to fix this?
Br, Alex
Hi when I install (free version for now) I get the message below that there are no debuggable tags.
I’ve inputted the Google Analytics Measurement ID and deactivated all other analytics on my site (I had both Google Analytics for Woocommerce & GTMWP and Tag Manager could see data with these)
The message I get when using Tag Manager is:
There are currently no debuggable Google tags at that address. Please verify that:
czesc Krzysztof,
Consent Baner WP FP w?aczony, w??czone te? s? integracje Ads i GA (integracja GTM nie jest w??czona). Wszystko poprawnie (tak mi si? wydaje) skonfigurowane, zgodnie z Twoim filmem. Tagassistant pokazuje ?e wszystko jest poprawnie, dopiero po zaakceptowaniu zgód pojawiaj? si? one w tagassistant jako “Granted”. Testowa?em te? na – wszystko te? “na zielono”.
Najnowsza wersja WP FP. Nie wszystkie pozosta?e wtyczki s? aktywne, wp tez jest sprzed kilku miesi?cy, cho? nie wiem czy to mo?e mie? wp?yw.
Niestety w GA4 mam ca?y czas informacje “Nie wykryto sygna?ów dotycz?cych zgody”. To samo w Ads (brak informacji ?e Tryb uzyskiwania zgody jest aktywny).
Gdzie mo?e by? przyczyna ?
]]>Cze?? Krzysztof. Zainstalowa?em wtyczk? na kolejnej stronie i w przypadku motywu Ocean WP opcje dotycz?ce wygl?du banera cookie nie wy?wietlaj? si?. Mo?na ustawi? tylko text i typografi?. Dlaczego tak si? dzieje?
]]>Witam, czy jest mo?liwe ustawienie dyskretnego przycisku za pomoc? wtyczki, który wywo?a ponownie belk? ze zgodami?
I activated two modules Google Analytics and Woocommerce. Set the banner, but the checking tool finds problems with some cookies.
What settings did I miss?
Prior consent to other than strictly necessary cookies <small>(ePrivacy)</small>Possible problems!
<small>What’s the Problem:
Cookies installed during the loading of pages are not strictly necessary. For EU users these cookies can be installed after obtaining prior consent (Rec. 30 and Rec. 32 of the GDPR)</small>
<small>How to Solve it:
On the site, you need to add a cookie consent form and block cookies if user consent is not obtained. For details, see this guide</small>
<small>Pages list:
Below are the webpages loaded and cookies that require prior consent from EU users to be installed:</small>
Cookie (WooCommerce): sbjs_first; sbjs_session; sbjs_udata; sbjs_first_add; sbjs_migrations; sbjs_current; sbjs_current_add;</small>
Cookie (WooCommerce): sbjs_first; sbjs_session; sbjs_ud</small>
Cze?? Krzysztof. Pozwol? sobie pisa? po polsku. Stworzy?e? ?wietn? wtyczk?. Szacunek za w?o?on? prac?. Mia?em tylko 1 drobny problem jak w temacie. Po aktywacji cookie banera wyskakiwa? mi w testerze Google Core Web Vitals problem dotycz?cy LCP. Tester nie podawa? ?adnej warto?ci i pojawia? si? wykrzyknik. Po wy??czeniu banera wszystko by?o ok.
W końcu dotar?em do tego, ?e przyczyn? takiego zachowania jest animacja banera. Po dodaniu linijki kodu CSS do odpowiedniej klasy (animation-name: none) problem zosta? rozwi?zany. Podejrzewam, ?e mo?e by? to zwi?zane z tym, ?e domy?lnie dodajesz klas? (np. fupi_fadeInUp) w swojej wtyczce do dwóch selektorów/elementów, przy czym ten nadrz?dny nie ma wysoko?ci bo ten drugi jest pozycjonowany absolutnie. Rozwa? jakie? zmiany w tym temacie, mo?e pozwól w customizerze ustawi? czy baner ma by? animowany?
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
]]>Hello. Previous ticket you closed
I fount that it is possible to preselect the switch, but i dont see settings for it to be mandatory. Are you sue its possible for this plugin to also set some of the cookies mandatory, so you cant disable it?
Hello. Is it possible to set it so statistis are enabled by default and mandatory? By default its turned off
Also as i understand this setting allows GA to recieve user info right? So does it mean google analytics wont get the user count in GA until the user accepts the cookies?
Yesterday I was looking for a specific plugin and then I saw your plugin it looks good so far
I want to ask according to my understanding of this plugin.
1- Is it an alternative to GTM?
2- Is it an alternative to Cookiebot or any CMB?
I set all the consent banner with and I didn’t see any thing in the consent when Preview on GTM
]]>Hello. I set up plugin as in this tuturial , now it seems tagassistant dosnt show the measurement ID in the list. The site has 2 google analytics and i can see the te other analytics measurement ID in the list that is added trough header and not the plugin. I can see the measurement ID code, that is added trough the plugin, in the source code though Also the popup dosnt show when checking site trough tagassistant, athoug id does show up trough incognito. Do you know what the problem could be?
]]>Hello! Great plugin, yet it loads jquery everywhere. It is the only plugin that does that on my website.
Can you consider a vanilla js (or smth similar) approach in the near future?
Thanks in advance ??
Should not the plugin be updated with new consent rules: Google Consent mode upgrade?
Right now in the consent mode the plugin is setting:ad_storage, analytics_storage, personalization_storage
Up to date plugins use new parameters and are adding:ad_user_data, ad_personalization
Do you plan any update for this? ??
]]>Good evening,
I installed and configured the plugin to work with matomo, google ads and analytics and in this sense the plugin works very well, in fact I must say that I was very enthusiastic.
I also integrated Databox into reports easily.
However, I later realized that with the plugin enabled, some pages of the site, created with WP-Backery, stopped working and appeared blank.
By deactivating the plugin everything returns to normal.
How could I solve it?
I also tried deactivating all the plugin modules but nothing.
Thanks in advance.
The plugin looks really promising, however, I copied a website locally to do some tests and tried to block a lot of urls like :
I am using the script manager for that but nothing get blocked… Is is a limitation of my local environment? Thanks for your help ??
]]>Hello! First of all thank you for such a great plugin! I just wanted to ask how can I set the automatically marked consents when I click on “Cookie settings”? At the moment when I press there, all the boxes are marked as disabled (no consent) which reduces the chance of consent to track.
Is this possible to change of granted consents?
I want to emphasise some words or enter the URL for GDPR document, but HTML formatting doesn′t work there. How to do it?
Thank you
Can you please fix errors?
[29-Aug-2021 14:07:32 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'labels' of non-object in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/public/modules/get/wp-data.php on line 192
[29-Aug-2021 14:07:32 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/public/modules/get/wp-data.php on line 192
I use last version of plugin: 1.7.0