Hello! You have a great plugin, but it’s needed options of your plugin settings such as OpenGraph images selection. Now they are page author’s avatar, logo and page featured image. I need choose only 1 of it.
]]>Can I edit title and description tags for many pages/posts in just one page with this plugin? Tks! ??
]]>Wordfence scans indicate: The Plugin “FV Simpler SEO” appears to be abandoned (updated February 6, 2020, tested to WP 5.3.11).
Type: Plugin Abandoned
This is unfortunate. This is a great no-frills, un-bloated SEO plugin! Any chance the folks at Foliovision might tweak the plugin so it’s still considered safe to use? Fingers crossed!
Thanks for sharing your great plugin.
Hello, after publishing posts appears an empty title.
Long Title: (?) field is empty and into SERP Preview: (?) displays “Fill in your title”.
Fix it, please.
I installed the FV Simpler SEO and after that, I want to delete it but, when I delete caused an appearance problem on my home page.
I sent few emails, to plugin creator but no support. ??
Can somebody help me?
Kind regards,
]]>On the description for this plugin it says:
– noindex and nofollow for each post (also excludes post from search and link rel prev/next attributes)
I don’t see an option to enable this on individual posts/pages. Where can I do this?
Thank you!
]]>Saw this warning in error logs, running PHP 7.2:
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /..../wp-content/plugins/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack/fv_simpler_seo.class.php on line 956
I only saw it once on a busy site with tens of thousands of daily requests, so probably an edge case sort of thing. But PHP 7.2 changes the way that count() is handled — see https://php.net/manual/en/migration72.incompatible.php — so probably indicates a coding revision needed.
Line 956 has this code line:
$haspost = count($query->posts) > 0;
My understanding is that with PHP 7.2, count() needs to be an array– and that anything else will generate an error.
(Note: I am not seeking help — just reporting a minor coding glitch.)
]]>Keep getting the following notice when debugging :
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Users/Ray/Documents/Local Web Sites/local.dr.dev/wp-content/plugins/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack/fv_simpler_seo.class.php on line 271
Not sure if it is an issue or not.
First off, thanks for this amazing plugin – the only one that works well with qTranslate-X.
I’ve noticed a bug with “Turn off descriptions for excerpts” plugin option. The help tooltip for this option says:
By default FV Simpler SEO will show meta description when post excerpt is called in the theme and it’s not filled in.
In my case post excerpt is filled in and is called in theme template via the_excerpt()
but the plugin still forces displaying of meta description.
]]>Ran across your plugin on a big WordPress site I’m auditing. Unfortunately, it’s functionality is very limited.
Specifically, I see no way to NOINDEX paginated content. And that’s a big one. That’s the epitome of duplicate content.
I see the ability to NOINDEX archives, categories, and tags. But no paginated content setting.
Further, I’d really like to convert them to Yoast SEO. Is there a way to “import” their data into Yoast? I’m not seeing it.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
]]>I have been using FV SEO and noticed that I have duplicate title tags for my home page.
Is this something that is caused by the plugin or is this something I can fix?
Thanks for any help.
]]>Hello All,
I’m wondering if it’s possible to update the open graph object type (og:type). Right now it’s defaulting to ‘blog’ and I’d like to change it ‘website’ as my site is not a blog. There doesn’t seem to be a way to update this field in the plugin settings – which is surprising considering how many other options the plugin provides. Is there something I’m overlooking?
I’ve searched for an answer to this question, but I’ve had no luck.
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>I can’t seem to change the page title (the one that shows on the browser tab) on my WooCommerce pages with your plugin. In particular I want to optimize the title on the Shop page.
]]>Great plugin for blog sites. But, it fails at one major point with larger sites – custom post types. This functionality has been standard in WP for a few years now, and there just isn’t any reason you can’t add it now.
I’ve seen the support post on your site that gives a bit of code to enable custom post types. But that doesn’t help me, as I’m trying to include support for your plugin in my Requirements Checklist plugin.
I’d be willing to work with you to add automatic custom post type support to your plugin, if that appeals to you.
]]>Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in /srv/www/domain.local/wp-content/plugins/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack.php on line 964
I upgraded recently to the latest version of the plugin and just discovered that on a custom post type, the title tag actually contains : <span itemprop=”name”>[the title]</span>
The custom post type has been created by Easy Digital Download plugin.
If I disable the FV Simpler SEO plugin, the title tag will be clean.
You can check this page :
Any ideas ?
]]>Dear Sir,
Thanks for your FV Simpler SEO plugin. It is very simple and good, but pity that no simple guide is available. Under advanced options, I noted “use noindex for Search results” was checked as default.
Would you please explain what this function is?
Best regards,
]]>Got this error (translated from Dutch)
The plugin generated 221 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you find that there is “headers already sent” messages appear if problems arise with the RSS feeds or other problems, try this plugin then disable or delete them.
So it’s totally broken it seems! Please fix!
I use your plugin with mqtranslate, qtranslate sucessor.
The plugin works excellent but twittercard and facebook og shows with language tags and doesnt translate:
<meta property=”og:title” content=”<!–:es–>?Qué es?<!–:–><!–:eu–>Zer da?<!–:–><!–:en–>What is?<!–:–>” />
<meta property=”og:type” content=”blog” />
<meta property=”og:description” content=”<!–:es–>es una iniciativa que surge con el objetivo de dinamizar y revitalizar las zonas comerciales y sus locales vacíos.<!–:–><!–:eu–>bizigarria eta arlo komertziala eta haien postu hutsak biziberritzeko helburua sortu zen ekimena da.<!–:–><!–:en–>is an initiative created with the objective of stimulating and revitalizing commercial areas and their vacancies.<!–:–>” />
how can i solve this?
I use qtranslate for multi languages. Titles and meta tags appears ALL together in results.
How can be fixed?
check screen shot:
I kindly ask you to help me find a way to enable the plugin for the Enfold product item section.
Thanks for your support!
Best, Peter
]]>Notice: Undefined index: fvseo_dynamic_postspage_keywords in /vagrant/example.ca/app/plugins/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack/fv-all-in-one-seo-pack.php on line 2657
I receive a number of these types of errors when the plugin is active with WP_Debug turned on. It has to do with how you initialize / define defaults for variables.
]]>Isn’t it still a good idea to add the site name (or a keyword) to the title tag for each post or page? If so, is there a way to get this done automatically with FV Simpler SEO?
]]>This will be maintained atlast a half year till now(I saw some good plugin shut down)? And if you could add some google autorship feature foar an future update? Othar than that it looks quite interesting and simple to use.
]]>Is this in the pipeline or doable now?
]]>Dear all,
I am using the FV Simpler SEO plugin to also replace longer page/post titles for navigation menus (wp_nav_menu) by the short titles / menu labels FV Simpler SEO provides. In general, this feature works.
But once it comes that the (long) title contains an HTML special character (e.g., “&” like in “find & book”, also a single dash), the plugin does not replace the long title.
The reason is that the string comparison of the function fvseop_filter_menu_callback($matches)
The comparison in line 2556
if ($my_post->post_title == $matches[6]) {
fails. For the case of “find & book” as a title, the string “find & amp; book” (please imagine that there is no space between “&” and “amp;”, but the forum does not show the right string otherwise…) and “find &#038; book” are compared which obviously are not the same. Therefore, the string comparison fails and the long title will not be replace by the short menu label. Does anybody have an idea how to solve the source of this error? Of course, I could modify the string comparison, but the string “&#038;” looks odd and I’d like to fix the problem where this string is generated…
Thanks for your help,
]]>I find that Google picks up the long title but in many instances not the meta description.
]]>Hi there. Forgive my total ignorance, but how do I make FV Simpler SEO’s description meta tag appear in my template? Is it inserted automatically as part of wp_head() or some other standard function, or is there some sort of function supplied by FV Simpler SEO, or…?
Thanks in advance,
Paul d’Aoust
]]>I have added the meta tag info copied from Google Webmaster Tool under the Advance Options tab on the Setting page. After clicking on the Update button, Google said the site couldn’t be verified and the meta tag code was not listed in the source neither. While I “hand put” the code into the header file, I wonder what did I do wrong here. The home page is a static page on the site under the Front page displays setting, by the way. Thanks.
I noticed that the original All In One SEO Pack now supports SEO for Custom Post Types. Do you plan to add this to your version too?