I am using this plugin for a while on my site. I think it is a good idea if the user can choose how long should the plugin refresh its cache. Currently, it is only possible to choose a daily cycle
INSERT, , 40, ***@mail.ru, Thu, 07 Oct 21 09:50:30 +0000 Error: ''
INSERT, , 40, ***@mail.ru, Thu, 07 Oct 21 09:50:30 +0000 Error: ''
INSERT, , 40, ***@mail.ru, Thu, 07 Oct 21 09:50:30 +0000 Error: ''
INSERT, , 40, ***@mail.ru, Thu, 07 Oct 21 09:50:30 +0000 Error: ''
INSERT, , 40, ***@mail.ru, Thu, 07 Oct 21 09:50:47 +0000 Error: ''
[05-Jun-2021 06:27:35 UTC] База данных WordPress возвратила ошибку Duplicate column name ‘time’ в ответ на запрос ALTER TABLEwp_gravatars
int, выполненный activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, fv_gravatar_cache_activation
This code last comments in sidebar.
And there gravatars are requested from the server, not from the cache.
$comments = get_comments('status=approve&number=5'); ?>
<?php foreach ($comments as $comment) { ?>
$title = get_the_title($comment->post_ID);
echo get_avatar( $comment, '42' );
echo strip_tags($comment->comment_author);
?> <?php
echo wp_html_excerpt( $comment->comment_content, 35 ); ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($comment->post_ID); ?>" rel="external nofollow" title="<?php echo $title; ?>"> <?php echo $title; ?> </a>
<?php } ?>
I beg you to correct this.
Sorry for my English.
Plase add view cache Gravatars in AMP pages with plugin
“AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages”
Sorry for my English.
This plugin doesn’t support the homepage?
As I have a widget with recent comments and on the homepage and other pages don’t work, only on post pages.
]]>My site is a bbpress forum which is running thousands of gravatars, one for each user. Also I like to use the profile image in other places like, the “author” box.
Not sure if this could be extended relatively easily. If so I would like to hear your opinion/info
Kind regards
Thanks for this great plugin! Unfortunately, it appears a bug was introduced in the new version 0.4.5.
I upgraded the plugin from 0.4.3, cleared my site’s gravatar cache, and then let it do its work to run through all the comment emails again…
However, even after this process completed, all comments that have no email address never get cached gravatars – instead, they fall back to pulling the default gravatar from the remote site secure.gravatar.com/avatar/… Ugh.
So I reverted my website back to version 0.4.3 of the plugin, and now everything works as it should again. All commenters without email addresses get the default gravatar locally from my site’s cache, as they optimally should.
Thank you again, and hope that helps the development of the plugin!
Is this plugin designed for sites not otherwise using cache plugins? Or does it do something the cache plugins don’t? I use WP Rocket and SG Optimizer
]]>Gravatars are a cool idea and add a lot to the community and personal feeling of blog comments, but they way they are implemented out-of-the-box in WordPress is a resource hog… Fortunately, this terrific plugin completely mitigates that issue, and does it in very clever fashion. Thank you!
I have a handful of modest suggestions that can help make this great plugin even better:
1. Normally when installing a WP caching plugin, the caching goes on immediately and you can see the effect virtually right away. Here it works differently – and at first I wasn’t even sure that it was even working and so I deactivated it. It wasn’t until I dug further and learned more that I realized what was going on.
But for most people new here, it could help to throw up a quick banner on the WordPress dashboard explaining what the story is: how the plugin works through cron, the time it takes, and what options need to be checked and/or configured. It could really help!
2. I couldn’t figure out what “Current Cron Offset” meant. From looking at the code, I got it. You might consider renaming this to be: “Working on X out (of Y total) commenters”, where X is the cron offset value. It would be clearer for non-techies.
3. Speaking of the source code, it could be helpful to have $time_taken as a user-configurable option… On my server, I had to increase it from 2 seconds to a larger timeout number, otherwise the plugin would have never gotten through thousands of comments in any reasonable time. Possibly have it range from 2-10 seconds?
4. You might also consider having the “Daily cron” option checked by default, or at least mention this option in the dashboard banner from the first suggestion. ??
5. I noticed you have a small function that allows the plugin’s cached gravatars to be put on the Rocket CDN… That’s great. I have a CDN for my blog, but can’t run the WP Rocket plugin. So I added the following simple PHP code snippet to make this work for my site:
function get_rocket_cdn_url( $url ) {
return str_replace( home_url(), 'https://your-cdn-url-goes-here.com', $url );
So this fake-out stub allows the cached gravatars to be served from my CDN. But it could be a great option to make available for users, similar to how the Autoptimize plugin does it (called “Enter your CDN root URL to enable CDN for the plugin’s files”).
6. Finally, a quick tip. I found that by selecting the first Default Avatar (“Mystery Person”) under my WordPress Discussion options, and then uploading 1x and 2x resolution images named “mystery*.png” to /wp-content/uploads/fv-gravatar-cache/ (replacing the existing copies that are there), I could easily and elegantly change my site’s default gravatar to anything I like, universally. Awesome.
Thanks again for this superb plugin!
]]>Hi, your plugin works fine except sometimes I get files in my WP web root! 4-5 gravatars files outside of the default cache folder. That’s weird and not safe.
]]>For compliance with the new EU privacy regulations (GDPR) I′d really like to have an option to “always use cache” or “never use the original gravatar URL”. That would avoid all direct requests of the clients web browser to https://secure.gravatar.com .
]]>The plugin is not multisite friendly. I had to activate it on individual sites, or the database table is never created but only in the main site.
]]>I started FV Gravatar Cache a coupe of days ago and now I see progress stuck at 1546 items. I open the list and all emails listed on 78 pages starts with a. Enabling logging and running the cron job lists some emails in the “m” range. The index does not update any further and everything seems to be stuck on this point.
]]>Thank you for your great plugin, also you have a very interesting video plugin!
You write in your FAQ here “I don’t see the default gravatar on my options page!
If you selected empty gravatar in wp-admin -> Settings -> Discussion, then it’s ok. Otherwise try to resave the options and it should appear.”
Unfortunately our default avatar still does not show in your plugin’s settings page, there is this “broken link” symbol. We do have it set though, in discussion settings. So I looked at that page’s source code and it shows this, does this help you to say why it doesn’t work in your plugin?
…Retro (Generated)</label><br />
<label><input type=’radio’ name=’avatar_default’ id=’avatar_https://[website]/uploads/default_avatar.png’ value=’https://[website]/uploads/default_avatar.png’ checked=”checked” /> Default Avatar</label><br />
…The redirect chain was the reason for looking for your plugin in the first place… I want to get rid of that too.
Btw, this guys support post here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/work-with-lazy-load-for-comments-plugin/
is so great, shouldn’t it get a reply too? ??
The plugin brought me back to 100 on pingdom (desktop( and gtmetrix both)
Only Google page speed recognized a compression of gravitar by 1 POINT
Compressing https://keycdn.rawassertions.com/…/uploads/fv-gravatar-cache/mystery96.png could save 473B (26% reduction).
Stayed same on google page speed even after deactivating gravitar to NONE,,,,so same if mystery gravitar is used. Wonder why Page speed picked up that minus 1 point??
I’m getting a lot of PHP errors from the plugin:
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/vhosts/correrunamaraton.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 244
That line is
$email = strtolower( $comment->comment_author_email );
What can I check to remove them?
]]>I am using the Lazy Load for Comments plugin, which is great. I don’t really need your plugin I suppose, but I thought it might be nice to have both work together, which they don’t appear to out of the box. Any idea if it is possible for them to play nice? If so, please consider making any changes for a future version.
]]>Hello. I noticed that fv gravatar cache runs a cron job every 5 minutes. Isnt that too high especially for sites which dont get comments too regularly? In this case, how do i increase the frequency of cron jobs to once a day? Is it possible?
The plugin works fine for the comments in the post on single.php page however it does not work for the same gravatars on for example homepage. The garavatars are in the cache directory but it does not use them. Could you look into it? Thanks.
Default Gravatar image not found in mobile since new version !
]]>We are getting multiple, constant errors that read as:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: size in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 231
Please can you (anyone?) advise the corrective steps to fix this?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, when will the plugin be tested for the current version of wordpress?
]]>I read this review and it mentions that gravatars are only cached for registered users. Is this true? Sorry if I missed something; I didn’t see this information in the description. So, visitors that aren’t logged in will not see any difference with this plugin?
]]>Hello! I’ve sort of run into a weird problem ??
For Desktop, when I run my site through pagespeed tests, it’s scoring much better now in the image category now that I have this plugin. Thanks!
However, for mobile, I’m still scoring poorly, mainly because it looks like Google is depending on the srcset property (despite the fact that the size of the gravatar doesn’t change – it’s still 75px wide on desktop and mobile) and that is srcset image is still hosted with gravatar. Plus, for some reason, it’s 150 width image (despite the fact that for desktop it’s 75px wide).
Anyone know of a clever way to disable srcset for gravatars? Or maybe a way to have the srcset be my locally hosted image instead? I’ve been searching for the past 2 hours and can’t seem to find a solution.
Example image code:
<img alt="" src="https://homemadehooplah.com/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/images/6f70016c0e4f37df52313a8b264d620f" srcset="https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/6f70016c0e4f37df52313a8b264d620f?s=150&d=mm&r=g 2x" class="avatar avatar-75 photo" height="75" width="75" data-pin-nopin="true">
That is all ??
Great work, it works well, and when I tried to debug, it show some error message:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/mysite.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 197
Pleae check the screenshot at https://prntscr.com/e0jxb1
We are running a wordpress Mu sites, and whatever it is network or alone site activated, those messages will always show up. You might kindly let me how to resolve it.
I’m using this plugin to properly remove Gravatar images from my website’s comment section. However, I still get Gravatar requests to retrieve these default images. Interestingly, the ones that AREN’T default are working correctly. Unfortunately, the default gravatar images are the most common ones.
Do you have any idea how to fix this?
Does this plugin work with SSL sites?
the plugun cache the gravatar from the comment but not from the bar at the top of the site (whem i’m login)
it’s normal or not ?
i have found the problem in the html code :
i have this :
<img alt=” src=’https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/986c3df6d05a75081571ca98e8a1fa6a?s=26&d=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D26&r=G’ class=’avatar avatar-26 photo’ height=’26’ width=’26’ />
the cache does not function on that